Showing posts with label Tips dan Trik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips dan Trik. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2011

Meriahkan Pesta Ulang Tahun Anak Anda Bersama GarudaFood

Pernahkah Anda merayakan hari ulang tahun anak Anda? jika Anda pernah merayakannya, pasti Anda menginginkan pesta ulang tahun anak Anda spesial dan berkesan. Kebetulan saya pernah menghadiri pesta ulang tahun keponakan saya. Seperti pesta ulang tahun anak-anak yang lain, saya diberi sebuah bingkisan jajan/snack yang beraneka ragam (macam-macam pula). Mulai dari merk A sampai dengan merk B, tentu sangat merepotkan sang punya hajat dalam membeli makanan ringan tersebut untuk disuguhkan kepada para tamu. Belum lagi membeli kertas untuk undangan, topi, dan balon.

Dec 28, 2009

Tips to protect your PayPal account

Currently PayPal has become the "number 1" for online transactions in various parts of the world. PayPal can be used to receive payments or receive transfers. However, as many users and the increased popularity of PayPal has made some people want to look for opportunities to go to PayPal's others for their own purposes. Of course this is very hurt us as a user, because in there account of our financial information such as credit card or bank.

The crime happened not because the perpetrators intentions, but also because there is a chance. Crime can happen anywhere, as well as with PayPal. There is no perfect system and do not believe 100% in one system. There is no one perfect system with no defects.

Here are some tips to protect your PayPal account. I can not guarantee 100% that Your PayPal will be safe. But at least there are precautions so that our PayPal secure from the parties who are not responsible.

  1. Make sure each time that URL address of a PayPal account is or
  2. Change your PayPal password on a regular basis, eg every 1 month. Be careful don't use obvious passwords, such as date of birth, first name, and so on.
  3. Each received an email from PayPal, check first and make sure the sender header link to or
  4. Make sure update your antivirus software, anti spywares, etc. to avoid keylogger, spyware, and other malicious programs.
  5. Don't access PayPal from the cafe, because your account is likely affected by limited access. PayPal is very tight for the problem IP address, internet cafe normally use 1 IP address which is used by many users simultaneously.
  6. PayPal never send an email to ask for passwords or other personal information. When you receive an email from PayPal, make sure you check the email headers, to see the original source of the email.
  7. Email from PayPal is always there first name and last name or business name of your PayPal account. Fake email often contains only Dear PayPal User or Dear PayPal Member.
  8. Email PayPal will never ask you to download attachments or software programs. Attachment that comes from fake emails often contain viruses.
  9. Many times, a fake email will ask for details such as full name, account passwords, credit card numbers, bank account, PIN number,.
  10. If you are receiving fake emails (or a fake website), please forward an email (or URL address) to e-mail address is being protected from spambots, You need JavaScript enabled to view it and then delete this email from your mailbox . Don't ever hit the links in suspicious emails.

Dec 21, 2009

Tips to Increase Number of Visitors

For some bloggers the number of visitors is important. The number of visitors can illustrate that our blog has high traffic. In addition, the number of visitors that much can increase the pagerank alexa.

Well, how do we get a lot of blog visitors?
  1. Regularly commented on the blog someone else.
  2. Exchange links with blogs that have high pagerank.
  3. Bookmark your blog to Digg, Delicious, Facebook, etc.
  4. Use keywords most frequently searched person on google.
  5. Keep your postings are always updated and could benefit others

Well, I hope my tips can help you increase the number of visitors.

Nov 11, 2009

'Sharing is sexy' bookmarks do not appear in my template

Many Blogger users have problems with 'sharing is sexy' Botton. The Icon does not appear because using free image hosting.

Now, you can fix this by following steps:
  1. Login to
  2. Click Layout, then click Edit HTML for your blog
  3. Click Expand Widget Templates
  4. Find this url in your blogs HTML:

  5. Replace it with:
  6. Click Save

Oct 25, 2009

Submit Your URL to Search Engine Like Google and Yahoo

Now many people competing to create a blog and website with nice template and good content. But it would be in vain if it is not known by others. Well, One way for our web or blog known by others we must apply to the Search Engine. Search Engine is a magic item that can be likened to a search tool / search engine treasures needed by all users. With the Search Engine we can find out about something, according to the keywords that we fill. Two leading search engines are Google and Yahoo.

Here is steps to register your url in Google Search Engine:
  1. Go to
  2. Fill your URL in URL field.
  3. Enter the comment, if necessary, but non-mandatory
  4. You must enter the code shown (usually in the form of letters that are difficult to read) in the field provided.
  5. Click 'Add URL'.

Here is steps to register your url in Yahoo Search Engine:
  1. Go to
  2. Click Submit a Website or Webpage
  3. Fill in your URL in white box
  4. Click 'Submit URL'.

Once you're done, we just waited a few days. Check whether your site is already listed on search engines. Only by writing this query in the search box. Example site: If your site is listed, your website will appear in search results.

Good luck.

Oct 17, 2009

Add Paypal Donation in Blogger / Blogspot

Description: This script uses regular expressions to show paypal donation on sidebar of blogger.

Note: Change website title to your Blog title and to your Paypal email

  1. Login to
  2. Click Layout under Manage of the blog you want to edit the sidebar to add paypal donation botton, this will bring up a section called Page Elements
  3. On the right hand side of this layout for page elements you will see your sidebar here, "Add a Page Element" or "Add a Gadget".
  4. Click on "Add a Page Element" or "Add a gadget".
  5. You will see a page element called "HTML/JavaScript", this is the page element you want to use on your blogger sidebar to place calendar that are in the form of HTML or JavaScript.
  6. Click on "ADD TO BLOG".
  7. You will be asked to enter title and content. Just paste HTML/Javascript code above in the content box and leave the title box blank.
  8. Click Save, then when the window closes, click Save on the next one, now you will see your paypal donation button on your blogger sidebar.

