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Showing posts with label Best of Blog 07. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best of Blog 07. Show all posts


My blog has a NEW look !!

Thanks to Jean for the blog makeover. I've removed a lot of unused widget *sweat*

The above pic is how the previous layout looked like !!

All I need to do is to tell Jean I wanted a fun & sweet purpish (my fav color) with an add of pink layout. The header has to have pic of the 2 boys with me dreaming of them. The whole blog looks so neat & tidy to me now. The idea of blog makeover came to my mind end of last year. However, I wasn't able to launch it in time for the New Year because both Jean & I were busy then. Anyway, it is now finally ready except for a few minor changes which doesn't affect the whole look at all.

Do you like the new look? Please feel free to give your opinion !!

If your current blog also needs a good change. Hop over to Jean now for consultation. won't you?

This is a miracle... ...FIRST Commentator is LJ

JANICE NG © 2009


this is a miracle... ... is ONE year old & my Mother's Day present !!

I cant believe that my humble blog is ONE year old today. I started blogging on the same day last year. T0 date, I've got 286 posts, an average of 1 post per 1.5 days. Thanks to my visitor Ginger, Sparky & Crikit for reminding me :)

Also, I've got

who subscribe in as a reader. If you don't mind reading my rantings. You can submit your email address as a reader, feedburner will inform you when I've got new posts. (Scroll down midway of the side bar you can locate a feedburner subscription form)

Last night, I hinted to Zac that its Mother's Day this Sunday. I joked with him if he will be getting anything for me. This was our conversation.

Mama : Gor gor, its Mother's Day this Sunday, u'know?

Gor gor (Zac) : *surprised* Ah?

(Not too sure if his school did mentioned anything to him but he started to mumble something about flowers... ...)

Zac : Mama, I can draw flowers for you, color it & cut it out.

Mama : *shocked* WOW !! OK !! (first time he
say he want to draw a flower for me. I'm so looking forward to his art)

Zac : (Went inside room & took out 2 small pieces of paper)

Mama : Such a small piece of paper? Mama WANT a BIG FLOWER (what a greedy Mama !!)

Zac : (apparently sensing Mama's disappointment, immediately went inside room again & ask Mama to help in getting him a Drawing Paper which is high UP on the cabinet) *Shouting* Mama, can help me get the BIG Paper?

Mama : (passing paper to Zac, of course not forgetting to give one to Amos too, else the two is going to fight) There you go...

Zac immediately put his hands on the drawing. He started off with drawing a BIG flower in the middle & label it "J" (I'm feeling so good ! Btw, he knows how to spell my name) Shortly, he drew another 3 flowers and label it "Z", "A" & "L" (The letters denote his name, Amos name & papa's name!! smart boy!!) .... ...

I was surprised how come still got a last flower which he pondered for a while before writing an "S" there. Hmmmmm.... .... (Answer will be at the end of the post)

Below are shots of his kiddish flower for me. LOLxxxxx
So sweet of him to draw it for me. Its a simple drawing but it kept me smiling all night... ... Thanks darling :)
While Zac was busy with the drawing, Amos was occupied with cutting his scribbled paper I gave to him.
Oh yes, Zac signed off the drawing not forgetting to mention Amos too. Such a kind brother :)

Did you noticed a red scar on Zac's face (slightly below his left eyes). He was bullied in school on Monday by his so called "good friend". I told Zac to refrain playing with him cos this is not the first time he hurt Zac. I'm furious knowing that he scratched Zac's face this time. Apparently, the boy's parents were being invited to school bcos of this. I understand that kids will tend to injure their friend accidentally but his "good friend" is really very mischievous. He was caught slapping onto Zac's head the other day & also using a chopstick to poke his nose. I send Zac to school yesterday in the hope of meeting the boy's parents but he did not attend school. Must be scare ah? He is such a bully !! :(:(

Before I end this, the "S" that Zac wrote was referring to our helper. Zac always treat her as part of our family. Such a honey & not forgetting to give a flower to Aunty Sri too :)

GOOD JOB, Zac :)
Mama is so proud of you, love ya :)


Welcome 2008 ...HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

Keep the Smile
Leave the Tear
Think of Joy
Forget the Fear
Hold the Laugh
Leave the Pain
Be Joyous
Coz its NEW YEAR ...
HAPPY 2008 !!

