Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the bus

Yep. I'm one of those Moms who followed their kid on the bus all the way to school on the first day. 
I guess I just can't let go.
The past 5 years have flown by and I am assuming the next 5 are going to fly by even faster.
I am going to soak up every moment I can.
Even if it means following the bus just so I can snap a few pictures. 
I'm sure Alex the bus driver has seen his share of crazy kindergarten moms.

You were so excited to ride the bus. It was fun to watch your eyes light up when that big yellow bus with the white top turned onto our street.  My favorite part was when you and Siri started to wave franticly as if the bus was going to pass us by. 
When it came time to actually get on the bus your nerves kicked in and you quietly introduced yourself to Alex the bus driver and hurried and sat in the front seat with your head down, avoiding any glances or smiles from any of the other kids on the bus.
I followed you all the way to school right behind the bus. Siri asked what you were doing a million times till we pulled up to the school. 
When you arrived at school I noticed you had made the switch the the third seat back and when you saw me you had the biggest smile and gave me a big wave. I smiled back and blew you a kiss for good luck. 
You jumped off the bus and headed straight for the playground never looking back. 
I knew then you were ready for school and our next big adventure in your life.
I am so proud of you.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

4th grade is down the hall

I forget that Chamberlain is much taller than most 5 year olds.   
He still acts like a 5 year old in fact as we were walking up to the school he grabbed onto my leg for comfort which most 5 year olds would do. He will give me a kiss when I ask even if its in front of his friends and he may just surprise me with one while running past me when I am tending to Harrison or Siri. He gets excited when his show Dinosaur Train or Wild Kratts come on. One of his favorite things to do is listen to the kids place channel on the radio turn it up super loud and jam out in the car with me.  If I am painting my nails with Siri he will ask to have his toe nails painted, no big deal.  
All things a 5 year old likes to do. 
So when we dropped him off at school I had been so nervous for him and almost sad that he would be going into Kindergarten until we noticed this... and then I couldn't help but smile and laugh and think here we go... 4th grade is down the hall! 

The mom in this picture was trying to comfort her nervous son by telling him all the kids were the same age. When the son looked over at Chamberlain and said what about him? The mom said he is much older and then she asked Chambelrain how old he was and he said 5. The mom continued to tell her son see he is the same age just much much taller...

I think the girl in the blue on the far right looks pretty terrified of him..or I mean his height. 

I'd say he is a least a head above the rest of his class. 

And if Mrs. Brunstad wasn't wearing heels he would be almost as tall as his teacher!
The best part is when we were riding home in the car from school he said excitedly "Mom guess what?! I am the tallest in my class!" I calmly replied thats great son, and in my head I'm thinking you are the tallest in the 1st 2nd and 3rd grade as well. 

I'm excited to see how much he will learn and grow this school year.
I love my little Chamberlain. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kindergarten is finally here.

The big day finally came and Chamberlain is officially in Kindergarten.
He is so excited to go to school EVERYDAY, I on the other hand am having second thoughts. 
They told me at Kindergarten registration that in the state of Utah Kindergarten is optional... that is sounding like a viable option. I am not ready for this boy to grow up and definitely not ready for him to be going to school everyday. 
However, I do realize that he is ready for school and it is in his best interest to go to school where he can learn new things and make new friends that he would not be able to do staying home with me. 

This day was such a day to remember. He woke up by 7AM and was ready to go even thought school started at 12:45PM.  He asked me every 10 mintues or so..."is it time yet?"  I had his new outfit all picked out and he decided he did NOT want to wear it and that he wanted to wear his Justice League shirt. I figured if it gives him self confidence why not. 

Josh and I are such nerdy parents and both accompanied him to his first day complete with our cameras in hand snapping pictures the entire time.

We took these photos before we left to get some first day jitters out and of course as usual Ms. Siri wanted to be in the picture with her brother.
I thought it would be fun to take a picture of both Josh and I with our child individually to document how much we change during the school years. 
Chamberlain was all smiles till we pulled up to the school and then he was quite nervous and very shy.