Oct 10, 2009

Ziddu is amazing, Upload Share Earn!!!

Apakah Anda meng-upload file, gambar, software, dokumen, dll di berbagai macam file hosting atau picture hosting (seperti rapidshare, dll) untuk download teman-teman Anda?

Jika jawaban Anda iya, saya sarankan untuk menggunakan ziddu? Di situs ini anda akan mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan dengan kerja yang cukup santai. Hanya host file anda di Ziddu dan dibayar $ 1.00 untuk setiap file BPT melihat atau mendownload.

Ziddu memberikan 100% free file hosting dan membayar Anda $ 1 BPT (10.000 unduhan akan memberikan Anda $ 10.00) untuk setiap unique file download. Anda dapat meng-upload semua jenis file seperti pics, audio / video, docs, pdf, zip atau jenis lainnya yang ingin Anda kirim kepada orang lain. Setiap file ukuran maksimalnya 200MB, cukup baik untuk penggunaan reguler.

Jadi, jika Anda meng-upload file untuk berbagi dengan orang lain, gunakanlah Ziddu. Mereka bekerja seperti situs file hosting lainnya, tetapi juga membayar Anda dengan uang.

Mereka juga memiliki panel kontrol di mana Anda bisa melihat semua daftar file anda dan berapa kali setiap file di-download (dan juga berapa banyak uang yang Anda buat). Pembayaran dilakukan melalui PayPal dan Moneybookers. Jadi, walaupun Anda tinggal di negara di mana PayPal tidak diterima, Anda masih bisa mendapatkan uang.

Lalu bagaimana cara Join dengan ziddu? Nah, inilah caranya:
  1. Langkah pertamanya, silahkan buka link ini.
  2. Kemudian isikan Nama, Email, Password, dan kode verifikasi. Kemudian klik submit.
  3. Setelah proses registrasi selesai, silahkan upload sepuasnya dan promosikan kepada orang lain di dunia.

Aug 6, 2009

Protect Your Flashdisk From autorun.inf

Let's imagine that on this example your USB disk is placed on drive G:
  1. Open cmd.exe (Command Prompt)
  2. Then, type
  3. Type
  4. Type
  5. Type

Now, your flashdisk safe for autorun.inf!!!
A virulent computer will try to create a autorun.inf on the root of the pendisk but as a folder already exists this operation won't be possible. Some virus might try to delete this folder, but since we create new subfolder con, aux, and nul - it will be somewhat safer.

Nov 10, 2007

Bersihkan Komputer Biar Cespleng

Debu dan kotoran merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menghambat kinerja sistem komputer, di samping juga banyak hal lainnya. Simak beberapa tips yang dikutip detikINET dari, Rabu (2/5/2007), agar komputer terhindar dari masalah.

1. Rajin bersihkan kipas pendingin

Komputer yang mengalami crash tak selalu disebabkan oleh kerusakan software,
namun juga bisa disebabkan oleh suhu komputer yang terlalu panas. Keadaan itu
bisa terjadi jika terdapat lapisan debu dan kotoran dalam komputer yang
menghambat kinerja sistem pendingin komputer.

Untuk mencegah suhu terlalu panas, gunakan 'senjata' seperti isopropil alkohol,
cotton buds dan sekaleng udara terkompresi. Komputer desktop biasanya memiliki
kipas pendingin untuk prosesor, power supply, motherboard dan kartu grafis.
Mulailah dengan menyemprot kipas-kipas ini dengan udara terkompresi. Tindakan
ini akan menyingkirkan kotoran di antara jari-jari kipas.

Setelah itu, celupkan cotton buds ke dalam alkohol dan mulailah menyikat
jari-jari kipas di kedua sisinya. Kipas bersih menjadikan komputer lebih dingin
serta mempercepat jalannya sistem. Ulangi langkah ini setiap dua atau tiga bulan.

2. Jagalah agar driver aplikasi dan keamanan Anda tetap update.

Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk selalu mengetahui dan menutup celah keamanan aplikasi
yang bisa muncul setiap saat.

3. Hapus aplikasi software yang tidak dibutuhkan

Komputer baru biasanya dilengkapi dengan aplikasi yang jarang dibutuhkan
konsumen. Hal ini memungkinkan terjadinya konflik antar software. Untuk mencegah
hal ini hapuslah aplikasi-aplikasi yang tidak dibutuhkan.

4. Pasang software pendeteksi spyware

Langkah selanjutnya adalah memasang pendeteksi spyware. Untuk diketahui, spyware
dapat merusak privasi serta memperlambat kinerja komputer. Pengembang software
antivirus baru-baru ini menyertakan fitur anti-spyware namun sayangnya
implementasinya kurang lengkap. Walhasil Anda harus menggunakan pendekatan
multilayer sebagai perlindungan dan pemusnahan spyware.

5. Pasang antivirus

Ancaman terbesar tentu saja adalah virus. Mau tidak mau, untuk menghindari
ancaman ini, Anda harus memasang antivirus. Beberapa vendor menyediakan
antivirus berbayar dan ada beberapa yang gratis dan cukup baik, seperti AVG
antivirus yang dapat didapat melalui Internet.

6. Defragmentasi disk

Salah satu yang menyebabkan lambatnya kinerja komputer yaitu fragmentasi disk.
Fragmentasi disk adalah hal yang alami karena pengguna komputer selalu mengakses
dan menyusun ulang file. Karena itu, defragmentasi disk selalu diperlukan untuk
mengatur ulang file agar akses hard drive kian cepat dan lebih efisien.

Dokumentasi: Matematika ITS

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