This is the most recent picture I have of this most amazing person. I can't believe he is 30. Meeting him at a party my sophomore year would change my life forever...but not for another 2 years.
John is one of thee smartest people I know. He amazes me with his wisdom. When he was a little boy his dad would refer to him as "John the Genius." He just has an amazing mind. I am blessed that thus far my children appear to have gotten his genes on that one. But how dumb could I be, I caught him didn't I?(I already know poeple, he married beneath him)
John is a perfectionist. Which can drive a gal crazy, but can also make you feel pretty special that he choose you. We learned a lot when Noah was young, and had inherited my energetic genes. We didn't always look like the perfect family, when Noah was spilling sacrament trays or peeing on the office sign outside our apartment. A little hard on a perfectionists ego. I have to hand it to him though, he enjoys our little ones personalities more than I do, and encourages them in whatever they want to try.
John is a very humble man. I love this about him. He is continually trying to be a better person. In a world where some people have the theory "love me as i am," John is a great giver and taker. If it is extremely important to me, he is willing to change whatever his opinion is for me. I need this, since I tend to be a more stubborn person then him.
John is an expert in perseverance. Number 1 example his chosen profession. Just after we were first married he told me he thought he might want to be a teacher instead of a doctor. The road looked a little long at the time. I was fine with whatever, but told him he might regret not having done it a few years down the road. Being on the end tail, I can tell you he has been very determined to balance family and school.
John is an introvert. He would prefer not to talk to people when at all possible. This caused some contention when his extrovert wife needed some input in conversations. I have to admit he has come out of his shell quite a bit more since we have been married...out of necessity. He encourages me to be the extrovert I am, even though it is not my favorite thing about myself. He tells me it's a gift from God, and he needs me to use it. I always thought silence was pretty powerful myself. But I appreciate his encouragement.
I love this man who Loves with all he's got, and hates no one. He is the kindest, most forgiving person I know. His desire to be a true disciple of Christ amazes me. I am so thankful to his parents for raising such a wonderful man to be my husband, to be our children's father, to be my eternal companion. I love you John Boy! Here is to 30 more!