If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson


Pumpkin Patch

OH this is so not the Pumpkin Patch we were used to in Oregon. Green Pumpkins?!? Oh, we missed Oregon very much today! But here are some of the decent pics that we were able to capture.
Thank You Heidi for bringing your sweet girls and taking our family pic. We always have a great time with you and our kids adore you!
And here's to my husband and family...who all loved John's tribute to me, and that ugly picture with my tongue hanging out. Thought I would give you one more!


Sonja said...

What a beautiful family you have! You got some great shots. I'm really hoping we can go to the pumpkin patch soon! I was hoping for maybe this weekend, since it's supposed to be nice...but I guess Jacob has something planned for my birthday. You all look great! Have a fun Halloween!

Jill said...

Love those pictures, you always have such fun ideas for your pictures. Can't believe how fast your kids are growing. Take care!

Melanie said...

Those pictures are so cute. What a creative idea. My pictures never turn out that cute. What's wrong with me? You need to come over and use your camera and take my pictures. Okay?

Camille English said...

Your kids are so cute. You are so good at taking pictures and coordinating outfits. We headed to the pumpkin patch soon too!

Redd family said...

Those pictures are so great! I wish you lived by me so you could do our family picture....someday. Matt changes his mind daily about what kind of doctor he wants to be. Last night, it was actually anesthesia! He's doing his Internal Med. rotation and there's an anesthesia intern at the hospital he's working at that has been talking it up! He's also thought a lot about OB, so we'll see. Your family is just beautiful and so are you! You haven't aged a bit in 10 years and 4 kids, impressive!

the splendid life of us... said...

Love these pics! I have been so excited to take McCoy to the pumpkin patch, we are going this weekend. And thanks to being your friend, I have had his outfit picked out for the occasion for weeks. Going won't be the same without you guys, and I am going to miss our patch in North Plains. Sorry your pumpkin patch didnt compare to Oregon's, but it looks like that had some great back drops for pictures.

Anonymous said...

Those are some beautiful pics and you all look great!!!!!!!! I am so jealous because you take great pics or you know someone who can take good pics and is willing to do it for you so you can for once be in the pics. I hope you all are having a great day. Love, Haydee
PS. Have they ever heard of orange pumpkins? or were they not ripe?

Marcie said...

Great pictures. That cute baby is changing to fast.

Brett and Michelle said...

Once again amazing! I especially like these ones because they are fall pics. There is something about the fall that makes pics look so good and combine that with your awesome photog skills and you get perfection. You should become a teacher of photography so I can take your class=)

Jessica said...

Those pictures of your family are beautiful. Your friend did a great job!

Anonymous said...

Hey I think the picture of you is cute! :-) Still love watching your family grow and change! Love and miss you!

Mandy said...

I love your hair!!!!!

Veekfam said...

I am so sad that I couldn't be with you and your fam this year for a pumpkin patch! I loved the time we were able to be together, wishing it were still that way. You all look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Amy, you look hot!

Scott, Amy, Lizzy, Andrew, and Sarah said...

I just looked over your blog and loved it! You have some amazing photography talents! You capture moments, not just pictures. I also love the one of you sticking your tongue out. Even with a funny face, you are a beautiful woman!
I have been thinking about you guys lately. How has a move been and a new baby? Those are two major changes. I do think that you are an amazing woman to have gone through medical school and have four children. Just consider it for prize winning medals.
Also, I know exactly how you feel about accepting yourself/ slash wanting to be someone else. Sometimes I have thought, I am so emotional, over the top, and probably overwhelm people. Or, why can't I be more .... I even went through similar emotions when we first moved here, but I have to tell you, counseling and therapy has helped a ton! :> I hope the whole world isn't reading this. Anyway, I am learning more and more to accept the gifts and talents that Heavenly Father has given me, and then see how he can use them to bless others lives. I also see how much I need other people in areas where I am lacking.
Anyway, just wanted you to know that you are normal. I was glad to know, I wasn't the only one who felt that way too.
Also, I love how bold, but not overbearing you are. I love your straightforwardness, honesty, and willingness to serve. I love your courage to share the Gospel and try new things. I love your, "let's get in there and do the job" attitude. I love how you cope with situations, seemingly more objectively than most women, and that you are so committed to following the Lord, putting your family first, and being obedient regardless of the outward consequences. I love that you had the faith to ask if we needed a blessing when Lizzy's condition was questionable. I love that you had us over for dinner when I was sick and pregnant. I love that you read to your kids every night before bedtime, and you and we do that to this day. I love that you took photos of our kids and family, and that you through your innate gifts shared the love of memories and photos. I love that we could swap parenting stories and laugh. Most of all, I love that you are so rock solid committed to the Lord, and such an example of tremendous faith. Wow, the more I write, the more I realize how the Lord used your family (John included) to bless us. I don't even think, I always realized it at the time. I am very grateful.
Thanks for living the life that you do. I know you didn't write that to get this kind of response, but I think you deserve it anyway!

Thanks for your friendship.


P.S. My email address is amyrichins@gmail.com
You may notice that our blog is... we it isn't. :> Email is the best way to contact me. Hope you are well.