I would like to Welcome 2008 with a new header to my blog...

Special thanks to Trinity, you caught me by surprise with this nice little gift over at my email yesterday when I woke up :)
Thanks for choosing my favourite color there.

Not forgeting of course to thanks Emila once again for her illo of me & the 2 boys :)

Love ya, ladies :)


Thank you for rem me

Thanks Judy for the simple tag. J stands for Janice.

Here’s how it works: Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. Must be places, names…Nothing made up. Can’t use own name for boy/girl’s name question. If can’t answer, skip to next one.

Famous Singer: Jolin Tsai
Four Letter Word: Jazz Street: Jurong
Colour: Jade Gifts/Present: Jewel
Vehicle: Jaguar
Things in Souvenir Shop: Jukebox
Boy Name: Jason
Girl Name: Joyce
Movie title: Judgement Day
Drink: Julep
Occupation: Janitor
Celebrity: Julia Roberts
Magazine: Juice!
U.S. City: Jupiter, Florida
Pro Sports: Judo
Fruit: Jack fruit
Reason for Being Late to work: Journey Jam
Something you throw away: Junk
Something you shout: Justice

I have the great honour to receive the following awards from :
Rachel & Sandy for the friendship award.

Jackie, Amel & Uncle Sam for the Be the Blog ( This badge is for bloggers who make their blog their own, stay with it, interact with their readers, and have fun!")

Trinity for the True Blue Friendship award created by her & her hubs :)

Carlo for creating the sand nams for Amos & Zac during your weekend getaway to the very beautiful province of Palawan, Philippines.

Thank you all for remembering me & the wonderful surprise. Have a good weekend ... ... :) ~ invite friends ~ get paid


I've been awarded

Karen thinks that I'm a SUPERWOMAN & given me the award for a GOOD JOB done. This is the best award that I have received, thanks for the compliments & it is a pleasure receiving it from you. :)

Marzie for passing the Mariuca's Superstar & Beautiful Site Award to me. As the name of the award mentioned, it is really a sweet & beautiful one. Thanks for sharing it with me.

Bali Home Dream for awarding my blog as "Blog of the Month". Thank you :)

Arlene thinks my site is a friendly one & bestowed the "Friendly Site Award" to me.

Jesse passed on the classic & elegant Shibumi award. The meaning behind this award is as follows :"Shibumi is a Japanese term which used in the following context is a noun. Its meaning refers to a ‘particular aesthetic of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty” which can be applied to almost anything."

Last but not least, Trinity for creating this sand name for me during her vacation. Such a nice gesture for remembering me in the midst of her holiday with her family. I love it :)


Why I Blog?

Marzie invited me to participate in this interesting meme on the reason why you blog.
I started blogging on 7 May 07 this year. Its been 5 mths now. I am so fortunate to meet great friends & buddies through this means. They are people whom I can chat with in times of joy & sorrow. They bring so much cheer to me & I never regret making the decision to blog 5 mths ago :)

With that, I'd like to invite 5 people to join this meme (please read the rules) and share with me their reasons for blogging!

Karen, Nick, Bobo, Chin Nee and Keeyit, you're it! :)

**Start Copy Here**
We have a voice;
We must be heard;
Therefore we blog;
Now spread the word!
This meme is based on a recent post that was conducted asking the question “Why do you Blog?” and the rewrite “Why do you Blog? - Reworked.”
The purpose of this meme is to tell our tales by spreading the reasons that we blog to as many sites as possible. We get to explain ourselves, direct traffic to our site and highlight our most important, most representative or most relevant post in an SEO favorable format. This will be a positive experience for everyone who wants to get involved. This will enable you to create a short advertisement for your site that will be spread across the blogesphere; a growing directory of blogs.This is an open meme. You do not have to be tagged to join in. All you have to do is follow the rules.Please let me know when you have added your site by leaving a comment on “Complete List” with a link to your post. This will insure an up-to-date list, giving you even greater distribution. You then have the option of copying the growing list back to your site.
Create an inventive post title
Write a brief introduction to the meme.
Copy from “**Start Copy Here**” through “**End Copy Here**”
Paste into your post
At the end of the “*list*”, before “**End copy here**”, please add your name, site name (with link), a very brief description (2-3 sentences) of why you blog, and your most important, most representative, or most relevant post (with link.)

