Showing posts with label Danny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danny. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

breaking news

The latest 24 hours have been interesting:

Danny is going home. Wahhhhhh. We love Danny. Danny's owner loves him too, so much that she misses him and wants him back at the barn that is closer to her. Danny is like a big dog and loves his owner's companionship, I completely understand.

Danny today in the paddock. Eating something, this is all I could get:

Then, Maggie got a mild case of colic yesterday. She will be so embarrassed that I'm telling you this, but it probably was gas. She's OK now. Here she is digging into the hay buffet:

Mackie, Bandy and I went for a peaceful walk up the fern path to ponder.

Then the dogs sat like this sniffing the breeze. Ah, that's nice. It's all going to be OK. Please ignore the hose, it's deployed to water one of our 349382083403 trees that we just planted.

Then, I look at the barn and the happy horses and know that it all is going to be OK. All is right with the world if your horses have dapples.

I don't know who will come to live with us next... I'm quite spoiled with the group here now. I have a few leads, but hopefully the right fit will present itself. Right Mackie?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

All is normal:

Java is fine, no reactions at all to her vaccines, not even a little lump. That is great. The only difference when I walked into the barn this morning was the water all over the floor and in Java's stall. She killed her Jolly Ball (for the non-horse readers, it's a ball, horse size, I hang hers so she can scratch on it) the other day. It is out of commission. Maybe Java decided to use her water bucket as her Jolly Ball. The double end snap was bent and broken, and she did not have a drop of water on her. She must have tried to use the water bucket to scratch on. I'll be figuring out a way to get that Jolly Ball hung again, the mess was not too bad, but certainly don't want to be dealing with that daily. Of course she pretended nothing had happened, and Mags snickered at me.

The day started out gorgeous, then clouded over and is now raining. Good thing the horses got a great full morning outside grazing.

Danny nibbling:

Java grazing:

Maggie supervising before going up top:

Oh, and Mackie begging to get into the back of the car... again. You can also see half of the pines we got yesterday in the background.

He's working it pretty good this time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

the girls and their world

The weekend was great, but I am exhausted. We planted 27 shrubs. Mr. Java's Mom did 99% of the work, but I am exhausted. Having to make that many decisions (where to put them) was a challenge. Plus the animals kept me busy. Danny is still Mr. Perfect, and Maggie and Java are inseparable... except if I try to put them out together... which I did. It was bliss, happy mares, no ears pinned, no tension, they were awesome. Then, one must have said something like "your butt looks fat in that fly mask" and they decided to get physical. Hooves flew and I yelled at them. Java was confused and came to me, still no tension, no ears pinned on either of the girls. I exited the paddock with Java anxious to make sure they were both OK. Both girls are just as obsessed with each other as ever. Too bad that did not really work out. If I had left them in there together (this was in the large top paddock) it might have worked out, but I could not risk it. Both Maggie and Java are fine, a couple of little cuts each, but nothing a little boo-boo ointment can't fix in a couple of days. Oh well, I tried.

Today, It's mostly peace and quiet. Very nice.

Java grazing:

Danny hanging out in his giant play pen:
Maggie in her sleek and stylish black fly mask. She is whinnying at Java in this photo because she is obsessed with her. Or... she might have been trash talking: "My fly mask is more stylish than yours, and your butt is definitely HUGE in that grey fly mask".

The barn, with a few of the shrubs that we planted yesterday:

Java is getting her spring shots in about an hour. Mags and Danny already got their shots before they arrived here. The thing you worry about the most with spring shots is a "reaction". Java has only had a reaction once, and could not move her head and neck for two weeks, whatever, no biggie right? The vet thought they would try out a new vaccine that year. Yeah, thanks. The vets felt awful, and had to come to the barn (barn we used to be) about about 3X a day to see all of the horses that had parts that were swollen and sore from that one new shot. That was the last time they tried that. But I still worry (I'm a little bit of a worry-freak). I'll know soon enough if she has a reaction, and as long as her tummy is happy and her injection site is happy, I'm happy.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

weather, fashion and horses

Yesterday the sun came out.

The dogs, well actually just Mackie, begged to go for a car ride.

I took them to the store. Mom is coming to the house for Mother's Day (I won't leave here, spoiled brat) and I had to get "stuff".

Indulged, because it was buy-one-get-one-free, and got two thingies of ice cream.

