If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Grandpa Hyde comes to school! (May 6th)

I remember as a child, on very rare occasions, my Dad used to tell about when his dad used to trade deer skins with the Indians. They would make him Indian clothes in exchange. My favorite story was about a pair of moccasins my dad had when he was little. One was hard and the other wasn't. He said one night he had to go out to the farm when it was dark, and he was so nervous. A think an owl hooted and it scared him so badly that he went peed his pants. It only ran down one leg, but that moccasin will forever he changed because of it.

I loved his stories as a child, especially the special occasions when I heard about the Indians. So when Noah told me that they were studying Indians, I told him about the neat clothes grandpa had. He immediately called my dad and asked him to come and talk to his class and show them the clothes.

It was such a neat thing for my dad to do. He really enjoyed being with the kids and telling them about the clothes. He left out the story about HIS moccasins, can you blame him? Noah loved it too. He loved showing off his grandpa, and helping show things to the kids in the class.

What a great memory for Noah to have of his Grandpa!

Micah came and joined the class so she could hear her Grandpa.