Tag at least 5 others to participate.
Leave a comment and a link to your post on “Complete List

My name is Mel and I am the Author of Attitude, the Ultimate Power, aka Monday Morning Power. I blog because I am passionate about happiness and living in the moment. I want to spread the concept that we are in control of our own lives and can choose how we act and react. My site is focused on the Pursuit, Capture, Care and Feeding of a Positive Mental Attitude. One of my most representative posts is “Happiness Vs. Human Nature.

I am Max and I offer weekly articles on MAX. Why do I blog? I do it because I want to share my thoughts with you guys. I present a new and interesting way of transmitting philosophical thoughts: funny, engaging and intriguing! My funniest, yet intriguing, post is "Don't you just love People?"

I am the Great and Powerful Baba Doodlius. My 100% factual blog The Thoughts and Sayings Of Baba Doodlius is intended to educate all of you curious readers about the Truth behind the Great Secrets of the Universe. I have the Truth! Can you handle the Truth? For a sample of my powers of enlightenment, read my Revelation of the terrible secret of Bigfoot, aka Don't get stepped on.

My name is Amelia and I am the Author of Amel's Realm. I blog because I need to voice everything in my world so that I won't explode. My site is all about thoughts, experiences, fears, problems, misadventures, hopes, and dreams of an introverted tropical girl in a foreign land (Finland). One of my most representative posts is On Trust and Relationship.I am Geoff of and I blog for reasons as diverse and as fickle as my moods. Mostly I blog because I'm firmly convinced I've figured a few things out and that the world will benefit from my experience the same way I've benefited from others' experiences. One post that I feel captures my emotional involvement and my ire (but not my humor as much) is Decision time.

My name is Judy and I am the Author of ~~Sugar Queen's Dream~~. I blog because it's cheap therapy and I have something to say. I feel my most powerful post is called “The Myths of Smoking......

My name is Sindi and I have written a blog entitled Life is a roller coaster!. My blog is based on the ups and downs of everyday life. I started blogging because I was going through some hard times and I wanted to meet new people to talk to. I like to write and was hoping people might enjoy reading what I have to say. I think the most inspiring post I have written to date is We Effect So Many.

People call me the Midgetmanofsteel (although I’m neither a midget, nor made of steel). I am the sole author the blog Mental Poo: a mostly true and humorous account of things that have happened to me, are happening to me, or are just filling my head and taking up valuable space where images of women should be. You can get a sneak peek into my mess of a brain by reading “Raisins are People” – a true account of my son’s first field trip.

My name is Sandee and I have a blog called Comedy Plus. My blog is just for fun, and I started it to poke fun about everyday life. My reason for blogging is to have fun and meet new friends. I have done both beyond my wildest dreams. I have posted lots of jokes, but when ask what my favorite joke is, I always pick Anger Management.

My name is Lynda. I blog to as a way to expose my writings and to spread my knowledge on the subject of love. My primary blog (I have 15) is lynda's loft. My favorite piece would be I LOVE..... I have over 300 original poems and posts dealing with the wonderful and painful world of love. I love love!

My name Adrian, although most of you probably know me as the Mighty Genie King. I am the author First Time Dad. I started blogging as a way to document my growing up pains as my wife and I raise our daughter. I hope that one day my daughter will be able to look at this and get an idea what life was like "back then". Now I blog about everything but the main focus is still the same! One of my favorite posts is Goodnight Sweetheart! Hello Basil! Eh...Who's Basil...