Came home, loaded up the fridge and freezer, and the power went out!!! hmmmmm.

Java is shedding like a wild buffalo with mange. Her new spring coat is so pretty though and silky soft, it's worth all the mangy shedding.

Danny as usual is adorable.

Maggie did not go crazy and was wonderful. Her owner and I might have figured out why Maggie freaked the other day. The new grey fly mask is not Chanel. She will now be trying out the black fly mask. It is not Chanel either, but it is black, and Maggie feels that is a more elegant and appropriate look for her. Java agrees entirely. Java is more of a Barbour girl, Mags is definitely Chanel. Danny might be JCrew.

It's raining again today. We have someone coming for manure (yep, we sell it, cool huh?) and Mom arrives this afternoon. Now that we have power back, I'll frantically try to make the house look clean.

Oh, and we went to a nice "event" for a local horse therapy center last night. It was great. I am now very aware of the deterioration of my social skills because I like to stay home as much as possible, but it was fun. I did not embarrass myself, aside from dropping food on my lap and staining my pants, whatever!! We were told about, and invited to, a little local "horse trials", which would be new because we would have to do cross county, dressage and stadium jumping. This will be interesting... It is in August, we'll start to get our butts in gear now. Not that I have a clue about anything outside of the hunter/jumper world, but we'll wing it. And, we'll be doing a low division, no need to scare ourselves. Jumping we can do, Dressage, Java can do, I'll just tell her the test.

Friday, May 8, 2009

mixed bag

Mixed bag of photos. It was raining yesterday, big surprise. BUT, the grass is loving the rain, so we are just fine with a little more wet...

Mackie taking in the scenery:

Java out in the rain:

Danny tolerating a few drops:

And, the new trees that we planted... I like to think that they are very happy at their new home. The birds love these trees (especially since all of the trees next door have been cut down, oops, did I say that?!), and they have new growth! yes, new growth. That translates to me (not a horticulturalist) that they are going to grow, be happy and establish themselves. Probably the only thing worse than planting 8 foot trees in the cold rain is pulling a dead 8 foot trees out of the ground in hot August. Not gonna happen here.

I'm proud of our trees and their new baby growth:

Oh, and Maggie was in the barn. She cannot do rain... yet. Someday she will understand that it will not harm her. Someday hopefully soon. She looked disappointed watching Java graze in the rain. I'll work on it, baby steps with Maggie in the rain. We don't need any monster beast episodes. Although, she is making up for lost time this morning, she is out (as I type it is not raining) and loving every minute, and she is sooo pretty to watch in the paddock.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

we made it through the rain... almost.

We have had days of rain... and yesterday... the sun came out.

I was mucking stalls, watching the horses, shocked at the unexpected sunshine, and the Barry Manilow song with some words in it "I made it through the rain" was stuck in my head. Java was in the top paddock, alone, and happy. She has never been up there alone and happy before. Her best girlfriend in the whole world was right near by in the "pear tree paddock" (the one right outside the barn).

Then all hell broke loose. Maggie went into some tizzy, whinnying a deep unlady like whinny and demanding that I bring her in. I am watching the grass under her hooves get obliterated and decide that if she is going to rip up all of the grass she should come in too. However, she would now make herself impossible to catch: rearing at the gate, big mare close to the gate rearing, then, after I called her a little swear word, she turned around and bucked toward the gate (with precision, not hitting the gate). As I am still standing there with her halter in my hand she attempts to prance around in the only mud slipping and sliding and making these cow-whinny noises. All I can say is that one thing is clear: at this point the neighbors are SURE that we are not normal. Meanwhile, Java is utterly distraught that her best girlfriend in the whole world is upset (not that any of us know why she is upset aside that I am not fast enough at getting her halter on her while she is rearing and bucking). Java is watching Maggie from the top field, and I see her run and make a lonnnnnnnnnggggggggggg sliding stop... on her side. This of course did not make me appreciate Maggie's behaviour even more as she is still dramatically freaking out. I saw Java get up, and it looked like all four legs were moving without trouble, and I focused on Maggie. Finally, she allowed (got over herself) me just long enough to get her halter on after her spectacular freak show. I had one brief discussion with Maggie asking that she try to remember the manners that I am sure she was brought up with. Now I am sure the neighbors are watching. Man, I hope those trees we planted along the front and side grow fast.

Maggie calmed down, acted like a perfect lady and was put into her stall.

