This will be my second year of Holiday shows. And this week is the benchmark for the madness to begin. 5 days until show #1 of 4. One thing I learned last year was listen up all you art show folks, this is a lesson I learned the hard way and don't want you to. There are major differences between a "Holiday" show and an "Art" show. By this, I do not mean that any is better than the other, you just have to be mentally prepared as well as product prepared for which one you are participating. Last year I took my paintings and everything else I make....the whole kit and caboodle to all my shows. And although my paintings made the booth pretty in the Holiday shows, as a general rule people (and just to clarify, holiday show people are women....women on missions without their kids or husbands) do not buy original works of art for the Mother-in-laws, teachers, friends, family, etc. So keeping this in mind this year, I have made an entire line of products that are very true to my aesthetic as an artist, but are in a price point true to my buyer.
First up for you to take a sneaky peeky are my ornaments. I quickly learned that ornaments are hot sellers at Holiday shows (I know, no duh right?)
These birds I found at a favorite Flea Market, and literally I bought every single one totaling about 72 I think. They were plane jane wooden birds on the perches with an obnoxious pointy thing on the top of their heads. I carefully Dremel sawed the thingy off, hand painted each one a favorite color, sanded them, hand sparkled and added vintage music paper wings. They are just so darn pretty I can't stand it!!And like I said, very true to who I am as an artist. Little birds....little perches....and all painted in my favorite hues. Like I said, staying true but adding a little sparkle. And who doesn't like a little sparkle this time of year?