Showing posts with label Writing Rules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing Rules. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad News, Good News...

The bad news: ... word count. Ugh.

For this past week -- a BIG FAT ZERO.

Between DD being sick, me being under the weather and just being utterly swamped with other stuff, I didn't make the time to write. Please note: I did NOT say that I didn't "HAVE" the time to write, because there is always time. Always, always, always. A pet peeve of mine is folks who say they don't have time. So, I had the time, I just opted to use it on other things.

Shame on me. This coming week will be different.

The good news: ... I figured out how to fix "A Jewel For Geoff". Out of the blue, in the middle of a shower no less, the idea came to me! Woot! See... I didn't like the occupation I'd given the heroine and her family. It wasn't working, but I couldn't see a way out of it because I needed her to be somewhere doing something at one point. And then **POOF**, it came to me. And I'm thrilled.

The subconscious mind is a wonderful thing.

So, this week, I'm going to make those changes and see if the words flow on Geoff's story. If not, it's back to my fantasy (have I mentioned, lately, how much I love that story?).


How about you?