If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


john is 31!

This sexy man turned 31! I love him so much and am so proud of all he has accomplished in his 31 years. 25 of that has been spent on school or training or I guess there was 2 years of serving in there. He is a good hardworking man!


Laffy taffy's from the kids.
Fruit pizza. All he really needs to be happy!

Shout out to Dan and Brittany for helping me get this jacket as a surprise for John. Really appreciate you!


Christmas Morning!

What a fun morning. The kids are at the perfect age to enjoy Christmas. We absolutely had a blast...and got spoiled a bit while we were at it.
My dad shared a fun hobby of his with Noah, collecting quarters. It will be fun to see how well he can save his money in this interesting way.
Josie got some Strawberry shortcake dolls in a cute little strawberry bag made by my cousin Kathy, me, and my mom. It was a combined effort, but Kathy really was the brains. We would love to have her around more often so her craftiness will wear on to us.
All Dee kept saying he wanted for Christmas is a DS. We tried to warn him before that would not be happening. Mrs. Claus (aka grandma) really wanted it to happen, but the parents said two DS's in one house is enough! So she came up with the idea of DeeKen to have at least his own DS game. He liked the present very much.
He also was excited about having his own scooter!!
I forgot to take this picture at the beginning, so a few presents are already opened and on my kids. Oh well, at least we did it.
Noah got new basketball shoes. It is his first year playing, and dad figured he needed them. Not sure if Noah was as excited as Dad, but he enjoys them now.
An the only thing Micah wanted for Christmas. Kit---the American girl doll. She was in heaven. Since Christmas Micah has gone in spurts with her. I don't think my kids have much attention spans for toys. Made me a little sad, cuz I LOVED my American Girl doll. When Micah isn't loving on her, I have to keep her up, because Jo is more than willing to take her place. I have to say, I was glad she picked the doll with the short hair. She can't ruin it too much by playing with it. Girls with long hair just end up looking so sad!
DeeKen and Micah got their poles this year. So I am sure grandpa will be helping them make good use of them this summer.
It was a wonderful morning, and a super fun night with my brother and his kids, but I really am so extra grateful for the birth of the "Fisher of Men" this year. I am so in awe of the man whom he was and is. I hope my family will better disciples to Him this year. He has done so much for us, we owe Him at least that.

Christmas Eve

It was our first year the I can remember acting out the nativity. Our kids loved it. It makes me smile just thinking about their cuteness.
We had our own little Christmas Piano recital. Which was a really fun addition this year! Thanks to McKell who makes my kids taking piano lessons all possible. Gotta love good aunts!
To end the night, the adults all bore our testimonies of Christ. I loved that! Then the kids got to open their 3rd gift of Christmas. Flashlights!

John's work Christmas Party

OHHHH, I can't even tell you how much better this was than last year. The dinner and program was pretty much the same, okay maybe a little better. But it was the company that made all the difference.

Last year as I was bored out of gored listening to all these anesthesiologists talk about different cases, all I could think about was that this awesome couple would be with us next year. Dan, is a long time friend of John's. We were so happy to find out that they would be coming to the U the year after us.

Dan makes all the residents laugh, and Brittany makes all the attending's wives think she is perfect. I am sure Dan has a job at the U after residency if he wants it, but not because of him, although he is pretty awesome. It is because of his incredibly charismatic wife.

We had a great time with you guys. Sure hope it is a repeat next year...and unfortunately for me, maybe even the year after. Love you guys!!!

PS a little shout out to my friend who helped me dress for the night. She is a clothes diva. The picture may not look that cute, you really can't help the model, but I got so many compliments on the outfit. Love ya Vickie, sure are going to miss you...and your clothes too!


DeeKen's Christmas Preschool party

DeeKen was so excited for this party. He absolutely LOVES going to school. I am so happy that he loves it so much.

They sang a couple of songs and did a cute little story with these pictures.

John wasn't able to make it, but my parents came, which meant a lot to DeeKen. All the things that Noah and Micah never got living outside of Utah. One of thee BEST benefits of living in Utah. (I have just visited Oregon. That is a whole nother post.)



This little girl was long overdue for a real haircut! and Micah needed a good trim too. I ended up having a really cute girl in my ward do it. She did a great job. My girls thought she was awesome. She did their hair ways their poor mother will NEVER be able to accomplish.
especially Micah's! She looked so darling. I wanted to go take pictures, but of course it was rainy, and snowy outside.
It is a nice little bob. She looks so cute and grown up. She is growing way too fast!!!



What a cute family. We are blessed to have them as neighbors. We took this on a very rainy day in December. They were good sports, and their mom was even able to get out Christmas cards!


The lights at temple square!

On Tuesday night we joined our friends, the Markhams, for a last minute trip to temple square to see the lights. It was wonderful. Not even too cold. I love this time of year.
This is where our family started. I can't believe it will be 10 years in April!!!

I love this temple.


Kerry's last Hurrah!

John's mom is one amazing woman!!! SHe has handled the last 3 months with so much grace. It is confounding. The night before she was leaving for Saudi Arabia (John's oldest brother lives there), we got together, those who could attend(excluded my husband) to wish her well, to wish her a happy birthday, and a Merry Christmas! She will be missed so much over the next 3 Months!
I love this picture.
I love these women. All the Farr women are amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better family to marry into.