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Showing posts with label U for Umbrella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U for Umbrella. Show all posts

Friday, 22 November 2013

U for Umbrella

Good morning everyone,

Exciting times ahead - the DT call for my new challenge blog has now closed and I will be announcing my new design team members very soon (should they choose to accept!) Lol.

Now on to today's post - it's time for the next letter over at the Alphabet Challenge and this week it was my turn to choose the theme. So the letter is 'U' and the new theme is
very appropriate for all this wet weather don't you think! Here's what I made for my DT inspiration ...

It's a quick and simple one this time - a little 'Forest Moss' distress ink, my cute little umbrella stamp and one of my favourite quotes, which was printed on my pc (which is now on it's last legs!!) I really hope Santa has listened to my pleas!

I hope you have fun with the theme this time and I shall look forward to seeing your entries over on the challenge blog.

Hugz, Jan xx