It's been September for over a week now.
Kids have been back to school since yesterday.
The first day of fall is still two weeks away, but summer is officially over.
And I am in denial.
I haven't flipped the calendar over.
I'm still wearing flip-flops.
I haven't ordered any pumpkin spice concoctions.
Despite the fact that sunset is now before 8pm, and there are red leaves showing off around the neighbourhood..
Instead I choose to re-live summer, flipping through my mental rolodex of the past two months. Like days spent at Wasaga Beach.
And our weekend trip to Boston.
The seafood! I could've eaten lobster rolls all day. I really miss them.
I took 535 photos of whales. Most of them look very similar to these. I may have been slightly obsessed.
We ended our weekend on the beach at Good Harbor Beach.
And a relaxing week at a cottage was the perfect way wrap up summer.
In the end we didn't accomplish everything on our Summer Bucket List, which I expected, but we did manage a bonus trip that we hadn't planned on. All in all, it was a great summer.