Hello, my name is Ann and I'm the author of A Nice Place in the Sun. I blog because I care about people and want to make them happy. My site is focused on humorous, inspiring, and nostalgic posts about life, children, and memories. My most representative post, or the post where I'm most myself is "The Craziest Experience Of My Life."

We are a team of writers, and everyone calls us NAFA, so that would be our name. We are the proud authors of NAFASG©™ - United And Dedicated Behind You™. Blogging, to us, is a form of spreading useful information and sharing our knowledge to every part of the world in order to contribute to the betterment of our global community. The post that we feel would be representative of our blog and the global community at large is The Sociological Interaction.

Hola! This is Mariuca and I blog because writing is what makes me whole. I write about anything under the sun from life, love, friends to cats and work. I tend to write best when under pressure and my personal favourite post from Mariuca is Love in Disarray.

My name is Susan and I am the Owner of ~~Wake up America ~~, which is a political, right leaning blog. I blog because I believe we need more voices out there to separate fact from fiction, to support our troops and to high light the lack of ethics from journalists today. I feel my most powerful post is called "Are You Proud to be an American......"

"Here I am :-) My name is Mauro and I'm the author of 1 Million Love Messages ... maybe the biggest love challenge in the blogosphere. Why I blog ??? Because I believe that bloggers can make a difference in the world. That's my challenge! My favourite post it's (for sure) Adam Donkus & Lizzie's Love History."

Hi there World I am Aussie, the author of Little Aussie Cynic and I want to Breathe among others. I was recently asked:"Why Do you Blog?" this takes me back to the beginning... I started blogging in an attempt to get people thinking, using my cynical humour as a tool to make people laugh, think and at times get the blood pumping.... Each of my Blogs takes in a little peice of my varied personality but the one which discribes me best would have to be There is Always a Natural Way the latest edition to the Aussie Cynic Family...

I am Zubli Zainordin, in Total Happiness, I organize the Book Project blog and co-author Santa's Community Blog and Hall Of Fame Blog. I blog with the purpose of documenting about my self for my own reference, my future generations and friends who prefer to know me. I also share vital and valuable information entirely on total happiness. I believe in Santa Claus and I share the Spirit of Christmas within this Blog World. In addition I promote bloggers, their blogs, and invite them to share their blogging experiences, and together with Shinade, I review their blogs and award them with the Zubli and Shinade Recommended Read awards. Those who continuously show continuous blogging improvements shall be residence of the Hall Of Fame blog.

Hi, My name is Janice Ng & I'm the miracle mum from "This is a miracle". I started to blog to document the foot steps of my 2 boys : Amos & Zachary. With this blog, they are able to look back what they have been through: their joy, excitement, laughter, fighting, crying, screaming... etc when they grow up. One of my favourite post is "The loving brothers" on how the 2 brothers showed they tenderly care through a piece of strawberry cake!!

I am Karen, writer of the blog, Journey with WaterLearner. My blog documents my humble journey of Awareness and Practical Spirituality. I am glad to have found many like-minded buddies in the blogosphere. I was the humble servant of the Spiritual Boot Camp for Say No Evil which was attended by 21 campers. Some of my favourite posts that might guide you to reflection are: The Pearl Within, Learn to Sink, Spiritual Facial & Uneasy Goodness.

The internet world knows me by LadyJava. My first blog, "how to make money online" was actually the reason why I started blogging. I wanted to share to the world that I was making online share my experience about it. However I enjoyed blogging so much that the habit quickly caught on and I began writing a few other blogs as well. This blog, however, is by far my favorite blog as I've made many friends from all over the world and I continue blogging as an avenue for me to share my life with friends and would-be friends. My favorite post is "Coffee and Me" as I am officially a coffee addict.Ohaiyo!

My name is Jean Chia from A Great Pleasure. I started blogging around end March 2007. My earlier intention was to store my recipes permanently online while it is accesible anywhere in this world. As I blog, I met many new interesting peoples around the world. It was truly a great pleasure to know them and I am honored to award them in Award For You, My Great Friend. One of my favourite post is my first post which was about my niece : First "Ah Yi". Now, blogging seems to me as a way to express myself freely. It has been a joyful experience and I'll blog for as long as I can.

