Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We get lost in DC

So we left Arlington with maps in hand to work our way to Pennsylvania. The whole time we were in NJ, we were surrounded by family members with smart phones and GPS devices at the ready. Of course, we are hicks and have nothing of the sort. My map reading skills are not the best and the road signs were confusing. Yes, we got lost. Perhaps we should have taken the bus!

As we were trying to figure out where we were and where to go, I thought I would take some photos out the car window again.

We were at a dead stop at a traffic light with cars in front of us, also stopped, when a taxi behind us started honking his horn repeatedly. I don't think he liked us taking photos--as if we were slowing him down when no one in front of us was moving at all.

People and dogs

We drove and drove and had no idea where we were. Eventually, we realized we were in the middle of "Embassy Row."

Finally we found a gas station and stopped for directions. Yes, we were way off the path, but soon found our way to the highway and began the drive to York, PA, where we had reservations for the night.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bonus Visit!

The very best thing about going to DC was that I got to see my niece Kristinn, her hubby Tim and their adorable kids Gabe and Sofia. There was really only one night we could meet--they'd been out of town and I was pretty tied up with my training--and that was a work/school night. Although they could have easily bowed out and I would have understood, they went out of their way to make a visit possible. It was literally out of Kristinn's way, since she had to ride the Metro in the opposite direction from her usual route home in order to pick me up at my hotel! I was so glad to see her! Back we went onto the Metro, taking a short ride to another stop to hop in the car with Tim and the kids.

We had fun chatting in the car and hearing about everyone's day, their recent vacation, laughing and telling stories. For dinner, they took me to the coolest place called Busboys and Poets not far from their home in Arlington. It's a restaurant, a bookstore and a fair trade store, all in one. Meetings and events are also held there, for example a weekly Peace Cafe with different topics of discussion, poetry readings, music nights, book signings and so on. I loved it! I want to have one!

After a great dinner, we walked over to a yogurt shop for dessert, which is where these photos were taken. Aren't they the cutest family?! We made a quick stop at their house, and then they insisted on driving me all the way back to my hotel even though I could have easily jumped back on the Metro.

It was a short visit but I'm so glad I got to hang out with these little sweeties (and their fabulous parents!) for awhile. Thanks, y'all--it was great fun. xoxoxo

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Washington, DC

I flew out of Unalaska on Saturday afternoon, great flight, no problems, spent the night in Anchorage and had to get up at 5 AM to go to the airport and catch a flight to Minneapolis. I got stuck in the window seat, which I don't really like, though it is better than the middle seat. I would SO much rather be on the aisle. Anyway, very long but smooth flight to Minneapolis, got in a little late and got to the next flight when it was boarding. No time to hang out. Off we went to DC, another good flight and finally arrived at 8:40 PM. This is our last retreat for the Healthy Native Communities Fellowship; my teammates Donna and Char arrived later the same night. It's a four hour time difference so we had the worst time getting to sleep and had to get up early the next day for training sessions. I think I am still on AK time and when we get up at 7, it's really 3 AM to me!

We convinced our trainers to let us have a few hours off yesterday in return for going back and working into the night last night. We got out and walked around in the sunshine--who would have guessed it would be in the 80's in DC? Not this one, who brought nothing but long sleeved shirts and sweaters! Oh well, I was just happy to be out in the sun and would much rather be hot than cold.

So here's my little gallery of photos from walking around. I loved that funky piece of art above.

Part of the Smithsonian. Of course, we had nowhere near the time to look at everything.

Cop on a Segway

Rockets at the Air and Space Museum

Monument and trees

Inside the Art Museum

Cool hand sculptures

Flowers are still blooming


The Capitol

Monks at the Air and Space Museum

Shout out to my Air Force upbringing

On the street

Today we had a great speaker in the morning, Regis Pecos from the New Mexico Leadership Institute, who discussed the effects of 100 years of government policy on Native American culture. This afternoon, we visited one of the Upside Down Organization's schools nearby. I will post more about that tomorrow! In the morning, we are going as a group to tour the White House. We can't take anything with us but our IDs, so no photos. I am also hoping to see my niece Kristinn and family tomorrow night.