Showing posts with label Lily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lily. Show all posts


Studio Helpers

Lily was so glad to have me back in the studio in the yellow chair. She loves sitting squished next to me in it while I paint.  That is until.....
Little toot decided he might want to try my lap out in the yellow chair too. She pouted from then on out in the night. Poor Lily. She loves her brother Lawrence so much. But this chair in this studio is her special time with Momma. And he was messing with it. I might keep it our special time. Next time that is.


Doggie Cuteness

I know....this has nothing to do with art or my marathon.  It's just about cuteness running wild in our house.  He is so darn cute we can't stand it.  Above was a hilarious moment that is most difficult to capture in a still photo.  He was trying to get Ellie's attention.  Kept batting his tiny arms down at her and making his whimper noises that kill me they are so cute.  She ignores his existence at all costs.  He is going to work on her until she embraces him like everyone else in the house.
And this photo is of a car ride.  Now Lily on a car ride is fun.  She loves it.  Always has to be with the driver.  And since he's following her lead, he feels he has to be with the driver as well.  Making it very difficult to drive.  So we don't do this often.  Dang look at that face and that hair!

Ok...that's it.  Back to your regular program now.  Unless you want to stare a little longer at the cuteness, or make it your screen saver or something like that. 


Being Creative

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun."
Mary Lou Cook

I've always considered myself creative. An artist, well that came quite a bit later in life. In fact, I still get a bit giddy when I say what I do for a living to those who ask, "what do you do outside the home?" I love the reactions. In some situations it's like deer in headlights, others it's disbelief that you can make a living making art, and others it's really? An artist? Hummm... I bring this up because yesterday during my quiet time at Barnes and Noble reading my favorite magazines and having coffee, I read about an artist that basically told my story in her article. I guess we are kindred spirits. It was great. It was inspiring. I really feel like right now I am on the verge of ever have that feeling? Like something really good is about to happen. My creativity is on overload right now. I can't get the paintings done quick enough before I want to make another. My studio time is just fun. Doors are opening and I am jumping in.
I found the quote above in one of my inspiration magazines, La Vie Claire. If you've never picked it up before, do. The photography alone will take you to new dreamy places. I just love finding quotes that say how I am feeling, and this one hit the nail on the head for the moment. I've certainly made mistakes, and taking risks in art is necessary. And as far as the fun goes, well I think you can tell in my paintings that this comes quite naturally for me.
At this moment I have 15 new paintings all started around me, the one on my art desk is another bike. This time it's going to be blue and it's on the beach. I'm going to add some collage in the composition too. I am really liking the paper and paint combination. Lily, the silly dog is in my lap and Ellie, the robust cat is sleeping on my sketchbook in front of me. It is going to be a great day. It just is.


Mailey's Creative Side

My 6 year old Mailey is always under foot when I'm at my art table. On occasion it makes me crazy. Other times, well let's just say she makes the coolest things! She is so darn creative. And really thinks outside the box. The other day she asked for the bubble wrap I had under my table....few minutes later with a piece of pink paper, scissors and double sticky tape she'd made the cutest astronaut! Another example of her creative mind at work is below: She made this collar for Lily from a sweater cuff, cut the red heart out, hot glued it and the stem to the band and voila! Adorable pet collar!
Is this the cutest dog collar ever? As I write this blog she is busy hot gluing (yes she uses a hot glue gun like a pro!) another one. This one is gray and has more of a flare. Hm mm....Maybe she should join me at Serenbe this year with her one of a kind creations.

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