long over due...
how do i even begin this post??? we've moved...again! 2 months ago we moved.
and i am just typing this now! every 2 years
we have moved but this time it is our last. we are in St. Louis, MO!
i feel really bad that i didn't even have time to see any one or say good bye.
i couldn't say anything until after jed gave his 2 weeks notice. and then the 2 weeks went bye way tooo fast!!! The drive was long...35 hours long! Our kids were perfect and when i say
perfect i mean that there was not one tantrum. the second day we
drove for 20 hours!!! Yes 20 hours and my children were prefect! We have some unbelievable stories of our drive across the counrty. one that you would have to see to believe.
it involves jed getting a uhaul stuck behind the back of a hotel at 12:30am.
when i say it was stuck i mean STUCK!
we are all doing great! jed loves working with his dad and brothers.
trey has started school again and is obsessed with fishing.
brooklyn is potty trained and NEVER stops talking...i wonder where she got that from???
i am finishing up my classes and getting ready to start school in january at East Central.
now that i have finally posted this i can start posting again!