Monday, July 7, 2008

Roughing it...

On Thursday July third, our family ventured out on a last minute camping trip. Thankfully the thunder and lightening storms subsided before we arrived. There, we met up with some friends from our ward.

It was a lot of fun just being able to hang out and relax. Isabella did great! She slept better than any of the other kids...which in itself is a miracle!!

Isabella's favorite part was being able to spend countless hours on the swing set and digging in the dirt. By the time we left to go home Bella was so dirty her tear streaked face left a trail of mud on her cheeks. She was quite the sight.

Jared enjoyed playing ultimate frisbee with the guys and then jumping in the freezing cold river to cool off. Personally, I thought they were crazy for doing it...but boys will be boys I guess.

I told Jared that we needed to start planning another one of these little camping hopefully we'll have more adventures to report in the near future.

... Jared and the kiddos doing morning stretches...

...and then playing follow the leader...he is such a good daddy!


Darcy said...

Love the stretching and following the leader!

Angie said...

Sounds like you guys had fun. Where did you go? We need to get together soon.

The Crebs Family said...

Looks like fun. I love the rain boots, fashionable and functional... way to go! We should have a Nauvoo 304 reunion I miss you and Steph and what happened to Ms. Jollene Fleek? Good times!

Leisha Mareth said...

i am loving her galoshes! what a doll!