Sunday, September 28, 2008


A few weeks ago we were able to spend a few days in Phoenix with Sara, Boo, Isaac and Andrew. We had a great time swimming, watching baseball, relaxing, and eating good food! Amazingly enough the kids were great on the flight! Kate was so excited to fly on an airplane and she wouldn't stop talking the entire flight!

The nice weather was great for swimming!

Swimming buddies Kate and Andrew.

Andrew and Will were best little buds at times (this picture was one of those times) :)

All ready for the game in our Diamondback gear.

I think Kate and Will mostly enjoyed the popcorn, drinks, peanuts and slushies!

Aunt Sara was Kate's new best friend!

Zachary was the best little kid the entire trip. Even with the late nights and crazy schedule he was almost always happy!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kate turns 3!

Kate officially turns three on September 4, however, we had the big celebration tonight because of Jason's work schedule. Anyway, we had a great time and Kate was thrilled to be having a birthday. She talked about it non stop the entire day. Before she went to bed she said, "Is my birthday over? What do we do next?" Too bad the party can't last forever!

Ethan (Kate's cousin) decided to test out the birthday cake a little early, so Kate and Will decided to join in! :)