Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A First Birthday

Jacksen turned 1 at the end of September but of course I am 4 months late blogging it! In the morning we opened presents so he would have new toys to play with throughout the day and when daddy finally came home from work we sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed Jack Skellington (from a Nightmare Before Christmas) cupcakes. A few things about our sweet Jack:

-He is my little lightweight. At 1 he only weighed 17 lbs. He just finally reached the 20 lb mark
-He is so sweet and laidback. Few things really tick this boy off!
-He got his first tooth just before he turned 8 months and by 1 he already had 6 teeth filling that cute mouth!
-He sat up at 8 months, took his sweet time.
-He started crawling at 11 months, again taking his sweet time!
-He is obsessed with his dad. Anytime he finds my phone he brings it over to me saying dadadada because he always wants to call his dad.
-He loves our basement (which I can't stand since it's always so cold) and going on the bouncy house. He is always requesting to bou bou bou!
-Favorite foods include strawberries, bananas, sweet potato fries and chicken nuggets. Hooray we finally have an eater!

P.S. His hair looks so funny because Jason attempted to give Jack his first haircut a few weeks before his birthday. Cookie Cutters has gained another little customer!

He loves Muno, Brobee, Tutti & Foofa!

Since this little guy started walking, not much can keep him still. Except my secret weapon, Yo Gabba Gabba! When I need a few minutes to unload and load the dishwasher, without a baby playing in it, I settle him on the couch with his blankie and there he stays almost the entire episode. How cute does he look?! I just hope he doesn't become a TV addict like his brother...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

For Mother's Day Jason woke up super early (for him at least) and made me breakfast. He put together a blackberry yogurt parfait, bacon, sliced apples and stuffed french toast (stuffed with cinnamon apples and cream cheese). I need to get this guy in the kitchen more! We then went to church, came home and while I was upstairs changing Jason and Chase brought in my present. I told Jason not to spend any money. So rather than spend money, he bartered some tools for a bike. There are so many bike trails around here so I've been wanting a bike so we could take some leisurely rides on the weekends. Of course, Jason still needs a bike and we need a bike trailer for the kids. Then I got to skype with my brother on his mission in Brazil. It was so fun to actually see him when I chatted with him and I am so anxious for these last 10 weeks of his to fly by so I can see him in person!

Easter Sunday

Easter basket from Grandma Jean. She sure knows how to make awesome baskets!

Jacksen trying a truffle from my basket. He was in heaven. And very very sad when I took it away.

Chase with his new Easter game

The Easter Bunny left some eggs around our house for Chase to find

The Easter bunny also left a lot of fur around the house. Chase noticed fur by the front door as he was climbing down the stairs. It made him a little nervous though and he wouldn't go down without me. He thought the bunny might still be in our house

Jacksen's goodies

Chase's basket

Both boys had really bad colds that day so we didn't end up getting dressed in our Sunday best. I was bummed missing church on Easter but sick kids take priority! It was nice just having a lazy day though. We had Grandma Jean over for dinner and watched Tangled and Megamind. And of course ate way too much candy.

Easter Egg Hunt

This picture was supposed to post last. Oh well. We did an Easter egg hunt with some friends at the school in our neighborhood. It was perfect because the area was fenced in so the kids couldn't roam too far and we could keep the kids out until they were all lined up and ready at the same time. Here's Chase with his eggs

Of course he had to stop and take a slide break during the hunt.

Time to find eggs!

The kids all lined up and ready!

Hopefully this is a tradition we can keep up with our friends! I've never been to the ones the towns around us arrange but they just seem chaotic and crazy and not worth all the fuss just so a child can get 2 or 3 eggs.

Budding Little Artist

Chase has started to enjoy finger painting. There are 2 huge obstacles in this picture Chase has overcome-touching wet textures with his hands and wearing his smock. If you know Chase well, then you know his issues with textures! Not just eating them but feeling them too. We've had this smock for probably almost a year and he always refused to wear it, I'm assuming because of the plastic-y feeling of it? He was the same way when getting his hair cut, he would refuse to let the person cutting his hair cover him up for anything! Then he would freak out at the feeling of hair all over his skin. We are definitely making progress with textures!

Spoon Snatcher

Feeding time is becoming a little difficult, not to mention MESSY, since this little guy has grabber hands! He insists on feeding himself and if I don't give in and give him the spoon, he throws a little baby fit. So here he is at 7 months feeding himself. I put the food on the spoon and hand it over to him to get the job done. And as a side note, I just want to thank the heavens above for blessing me with an eater this time! This child will try anything which has made eating time a joy rather than a huge stressful event like it was with Chase.