Hello! My name is Emila and I run my own blog, Emila’s Illustrated Blog. I started blogging in Friendster, later moved to Blogspot and later later moved to my own domain for good. The main reason I blog is to update my friends about my daily life/my son’s development and to showcase my artworks. My favourite post is My Bundle of Joy.

Hello everyone, Watashi wa Kenneth des. Genki des ka?
I started blogging with own hosting and domain is on 09-09-2007. My earlier purpose to blogging is to learning + relaxing + sharing + making friend.KennethZone is formed forLearning : learning english writing ( in my blog, you can know my english is very terrible)Relaxing : Using my free time for bloggingSharing : sharing my daily life, personal thought and etc to youMaking friend : make more friends.

My name is Jamilla a.k.a Jamy. What I Feel, I Just Blog is really my inner voice to tell anything that I am aware of in my life. I started blogging since June 2007, not long ago. I am happy that I can share and give love, happiness, caring and support through blogging together with a group of my bloggermates. My quote is "Make difference in your life by giving love, happiness, hope, joy, support and encouragement to the world!" The post that I really appreciate and respect myself is Turn Blogging Into A Real World . My first step towards the difference and miracle to the people who is around me.

**End Copy Here**


A Card of Prayers, Love, Hope & Faith....

Last Friday, a postman knocked on my door to deliver a registered mail for me. Its weird cos I hardly got any letters, not to say.... registered ones.
I was excited that it was from Brunei. Then I recall that I've got a blogger friend there.
Jamilla, thank you so much for your handmade card, it was so beautiful that I'm really lost for words. You are such a warming & kind friend to have made it for my brother & sending over prayers, love, hope & faith. I love the hearts of flower. You are such a creative young girl. It just made me smile. I hope it will do likewise to my brother. :)

He was discharged from the hospital yesterday after staying there for a week again. The cancer has spreaded even further now. He cant take anymore surgery, he can only prolong his life through chemotherapy. Doctor has spoken to him, the pain is accelerating everyday. He has just numbed another 4 more nerves on the lower part of the body. How long he can survive will depend solely on his fighting spirits now, I am constantly praying for him for lesser pain & if there is really miracle to turn things around? ... ...

Jamilla, you are right about my brother, he is really A HERO.

I would like to thanks those people whose name appeared in Jamilla's card.

Thanks for being part of my blogging family... Jamilla, Bobby, Marzie, Jean, Karen, MakeTraffic, Nafasg, Jesse, Trinity, Uncle Sam, Shinade, Bokjae, Joezul, Bobo, Santa Clause & Sandy G.

I want to take this opportunity to award to you (people in the list above) this which I receive it from Roger quite sometimes back. All of you just made me SMILE, it is just how wonderful friends are !!

I'm glad I found YOU ... ...


Featured at Top.Momma

I'm a Top Mommma!

I received an email from Top.Momma that they have featured my blog on their main page. Here is the link. Really honoured to be chosen by them to appear there cos all this while I am very low profile over the site. THANK YOU SO MUCH Top. Momma :)

Can you locate where am I? hehe ;p


Award !! My blog is a "Recommended Read"

Kathy and Darlene with a great deal of reflection have made their choices to pass this Silver "Recommended Read" Award to my humble blog as well as to my new friend, Paisley of …Why Paisley. Thank you both for the great award. I am truly honoured to be chosen by the both of you :)

Below are the rules of this award:

1) We have formed a Jury of two. We shall soon place a verdict. What is the verdict? *Recommended Read*. It is a kind of endorsement by us and others on a combined value of you as the blogger-your blog-and-your blogging standard.We shall award you soon, with the following The Zubli and Shinade *Recommended Read* badges, as follows:

The Zubli and Shinade Gold *Recommended Read* Badge

The Zubli and Shinade Silver *Recommended Read* Badge

The Zubli and Shinade Opal *Recommended Read* Badge

As all of us go on building our e-Communities, when we discover you-your blog-and-your blogging up to a standard we both strongly agree, then we shall to present you The Zubli and Shinade Silver *Recommended Read* Badge.

