Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brain Development part 1

My class has been taking the PAWS test, so I have had some time on my hands to do some studying. I am fascinated by brain research and studying the brain has really helped me parent and teach the kids that I work with. So I thought I would share some with you.

I am rereading the book, Enriching the Brain by Eric Jensen. This book breaks down the old paradigm beliefs about brain development. We once believed that the brain remained unchanged throughout our lives, that you were born with all the brain cells you have throughout your lifetime. This is not true, under the right conditions, brain cells continue to grow.

Today I am going to share how enriched environments benefit the brain. Researchers studied rats in varying living conditions. The control environment was a small cage with no companion. The second environment was bigger with a couple of littermates (social interaction). The third was more littermates and all the novelties a rat would want (stimulus): toys, a running wheel... They studied the brains of these rats and the results were unbelievable at the time. In fact, they have repeated and repeated these studies. All of the results have been the same, so researchers have made the following conclusions.

Enriched environment- significant social interaction, changes in stimulus objects (toys, tunnels, mazes...), and physical activity. In all of the studies done, the single most important activity for brain development was EXERCISE!

Benefits of an Enriched Environment
1.) Enhanced blood flow in the brain as well as a boost in levels of chemicals important to learning, mood, and cognition
2.) Increased levels of neurotransmitters- Erotonin and dopamine (essential for learning, mood, memory, and communication within the brain), Acetylcholine (memory function), Opioid (pleasure and analgesic), and it showed regulated Seretonin levels (enhanced mood and improved cognitive functions.)
3.) Showed gain protection from stress disorders
4.) Enhanced anatomical structures (brain weights were increased, thicker cortex, and increased size of neurons)

We all know that children as a whole are different then they used to be. We have seen significant rises in attention disorders, behavior problems, lack of interest in school or other activities. I have long suspected that the rise in sedentary activities (video games, computer, TV...) have had a significant impact on our children and society. Current brain research shows a very strong correlations between physical exercise and social interactions with increased memory, mood, and cognition.

You want to make your kids smarter? Get them moving, talk to them, turn off the TV!
Side note: In other research I have done, they suggest no video games, TV, computer... 1 hr before bedtime. The brain needs time to relax and calm down before sleeping.

Have a great day!

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