Monday, February 2, 2009

Cheerz and Beers

Or Maybe Sippy Cups...

But, whatever.
In our house we prepared for the "Holiday" (as Blair refers to it as) of the Superbowl by...

1. Watching my little sister, Maddi, cheer with her Cheerz Team in a Competition on Saturday.

They did awesome, and Abby loved every second of it.

2. Creating a "Safe Zone" for Deakon where only Abby could control him - while I cooked.

3. Dressing our dolls in appropriate attire.

And...of course eating.

Now, I am lame and didn't actually pull out my camera during the actual party - so I'll create a visual for the rest of evening that may be reminiscent of your parties:
-Full Bellies.
-Broncos Jersey's; even though they didn't make the playoffs and basically don't have a lot going for them at the moment (Sorry's true.)
-Colorful adjectives and usage of explict words
(including one from my own daughter...don't ask...)
-More eating.
-Little Movement.
Even Deak succumbed to the pressure during the fourth quarter and totally bailed to watch Yo Gabba Gabba in peace.
What a game huh?


Kelly said...

Those are the cutest pictures ever. Who needs to watch a game when you have those 2 to look at!

Carly said...

please come to our house next is important and our relationship depends on it.

Megan said...

I love that Samantha took a break from her usual society to join in on the Super Bowl party. Those American Girl dolls are so versatile!