Java now is dying for me to come out and tell her what the heck just happened. She is looking me right in the eye as she has her head as high as she can stretch, and I want to see if she is OK. Danny meanwhile does not care what is going on.

Java is OK, nicely coated in mud after her involuntary slip and slide. It was an excellent gnat deterrent though. She stayed close to me in the pear tree paddock for a while.

Maggie went back out later, for hours, and was so happy and calm.

Danny got some bonus time out in the top paddock and later the popular pear tree paddock as a reward for being a good boy and not acting like a fruit loop (that particular day). I'm glad everyone is OK, and still happy!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fun and Games

Fun and games here on the farm.

Java is busy keeping an eye on everyone lately (spring fever). She loves her buddies Maggie and Danny. All of the horses are very happy, this is down right great and makes me smile and wander through the day with a little happy glow.

Danny sans fly mask. He does not really love the mask.

Maggie with full gear on. She loves her fly mask and so far thinks Java's old fly sheet is great. It gives her peace of mind to that she does not have a lot of bugs around her. She likes things nice and quiet, with food.

We have a strong demand for our semi-composted manure right now, and are loading up friends and neighbors a few nights each week.

Mr. Java's Mom on the John Deere 2305 with Mackie supervising. Not sure why Mr. Java's Mom's mouth is open in this picture...

On the way to the manure pile... The ferns are starting to come up along the fern path.

And, my ultimate action packed photo. A lot of other bloggers have really crisp photos, talk about their photos, lenses, blah blah blah. You know what? Unless all that stuff is free, I'll stick with the camera I've got and make the most of it for now. Yes, I have a little bit of yankee stubbornness in me. I go to other blogs for awesome pictures and try my best here. This one captured the typical late afternoon scene at the barn. The horses have had their dinner, Mr. Java's Mom and I are out talking about the next project, and the dogs are amusing themselves... and the horses.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

flymasks all around

I think to myself as I see these guys with their masks on: "What the heck am I thinking. These things are ridiculous."

Java: clearly not amused.
Java is definitely using profanity with that expression.

Maggie: Clearly not amused:
Maggie: Oh My God, I cannot....

Danny, always wanting what is on the other side of the fence, and always amused:. His mask is black because it is Java's first mask. Danny is trying it out to see if he wants is very own mask.

Horse Fly Masks:
Crazy looking: YES.
Like magic: YES.

Happy, non head shaking horses live here now.

Gnats, UPS and flymasks.

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you are sitting on the edge of your seat for your fly mask order to arrive: home made chicken pot pie, home made strawberry shortcake, sold manure to a local gardener, laundry, ate the remainder of the chocolate ice cream, ordered hay and curried Java about 30 times. Dan and Mags are body clipped and right now, lower maintenance.

Now, the wait is over! The UPS truck just pulled out of the driveway, and it's going to be a flymask party. We have gnats, they are gverry gannoying to the horses. Go gaway gnats. Dan and Mags are fly mask newbies, so I think they will love this new accessory. Dan will get to wear one of Java's and if he likes it, his mom will get him his very own. Maggie has tried out Java's and loffs it. And, Java got a new fly sheet this season. Reviews to come. Yes, I plan on being my usual critical self. :)

These pictures were from early this morning before the gnats woke up. The horses are back in right now resting from the buggers, but are about to go back out with the right gear for all day grazing! yeah!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Phase I of planting trees is complete

Wow, what a weekend:

Planted 25 trees, the whole row along the property line, some along the front and a few up top from here. I ran out of steam yesterday afternoon, and Mr. Java's Mom did most of the work.

Java and Danny grazing as Mr. Java's Mom and the trusty John Deere 2305 on the way to get more mulch for the trees out front.

Bandy and Java. Bandy is always on duty. Here she is letting me know that the herd is safe and wants to know if I am going to take her for a car ride as a reward for being so cute.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

nice weather to be lazzzzzzzzyyy.

I'm exhausted from planting trees and the idea of finishing the installation of the rest of the trees. Mr. Java's Mom is doing most of the work... but... it's SO nice outside, I want to take a nap. Really. The horses are happy, soaking in the warm weather, happy and wonderful, it makes me want to relax... just one day, please? Nope, we're going to plant 11 trees today. The others are in, and look great so far. We will mulch them this weekend too. As soon as I find the camera I'll take some interesting photos.