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Showing posts with label TR-11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TR-11. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Latest Babies

They sprinkle in, slowly - but surely. I added sashing to the little pile that had accumulated and finished up the A, B, and C rows. Still waiting for more of the spotlight fabrics before I choose the cornerstone fabrics, so it'll be quite a while before I sew any rows to each other. Since those long seams will be far-spaced in time, I really don't mind doing entire rows at once. But if I were assembling the quilt at one shot, I'd much rather do it in growing rectangular chunks!





And the current state of being:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A few weeks' worth of Baby Janes

I haven't posted over here for a while - it was a crazy break time at our place with all the kids home from their schools, but as of right now, they're all tucked in back at their far-flung places. I did manage to get more Janes done up than I thought I would:








Which brings my Rainbow Jane to this point after 5 months of work: