For the first time since I became a mother, today I’m wearing
It is not for a special occasion, special person or special
day, but rather, very ordinary events that unraveled my morning well before the
beautiful sunrise struck Indiana.
I came in contact with the feces from three species before
6:30 AM: bovine, feline and Caroline. Because of this, I’m wearing my fourth
outfit of the day – hopefully my final. Until I get home tonight and have to
feed cattle, again. Hopefully, after that: pajamas. Six changes of clothes in
12 hours isn’t bad for someone not in diapers. Right?
For the record, CJ is on outfit number three and I
packed four more to cover the next eight hours.
I have this strange smell of amoxicillin and acid reflux swirling
around me, and despite holding strands of my hair under the bathroom sink
faucet and using Bath & Body Works White Citrus hand soap as shampoo, I can’t
seem to get rid of it. I have two strategically placed bobby pins in my hair
holding back certain parts that have dried, not clean, but crusty. I did a spray-and-run of Lysol and perfume before leaving the house to cover all germs and smells.
After giving CJ her infant Tylenol, I licked my fingers,
rather than wash them, hoping that the sweet relief she gets from the stuff
will somehow alleviate the pain her mother recognizes as “Thursday”. Despite the .05 mL of drugs ingested, I
can still feel the pain.
On the way to daycare I asked CJ to behave, to be kind, to
take a nap and to eat her food. She promised fifty-percent. That’s the most I
can hope for from a 7-month-old. At least she’s honest.
I listened to praise music on full blasters all the way to
work because I figured it was the only way to keep myself from cussing the
morning; it’s hard to say bad words when worship music is filling your ears. I
came into the co-op parking lot on two wheels, leftover Mexican food in one
hand, computer bag in the other, stopping every three feet to check the bottoms
of my shoes. Something was lingering and it wasn’t amoxicillin, acid reflux, Lysol or perfume.
Damn barn cats.