2) Once you have received the badge, please place it at your blog site.
Please link with us:Shinade at The Painted VeilandZubli Zainordin in Total Happiness organizes the Book Project blog

3) Next, you form a Jury of your own, a minimum of two equally excellent bloggers, who are Silver badge recipients, and please proceed to present the badge to those who rank a deserving *Recommended Read.* Do as we do.

4) Add your name to this growing list:
5) Then, please inform us, whom you have given The Zubli and Shinade Silver *Recommended Read* Badge to.

6) This goes on and on. It is our sincere hope that individuals will choose to continuously improve so as more people shall visit their blog sites, and read their blog pages. However we shall remain the only Jury for The Zubli and Shinade Opal *Recommended Read* Badge, and The Zubli and Shinade Gold *Recommended Read* Badge. We are tough in selecting and presenting these Badges, for we want to see within the bloggosphere, exceptional standard of continuous improvements.Yet, additional tough jury shall be added, should we feel the necessity. Quality! Quality!! Quality!!!So, we shall present, or upgrade by giving these badges to bloggers-blogs-blogging, that showed remarkable improvements, so we will be presenting these individuals, The Zubli and Shinade Opal *Recommended Read* Badge. While exceptional bloggers, with the highest standard of blog display, and top quality blogging, will be presented with The Zubli and Shinade Golden * Recommended Read* Badge. Either one of these badges are for you only, and you can display them at your blog sites. As for The Zubli and Shinade Silver *Recommended Read*, you and us, we can share with others. Please: be true to thine own self, honest, and not hypocritical nor prejudiced against any living being, regardless, of race, creed, religion, etc. Oh! and have fun once in a while.We love you.
After much reflection of our choices, we (Paisely & myself) have chosen two excellent bloggers:

*Bobby of

*Hollygl of Remedial Remination

Congratulations you both have been awarded the Silver “Recommended Read” Award.


Santa's Excellence Award

Ho.. ho... ho... the friendly Santa came to my blog this morning & dropped a BIG present for me.

This is taken from Santa's words.

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Everyone. Today I thought I would do something different and continue on with my personal and special award for people who have touched me with who they are rather than what their blog looks like or anything else. I have found another giver and that person is today's recipient of my award. Janice from This is a Miracle.

Janice's personality shines through very brightly as she writes about her life and her little son Amos.

Thank you Janice!! You make us all smile!!

As always, Santa"

You can view the post here. Santa makes me smile with the award & also an animated celebration banner with my name. He is such a kind man & brings JOY to everyone :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH....Love ya, Santa ;)

I am a NICE person !!

Winston from Eat Your Maths, Adrian from First Time Dad, Nick from Anything Goes, Marzie from Mariuca's Perfume Gallery, Bobo from Bimbo with a Twist have bestowed the Nice Matter Award to me. I am really honoured to receive it 5 times from varies people :)

According to the originator of the Nice Matters award it is intended for “those that are just nice people, good blog friends, and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others, that are there to lend support, or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!” For those receiving the award, you may like to pass on the award to 7 whom you think deserves it.

Without further ado, here are my recipients for the Nice Matters award :

1) Chin Nee from De'moments
2) Janice NW from Twist & Skewer
3) Judy from Grandmother Stories
4) Joezul from The Poetic Rambling of a MOE Addict
5) Lili from Feeling Happy
6) Roger from Oger the Caveman
7) Sam Chan from Acquire Wisdom

CONGRATULATIONS... you are NICE to me ... :)


Feel Free to LINK ME

I met wonderful people online here who constantly lend me a helping hand.
Recently, there are a few friends who created link button for my blog.
For those who know how to create all these, you may think they are nothing worth to mention. However, I am weak at all these & the buttons are something all along I wanted to do since I started blogging 3 mths ago.
They are meaningful to me and I deeply appreciate their effort. :)

Endoh from Pure Endoh Ranting created this :

this is a miracle...

Jean from A Great Pleasure created this :

this is a miracle...

These 2 are done by Bobby from :

this is a miracle...

this is a miracle...

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. :) :)

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