Where do I begin with such a fun, packed, quick trip to Irvine.
The more we visit the more I find myself thinking I could live there.
I could really get use to the sunny weather, flowers, proximity to the beach and the exceptional produce. Did i mention that its sunny like all the time, as in NO snow!
This time we took Chamberlain to Disneyland for the first time.
We were lucky to have both Grandma and Grandpa Burgess and Angela, Eddie and all their lovely girls.
We had such a fun time that we want to go every year, and with our awesome tour guides.
We went after lunch and didn't leave until midnight.
Chamberlain was a trooper and Siri was perfect.
Couldn't have asked for a better day!
Here is our day in pictures.
First things first. Off to get our 1st time badges!
The unsure look of getting on Space Mountain for his first Disney ride ever.
Siri was happy the entire day. She really was just like this all day. Smile Smile Smile.
Grandma Burgess was so great! She is so the best and got Chamberlain his first set of ears complete with his name on the back along with a shirt and most of all her excitement was priceless. Chamberlain was all smiles all day hanging with Grandma.
I love that lady.
The three amigos with their grandparents.
Madison is the best tour guide she knew all the good rides.
fireworks- my favorite.
this was taken like 2 seconds after he sat down in his snug chair.
Off to Disney dream land he went.
Siri's first Disney Character thanks to Grandma.
Chamberlain did not like space mountain, Indiana Jones or the haunted mansion all that much. However, he loved Big Thunder mountain.
That was his favorite.
When we woke up the next morning I asked him what was his favorite part of the day at Disney and he said playing with his cousins Maddie, Jaquie, Brookie, and Sutton.
Gotta love that.
Thanks so much guys for making it happen.
I so want to go again.