Wednesday, November 5, 2008

visits to irvine

Playing with Maddi and Jaqui

Chasing the birds at the BEACH

Uncle Davids Games (we love Uncle Dave)

Taking joy rides in the Mercedes

In Protest of the Carousel closing

Feeding the SWANS at the lake

Water fountains

really think there is nothing better than the beach, or maybe the red hills behind my parents house. But for children, with big imaginations, i would definitely say the beach. Lately it seems every other week we find ourselves at Grandma and Grandpa Burgesseses (in the words of the whatthesmiths) house in Irvine. I am really starting to like, I mean LOVE it there. It seems that we are always doing something fun or going somewhere neat, to the beach, the spectrum, uncle Davids games, aunt Angela's house, we are constantly on the move. Unfortunately, our camera that we got for CHRISTMAS last year broke! So here are a few snap shots of our visits to Grandmas house.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

how many adults does it take

This was Chamberlains first attempt at Trick or Treating. I do not believe he really grasped the concept. Everytime he knocked on a door, as he was knocking, he would say "trick or treat". Then once they finally opened the door, he would walk right in and make himself comfortable. He did that at everyhouse we went to. But, maybe it confused him that we were going to peoples homes, that he knew, and maybe he couldnt firgure out why we would leave so soon and not stay and visit, like we normally would.
Silly us!
Since this was Chamberlain's first time out, it was grandma and grandpa Chamberlains firts time "treating" as grandparents. Of course we all had to go along. Midway through the night we realized it was 4 adults to 1 child.
Oh well, we all had fun!
Did I mention that we ended the night at