Showing posts with label being an artist. sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label being an artist. sharing. Show all posts


My Turn to Share

So yesterday I mentioned sharing, since it was the title of my newest painting. Someone commented on the post that they loved the way it looked as though it was peeling. Thus a symbol of peeling away the layers as we share our most authentic self. Which brings this to mind. Here on the blog we share....paintings, our creative process, growth of our children, happy times, sometimes not so happy times, etc. We peel away layers and expose ourselves right here for the world to read and see. I try to be very true to myself here for you. It's not all unicorns and rainbows, as I have certainly revealed this week. Today I opened my email to find that a friend had blogged about me and Valerie here. This sweet artsy friend is CINDY. Her blog is Lottie that name. And if you read along her blog enough you'll find that she has a very authentic voice. I love to read her posts. Here is some of what her creative hand makes: She's half of the Tallulah Girls. Amazing jewelry that you have to have. I have 2 necklaces and a pair of earrings from these ladies. And they are a favorite. In fact, I wore it all in the BIG family portrait session this summer.....that's how much I love it.

So her sharing a piece of me on her blog was a little blushing moment for me. I've never had anyone do that, that I know of. It was flattering to see from an outside point of view my layers. So head on over and check CINDY out. She has a new kitten named Jenny btw. I like that name, don't you?? hehehehe


The Art Of Sharing

This is a writing post, my thoughts are rampant right now in my head and I just have to get them down to remember why I am an artist and why I do what I do. So here goes. As an art teacher for nearly 13 years, I know what it means to be isolated. Not in the sense of being on a deserted island, but being the only art teacher on the school faculty. When trying to explain an exciting new project idea on complementary colors to my friends at the lunch table they kind of glazed over and prayed that my illustration of this will end ever so soon. They loved oohing and aahing over the students end results, but the process is something I have found that most people don't truly understand. That there is more to just painting a tree than just being able to draw. And if you are an artist reading this, then you understand just that.

As I stood at my booth yesterday and proudly talked about my inspirations and my work it hit me that once again I feel isolated. That maybe people just don't get it. I had a lady, who by no means meant to offend me, but she asked, "So what's up with the birds?" I giggled and said, "Well, it all started...." And her eyes kind of got that glazed look I remember the health teacher had those years ago as I explained complementary colors. You see, my paintings of birds aren't just birds anymore. They are an extension of me and who I am as an artist. The sweet innocence in my paintings reminds me that life is supposed to be this inviting, this lovely. My felties just make me happy with their silly wobbly legs and super lengthy beaks. Not perfect in any way, but adorable and simple. And as I sit here in my studio and look around at the works in progress my hope is that one day they will find themselves in a home that will make their families happy.

I think this is why I blog now. To not feel so isolated. There is this huge cyberworld out there that blogging links together. I find whenever I need a boost of creativity I'll pop over to Marissa, Sara, Katie, or Valerie and immediately I feel connected to an audience that really gets it. These artists and all their accomplishments inspire me to move forward and help full fill my dream of being a self supporting artist. I just finished Somerset Studio's Artful Blogging Winter 2008 issue. And I am inspired. By the women who create the magazine, and the women featured in the pages. Their stories are mine in a way. While it is only natural to isolate ourselves while we create, there is a wonderful opportunity to become a part of a larger community when we feel comfortable sharing. All you have to do is take the leap of faith and put yourself out there. I have found blogging to be a wonderful and very full filling way to do just that.

So, now I have several paintings which now require my attention and children to entertain on a crisp Sunday afternoon. I hope you have a creative one and feel comfortable enough to share it with your friends like me.
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