Yesterday, I managed to find a little time to play in the glass studio.
When I was rummaging through a tin of glass bits and pieces, I came across a small packet of gold aventurine (AKA goldstone) flakes and it made me think how little I actually use this particular additive in my bead making. In combination with silver leaf or foil, goldstone can give some lovely results.
I decided to try out a tutorial by Carol Anne Bouchles from the Passing the Flame "Spotlight on Silver" series of lampworking tutorials compiled by Corina Tettinger. I bought this booklet several years ago.
Carol calls the tutorial bead a "Patina Forest Bicone".
I think my bicone bead turned out kind of O.K. (see pictures below). However, for the next attempt, I will try to have a more even ring around the bead and a more even application of goldstone flakes: one end is covered more than the other. Perhaps also, I should apply the goldstone more liberally.
The squiggle of glass through the centre is made with a medium topaz stringer which changes colour from topaz to blue when applied on top of silver leaf or foil.
How wonderful is that! I truly love glass when it does all these magic reactions.
The other thing I am thinking about is whether the bead I made should be etched. What do you think?
Following on with my recent bicone obsession, I also made an opal yellow bicone, encased it in silver and applied a fine stringer of intense black which results in that great webbing affect. (Also seen on the white bicone here.)