 I love this photo. This is the first picture I took and I think both facial expressions are perfect. I know that Siri knew something special was going on and she was so happy for Chamberlain. 

 My two handsome men. 

 I can't believe that he is as tall as me on my knees and he is only in Kindergarten...
 I love the above picture I think the expression on his face is exactly how he feels.
I wanted one with the sign of the school since we move so often I wanted him to remember all the schools he will go to. 
As we were leaving the school Siri kept asking what is he doing, what is he doing. I tried to tell her that he now has to go to school everyday. She burst into tears and said I need my friend. She cried the whole ride home until I found a lego of Chamberlains and asked her to hold it for him till he got home and she stopped. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

a wedding.

Dave and Sarah FINALLY got married. It seems we have been waiting FOREVER in anticipation since they got engaged last October for this day to come. 
It was such a lovely day and they looked so happy. I have never seen Dave smile so big and look so happy. 
I am happy for them and hope they have babies soon so our kids can grow up playing together.
Here are some pictures of their special, happy day.

My handsome Groomsman and the oh so adorable Ring-bearer
 Josh and Savy walking down the isle. 

 We watched several youtube videos on Ring-bearers.
He was so excited yet so nervous. 
 Uncle Ben
 My favorite 3 minus Harrison. 

I love his cheesy grin. He was so excited did I mention that. 

 The only picture with Siri in it. 
Thanks Cooper for trying the drop in. 
 Most of the nieces and nephews minus Ben and Coopers 5 kids, Joshlyn, Beckham, Siri and Harrison.

 All the Burgess Family in attendance. 
I love this picture of Miss Amy! I wish Selina was in it as well.
These two were awesome and helped me with Harrison most of the evening while we cleaned up and got things ready, took pictures etc... I love these two girls and I love that baby she is holding. 

 Siri and I spent a lot of  the evening over here.
Its hard for a 2 year old to behave for a wedding. 
 Although this wedding was a Burgess wedding my parents came.
My sweet mother decorated the whole thing and my dad was her handy man as always.
Plus they are friends with the Brides family. I mean we were neighbors and all growing up.

 These two are quite the pair. Siri loves her Grandpa Lex.

I'm so sad. I wanted to get a picture of my little family and this is all I got.
I guess we were too busy celebrating. 
I love you Joshua.
I love attending weddings with you. It reminds me of our wedding day and the sweet words of being sealed for eternity.
I wouldn't want it any other way. 

And I can't forget the happy Couple.
Congrats Sarah and David we love you.

Monday, August 6, 2012


While in Southern California for my Brother in laws wedding we decided to take the kids to Knotts Berry Farm.
I hadn't been there since I was little and boy has it changed. 
We met up with Josh's brother Chris and his wife Lesa and kids, along with Sandi and Josh's brother Ben and his wife Cooper and my parents. 
We had an adventurous afternoon full of fun. 
This was Chamberlain's first time riding on roller coasters, real fast crazy roller coasters. 
He loved it and I'm so glad he was able to go with Kelli Jo and Zoey on pretty much every ride. I think it makes those memories much more sweeter when you have cousins to share them with. Especially when they are older and look back on family adventures. 
Knotts was surprisingly fun for all of us. I was thinking before we got there I would be doing a lot of entertaining for Siri thinking she wouldn't be able to do much. I was so wrong she was able to ride on lots of rides in Snoopy's camp and when we were waiting for the big kids and adults to ride there was lots of  side attractions and things to see. 
I cant wait to go back. 
 Siri was not so sure she wanted to be on the plane. 
 On her 2nd time around she started to wave and waved the entire ride. 

 This was the first ride Chamberlain went on the flips you upside down. 
Him and Josh are in the third row. 
 This day would have not been as fun without my parents who took the kids on rides as well as watched my kids so I could ride some. 
Best parents ever. 

Oh yes Josh even took Chamberlain on this crazy thing.
I get a little sick just looking at this photo.