If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.--A
“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.” President Benson



Our fun Halloween experiance started last Saturday, when we decorated cookies with my friend Melanie and her family, but sadly there were no pics taken, but a good time had by all. Next on Tuesday, we had some med residency friends over to carve pumpkins and eat some taco soup.
This is Heidi and Clara. Heidi is such a trooper and came without her husband. I know all of us will have to take a turn with this, but Heidi does it so well. I am sure I will not make it look so easy. But I know both her and Mandy will be there to help me through it. (I don't know how I didn't get any pics of Mandy.)
The Tatoos went on on Thursday morning. The kids really dug them. And since Noah didn't get to wear his costume to school, I was glad he had the fun tatoo and of course his Halloween shirt.
(obviously the Halloween shirt is not featured here:) )
Micah with her wig...it was the only pic I got, cuz "it was too itchy."
Thursday night was the Trunk or Treat! John was able to make it and help the kids walk around while I handed out treats!
This is cute little Tatum dressed up as Dorthy.
The kids seriously liked handing out the treats more than getting them. Go figure!
When John was driving the kids home, Deeken got out 3 suckers, John didn't throw them away. The next morning while I was upstairs helping Josie, Deeken found them and started devouring them.
I think his sucker total by the end of Halloween day was 8. ONLY on Halloween!
This is my beautiful mermaid. She did get to dress up for school, and even had a parade like in the good old days. She was being very shy and wouldn't sing any of the songs!
She was the best BIGsister, when Deeken crashed her class Halloween party! She loves that little guy. It made me so proud!
Noah doin' his thing at his Halloween party. I was so lucky to get to go. Thank Heavens for kind VT companions!
I adore this little monkey and this pic of him too.
3 out of 4 ain't bad. These are the pumpkins they carved. Technically John carved Micah's and I carved Deeken's, but it looks like he could have carved it! We were very proud of Noah for doing his all by himself!
Yuck, ugly pic of me, but the only one I got. I'm such a parent pleaser.
Noah and his buddy Atticus.
The Farr an Dame kids. (That is Cozy on the end)
Walking to the apartment clubhouse to score BIG!
Hailey going a little crzy, but always willing to help out with my crazy bunch.
Noah and Josie!
Oh isn't my little hot dog beautiful! I adore that smile!
Door to door trick or treating to people we absolutely do not know! FUN!
Indiana Jones
Enchanted's Giselle...AKA Cozy!
I think that tongue is so stinknin' cute!
My exhausted kids after too many hours of Halloween fun!
John dressed up like Uncle Nathan!
Deeken scared out of his pants of Daddy!

Everytime I get Deeken out of his bed for the last week, the first thing he says is, "Daddy scare me." I wondering if he is having Nightmares about how John looked. He was pretty scared of all costumes, but he REALLY didn't like it when one of his family members looked different. Minus Josie, he loved her in her Hot Dog costume.

And that is how this Halloween played out. Hope all of you had a great time too.

Fall Leave Pics Round #1

Let me just say, getting a good picture of all four kids is going to be a MIRACLE. After this photo-shoot, I am much more appreciative of the pic I got of them in their Halloween shirts. I took them to a close by park, but between Deek & Josie being grumps and the cold wheather, Not much that was AMAZING came out of this shoot. But here are a few of my favs.
I LOVE this one.
There will be more to come. I did this without John, and he won't be available anytime soon. I must be a gluten for punishment.


One of the reasons I miss living in UTAH...and can't wait to be there.

Grandparent's Day!

(to those who don't have grandparents available...special person day)

Since neither set of Micah's grandparents could make it, she opted for Josie to be her special person. By the picture you can tell is was very invirgorating for Josie. Deeken also got to accompany us(lots of fun to be had for mom), but Papa's and grandmas were sincerely missed!

She still had fun, but I know it will be even better for her next year!


Micah: Ahhh, Scriptures. Scriptures are about Happy Ever After. The Scriptures teach us how to have a Happy Ever After.

I just Smile.

Micah: Mom, lets read the scriptures, even though you have your Happy Ever After.

I Smile even bigger!


Expect the Unexpected

So, as we were driving to the pumpkin patch last Thursday, we got a phone call from John's mom saying that John's Grandma had passed away. Would John be able to get off work...yes he did. It was unexpected that he would be able to work it out so nicely, but he did. Then came a very hard decision...fly John w/ Josie so his family can see her for the first time or drive 10 hours with the whole family. WE DROVE! It was not an easy decision, but I feel like the right one in the long run. The kids did amazing, and probably whined less than their mom did(I was feeling quite sick that day).

The funeral went well. John's grandma was 87, and suffering from all the things that come when you get to be that age. It was wonderful to see family and some friends. It made me a little excited to move to Utah next year. Meili, John's niece was in love with Josie, and is going to be the most amazing baby-sitter for us the next three years. Hannu, John's nephew kept Deeken entertained the whole time...it was a nice, needed break for me! I loved seeing me parents, like I always do, and got to have a home cooked meal made by my mother. Yummmy! We miss them and everyone already. Micah was nearly in tears the last night. She knew she was going to miss them so much, but it was funny because the night before all she wanted to do was be in her own bed. It will be nice when we can have the bed and grandparents in one state, or technically two. (Idaho & Utah)

So the drive back was long, but at least it was after three days, not two(John was able to get an extra bereavement day which we were originally not planning for.) Spokane gave us such a nice welcome back...I want to leave here as soon as possible. We came home to a note on our door telling us if we don't pay our rent in the next 3 days we will be EVICTED! WHAT?!? I always mail in our rent at least a week before the due date! I laughed and went inside to check our bank account to make sure it had come out....it hadn't, What the heck!?! So I called them to make sure they hadn't received it in the time that they had put the notice on our door. NOPE! and we want cash or a official check--no personal checks(so now I'm a criminal.) Seriously ticked by this time...at myself, at the Post Office, at my stupid management company...the least they could have done is called before serving notice for eviction. It's not like we have ever even been late before, in fact always at least a week early. Seriously this world is so screwed up...NO Forgiveness...Well there will be no forgiveness for the USPS from me! So to make a long story shorter than it could have been...with a cancelled check and $120 later we still live here, and I can't tell you how ready I am to be back in Utah! Expect the Unexpected! It is a small trail, but still! Expect the Unexpected!

Joel's cute new wife was such a big help with Josie during the funeral! Thanks McKell!
Joel played an awesome song that he wrote when John's grandpa passed away. He did amazing.
Micah adores Joel! It was fun to watch her watch him LIVE! She always asks to listen to his CD in the car. I love Joel and his music, but EVERY time in the car! If you want to check his band out, they are on my link list on the side, Pleasant Tree.
This is Hannu and Deek. He seriously ADORED him while we were there!
Some fun pics of Josie from this weekend. John's family adored her. She payed them back by puking & smiling for them...yes she has learned to SMILE!!!
Just not in these pics.
Noah and Micah got to see Porter for a little while and loved playing the Wii with him.
John's dad never did hold Josie, but he liked her just them same. He's not so big on holding them when they are so small.
I tried to capture that smile, but kept missing it. My mom and I got her to smile a ton, but my trigger finger was slow.
for some reason I didn't get any pics of my parents, but I want to say thanks for letting us stay. We LOVE and miss you so much already!

If you haven't signed up on my "going Postal" post then please do so if you want to keep viewing us!