The world is a great big ball o' stress right now.
Holidays, money, no sunlight and cold weather encroaching
(for those of us north of the equator that is), and I'm seriously feeling it.
I know my friends and family are too so I've been planning on starting up an informal art night at the
MAC650 Gallery in Middletown. (Still trying to come up with a catchy name, let me know if you think of one.)
And to reeeaally kick it off?
I want to host:
Deck the Halls with Booze and Painting

Hehe. :-)
BYOB/snacks and and folks can join me painting a new mural on the walls in the hallways of NEAC. In the process I can help people learn some scenic painting techniques like, how to best hold your brush so you have great control and your arms don't tire as quickly.
I could even pre-plan the mural so that the various parts of it will need different techniques to be used.
I can teach things like
- how to paint a crisp clean line without painter's tape
- how to do paint wood grain
- how to paint shadows and highlights that really make the image pop.
Those should all probably turn into blog posts one of these days.
So, to prep for this endeavor I need to figure out a few details.
Drink and Mural Materials:
- Paint
- Brushes
- Paper Towels
- Water
- Cups or Buckets
- Drop Cloth
- Rags
- ladder
- step stool
- cardboard
Things to do before the day
- Pick a wall and prime it
- sketch out the groundwork for the mural
- Invite people (lol, that's an easy one for me to forget...)
So now there's the question of, what should the guiding idea for the mural be?
Normally when I attack the hallways with paint, I just kind of doodle on the wall and call it a painting, but it would be nice for this one to have at least a little planning behind it this time.
Hmm... here's my Pintrest board of inspiration:
Follow Jeanette's board Mural Thoughts on Pinterest.
What do you think? Want to come paint with me?