Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts


Staying True but Adding Sparkle

This will be my second year of Holiday shows.  And this week is the benchmark for the madness to begin.  5 days until show #1 of 4.  One thing I learned last year was listen up all you art show folks, this is a lesson I learned the hard way and don't want you to.  There are major differences between a "Holiday" show and an "Art" show.  By this, I do not mean that any is better than the other, you just have to be mentally prepared as well as product prepared for which one you are participating.  Last year I took my paintings and everything else I make....the whole kit and caboodle to all my shows.  And although my paintings made the booth pretty in the Holiday shows, as a general rule people (and  just to clarify, holiday show people are women....women on missions without their kids or husbands) do not buy original works of art for the Mother-in-laws, teachers, friends, family, etc.  So keeping this in mind this year, I have made an entire line of products that are very true to my aesthetic as an artist, but are in a price point true to my buyer. 

First up for you to take a sneaky peeky are my ornaments.  I quickly learned that ornaments are hot sellers at Holiday shows (I know, no duh right?)
These birds I found at a favorite Flea Market, and literally I bought every single one totaling about 72 I think.  They were plane jane wooden birds on the perches with an obnoxious pointy thing on the top of their heads.  I carefully Dremel sawed the thingy off, hand painted each one a favorite color, sanded them, hand sparkled and added vintage music paper wings.  They are just so darn pretty I can't stand it!!

And like I said, very true to who I am as an artist.  Little birds....little perches....and all painted in my favorite hues.   Like I said, staying true but adding a little sparkle.  And who doesn't like a little sparkle this time of year?


What to do with a box of funeral cones 101.

I have several junkin' haunts. They are are part of my regular routine when creating. Go, find things needed, and some not so needed. If you are a creative junky you get this. My husband gets it now, it's taken 18 years, but he gets it. And my children LOVE it. Some finds are so super cool and used immediately. Some however, sit in the storage unit until the "aha!" moment comes. Take for instance this box of 100 funeral cone inserts that had to go home with me over a year ago. I love working with paper clay and these babies have that very texture and appeal. So there had to be something that my little creative brain could make with them...... Ellie came up with an idea yesterday all on her own. Hide-in-go-seek from Mommy.

So this is the idea. I have my last Holiday Market this weekend at St. Pius High School(See link on right side bar). And I needed some new items. These cones are super cute and would make a great gift for a teacher, friend, hostess gift, secretary gift or for yourself! Simply cut some greenery or grab some trimmings from the tree sellers and Voila! an instant door decoration.
Already has a tag for you too. I have a new stamp set and craft punch itching to be used.
My favorite idea for these cones is this below. Bake (or buy) a mini loaf of your best bread and slide it on in with a piece of tissue paper. As a teacher myself, I really love all the baked goodies that come to me from students. It fits perfect! AND what a great gift bag!

After this weekend I am hoping to get some serious paintings started. I've a fresh stack of canvases and wood waiting for me in the garage. So hopefully you'll get a peek of something other than Christmas crafts here on the blog very, very soon.



Whew. The day is almost over. And it has been such a fun one. It seems like just yesterday though that we had last Christmas. I remember as a child it never felt this way! But now as I watch my little ones throughout the year, it almost seems I blink and we are off to the next. I had promised myself this year would be more relaxed, that I'd take it all in better and enjoy the season. I'm not saying I didn't, but I did stay a bit too busy. One thing we did differently with our children however, is shop early and not get stressed about the bills and not being able to find what we wanted. We still don't own a wii if that gives you any indication of our Christmas last year. This year we hit the nail on the head with William getting a basketball goal and Mailey the S'mores pony. He's dribbled and shot baskets until I think his fingers have blisters and Mailey has groomed and played mommy to her fur real friend all day (7am wake-up not too bad). They also received the little I-pods as a trial run on them. Mailey has not taken them out of her ears since we downloaded some of her favorites- Ingrid Michaelson, Sara Bareilles, Allison Kraus- Mom's favorites too and of course High School Musical. William has not sat still long enough all day to listen to his!

We are off to south Alabama for the Lewis family gathering which includes my Mother, Sissy, 2 aunts, cousins, little sis and her husband. The weekend is sure to include tons of yummy eating, fellowship, and some time out in Gosport shooting my new , well actually not new but new to me, 38 revolver my Father gave me last weekend at the Adkins family gathering. It is a beauty! I found this while searching for the above file. It has to be Mailey's 2nd Christmas, where she's 1 so William is 3. OMG she has changed so much in looks. William is just a bigger version of himself here, and he's wearing the construction boots he wore always always, so sweet. And they used to love on each other all the time. He carried her and held her ALL the time. Now they fight wayyyyyyy too much! Gotta show them this and maybe it'll joggle the good old days again!

Hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday!


Happy Mail Day!

A normal mail day has the following in our #64 green box covered in lantana:
1. junk mail- which gets tossed out immediately
2. bills that get paid....eventually
3. Envelopes addressed to the "The Honorable William Horne"- I just have to giggle a bit as I write that. My husband's title that will go with him forever. He's a State Representative by the way. Pretty cool job, that gets TONS of mail.

Then yesterday, I pulled out the stack, placed it on the corner of the counter as usual, right by the trash. I chunk the junk, make Billy's pile and then I see it. And I start jumping up and down. And Lily is jumping too. This is the happy mail: Why you say? Well, because in April I submitted a little 3-D Mattie dressed in her costume for the gallery section of this awesome publication. And she got accepted! The editor e-mailed me that I'd be receiving my copy prior to the stores, so I knew it was coming soon. But still, it was a happy moment.
She looks so cute in her witch costume with vintage paper hat and handmade broom. So, my first publication, pretty exciting day in the life of my artyness. It's hard to read, but basically I tell why I made her and then give step by step instructions on how to make her. It also lists my website, blog and e-mail. This is an annual publication for Somerset. If you are looking for a copy, check the big box book stores. It's got great ideas for all the seasons! And Mattie!
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