Yesterday the sun came out.
The dogs, well actually just
Mackie, begged to go for a car ride.
I took them to the store. Mom is coming to the house for Mother's Day (I won't leave here, spoiled brat) and I had to get "stuff".
Indulged, because it was buy-one-get-one-free, and got two thingies of ice cream.
Came home, loaded up the fridge and freezer, and the power went out!!!
Java is shedding like a wild buffalo with mange. Her new spring coat is so pretty though and silky soft, it's worth all the mangy shedding.
Danny as usual is adorable.
Maggie did not go crazy and was wonderful. Her owner and I might have figured out why Maggie freaked the other day. The new grey fly mask is not Chanel. She will now be trying out the black fly mask. It is not Chanel either, but it is black, and Maggie feels that is a more elegant and appropriate look for her. Java agrees entirely. Java is more of a Barbour girl, Mags is definitely Chanel. Danny might be
It's raining again today. We have someone coming for manure (yep, we sell it, cool huh?) and Mom arrives this afternoon. Now that we have power back, I'll frantically try to make the house look clean.
Oh, and we went to a nice "event" for a local horse therapy center last night. It was great. I am now very aware of the deterioration of my social skills because I like to stay home as much as possible, but it was fun. I did not
embarrass myself, aside from dropping food on my lap and staining my pants, whatever!! We were told about, and invited to, a little local "horse trials", which would be new because we would have to do cross county, dressage and stadium jumping. This will be interesting... It is in August, we'll start to get our butts in gear now. Not that I have a clue about anything outside of the hunter/jumper world, but we'll wing it. And, we'll be doing a low division, no need to scare ourselves. Jumping we can do, Dressage, Java can do, I'll just tell her the test.