Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valley View Art Contest

Trey entered 2 art projects into the Valley View Art Contest. He was in the kindergarten-second grade category. There was a regular category and then a recycled art category.

Trey wanted to make a T-Rex out of Grandpa Montgomery's Diet Pepsi

cans. He didn't win but his project was displayed in the front glass case.

He also entered a drawing of a dragon and won second place! We are proud of you!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ready to Commit again

I haven't posted in forever. I think that I got so behind that I

was too overwhelmed and didn't know where to start again.

We had a new addition to our family

Ella Kathleen

7lbs 1oz

She is a happy little ball of perfect Chub! We couldn't

be more in love and thankful for her!

Born 10/08/2011

Ella Kathleen

Blessed by these handsome men

Jason, Jed, and my Dad


Almost Four months!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trey: Mom let's have a movie party tonight.
We can sit on a blanket in the family room
and "the people" can bring us peanut butter cookies.
Me: The people?
Trey: Yeah

Me: Mom is the people.

Kids are too funny!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

long over due...
how do i even begin this post??? we've moved...again! 2 months ago we moved.
and i am just typing this now! every 2 years
we have moved but this time it is our last. we are in St. Louis, MO!
i feel really bad that i didn't even have time to see any one or say good bye.
i couldn't say anything until after jed gave his 2 weeks notice. and then the 2 weeks went bye way tooo fast!!! The drive was long...35 hours long! Our kids were perfect and when i say
perfect i mean that there was not one tantrum. the second day we
drove for 20 hours!!! Yes 20 hours and my children were prefect! We have some unbelievable stories of our drive across the counrty. one that you would have to see to believe.
it involves jed getting a uhaul stuck behind the back of a hotel at 12:30am.
when i say it was stuck i mean STUCK!
we are all doing great! jed loves working with his dad and brothers.
trey has started school again and is obsessed with fishing.
brooklyn is potty trained and NEVER stops talking...i wonder where she got that from???
i am finishing up my classes and getting ready to start school in january at East Central.
now that i have finally posted this i can start posting again!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My mom's ward had a carnival Saturday night. I only took pictures of the kids face painting after we got home. It was so much fun. There were tons of booths. The favorite was the race car with the plasma bikes. My kids love these bikes. They have them at our gym daycare and they will run in trying to get to them first. Brooklyn kept giving Jed hugs and saying "Daddy bike please?" Jed is a serious sucker when it comes to our kids and can't ever say no but he did this time, at least for now! :) They had a face painting station that they had to wait for 15 mintues for but I think that it was well worth it for Trey. He got a tiger face and I was VERY surprised that Brooklyn wanted to get her face done as well. My mom was in charge of the cake walk, they had huge cupcakes that my kids also loved. At the golfing game Trey got a hole in one which I am not surprised this kid is seriously athletic! It was a fun night!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have never been super crafty. I find that once you add up the price on an item it sometimes is close to the same price that it would be to buy it. I am not sure why I decided to make these pillow cases but the kids and I went to the fabric store and they picked out their fabric. They were really excited. We got home and I hurried and cut out the pattern and began sewing. I made Trey's first and couldn't believe that it was so easy. While I was trying to sew Brooklyn's, already having seen Trey's completed pillowcase, she couldn't wait any longer and started pulling on one end of the pillowcase yelling "pincess!" It brought back a really funny memory of my mom making us shorts every summer when we were little and we would wait under the table while she was sewing ours and then would put them on "hot off the press" as she would say. I realized I had a little extra peice of Brooklyn's and decided to make Beary Bear a pillow case as well. They love them and take them on every sleep over or trip with us. I do get a little proud when I see them laying in their beds! After making the pillowcases it gave me a little more confindence to do more crafting.
My sister Mary and I have been having fun looking at craft blogs together and picking out different crafts. I took my first ever DI trip about a month ago to see if I had that special gift of turning someone elses junk into my new treasures. Some of the things these ladies can come up with is unbelievable! Well I got this picture frame for $1.00. I already had everything else to make the hair bow holder at home. The before picture.

The finished product. This is the only picture that I took of the final product.

My first hairbows. I purchased the items to make them over a year ago and decided I was finally going to figure out how to do it and am very excited to start doing all of mine...Well, maybe not all. I made a headband and bow that match these for Beary Bear that I will have to post a picture of.


Today was the first saturday that we had nothing to do and Jed wasn't working!!! We decided to go fishing at a little pond (we actually went on Tuesday as well.) Jed of course loves fishing and now Trey does as well. He can cast out and reel in his own pole all by himself and loves it! We caught 3 gigantic 4" whoppers! The kids loved it! Thankfully we won't be eating fish for dinner! :) Best Buddies!
Jed getting Brooklyn's fishing pole ready, so manly!

The cute fishers!

The BIG whopper!