* When I would call his name, he'd meow back like you were having a conversation... "Ray..." "Meow" "Ray... " "Meow". It was fun.
* OCD - this was the craziest cat I ever saw. He would wipe his paws in his water before he could drink it... and if he was interrupted, he would start over again wiping his paws in the water.
* His drop button. Zach found a spot on Ray's back that he would grab and Ray would immediately drop to the ground. Hours of fun, I tell ya!
* His lick button. Zach found another spot on Ray's back that when scratched would cause Ray to lick a lot. Also good for hours of fun.
We'll miss you RAY!!!!!!
Oh, poor Ray. haha. Love this post, though. :) What a fun little guy.
r.i.p ray! my cat is just 1 yrs old..but i can't to hlep but think how i'll feel when his time comes... :( how long do cats usually live til?hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration! i am also hosting a cute giveaway!
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