Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Jenna loves airplanes.

So last weekend we took her to the airfield to watch the R.C. Club fly remote control airplanes. She loved it! Jake was also able to fulfill his childhood dream and fly one of these huge planes.

I see one!



Amy Franklin said...

She's gonna love getting ON an airplane NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!

Portia said...

Who's the bigger kid here?
(I can tell you Jenna is the CUTER one - sorry Jake)

Jonestown said...

She looks so cute with her pony tail. Maybe I missed the explanation somewhere... when you leave a post it has something between Jill and Jenna???

Jonestown said...

She looks so cute with her pony tail. Maybe I missed the explanation somewhere... when you leave a post it has something between Jill and Jenna???