Sunday, September 28, 2008


A few weeks ago we were able to spend a few days in Phoenix with Sara, Boo, Isaac and Andrew. We had a great time swimming, watching baseball, relaxing, and eating good food! Amazingly enough the kids were great on the flight! Kate was so excited to fly on an airplane and she wouldn't stop talking the entire flight!

The nice weather was great for swimming!

Swimming buddies Kate and Andrew.

Andrew and Will were best little buds at times (this picture was one of those times) :)

All ready for the game in our Diamondback gear.

I think Kate and Will mostly enjoyed the popcorn, drinks, peanuts and slushies!

Aunt Sara was Kate's new best friend!

Zachary was the best little kid the entire trip. Even with the late nights and crazy schedule he was almost always happy!


Boo and Sara said...

It was so much fun having you guys here! The family picture is awesome. It would be perfect for a Christmas card :). We will be in SLC this weekend. Can't wait to see you and your house.

Lydia Hench said...

well i am glad sara let you guys sport the dbacks gear... we werent aloud.

Nic@Nite said...

Looks like TONS of fun! You and Sara look so much alike, more than when you were younger, I think.

Heather said...

Yay! Road trip, how fun!

Heather said...

By the way, and I should have mentioned this in my first comment, I tagged you!

A said...

Hey Amelia,
It's Stacy's sister in law and I found your blog on hers so I thought I would say Howdy. You have the cutest family and now that we've been here a few weeks I am even more impressed by all the painting you had done by this point. You'll have to tutor me. Anyway, have a great day, we'll likely see ya around.

Heidi Michelle said...

Well, you can tell me "friend" that I will come visit as soon as I can. Especially now that I know where you live and how easily accessible your house is! How was this last weekend? And, uh, perhaps you could put that picture up that you took of me and your son! I should have had you take one of me with Zach puke all over! That would have been GREAT!