Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One Month Already?

We have 12 cards, one for each month of Calin's first year. I'm supposed to take a picture of him with the card and a stuffed animal each month to see how much he is growing. Here is his first picture! I can't believe he's already 1 month old! He was so good for me while I took his picture! He looked at the camera the whole time, and held himself up super well! He's a pretty strong little guy, but maybe it's just because he is a little guy. Too bad I couldn't catch a smile.
He's been so good lately! I've been able to put him down for naps before he's asleep without him crying. He's been going about 4 hours now between feedings. He's been getting some good 5 hour stretches in at night, which I am loving (it's rare that he wakes up more than twice during the night now)!! He doesn't cry anymore during bath time. He's only been to church twice, but both times he made it all 3 hours without even a little crying (last Sunday he slept the entire time).
How's my recovery going? Hmm . . . well I feel great. And I've lost all the weight that I gained during pregnancy, BUT you would never know it! My stomach is nowhere near the flat tummy I had before. And luckily it's not cool enough yet to where I have to wear jeans since there's not a chance I'm fitting into those anytime soon. I think everything else is back to normal, it's just my stomach that is having issues. And the only way I can explain the whole pre-pregnancy weight + belly = no muscle left. I think I just lost all my muscle, and really need to be better about trying to get it back. I've been lazy with the workouts, so I totally have myself to blame! I better kick it in gear if I want to fit into jeans this fall :) Other than that, I love being home with Calin! I'm never bored. Actually I feel like I have too much to do, and rarely find time to take a nap. But busy is good.
Jordan is still very busy with school. Flag football started last week, so he's pumped about that! He got called to be the Elders Quorum secretary at church, which I think is an awesome calling for him since he just has that organized write everything down type of attitude. I don't really know what the EQ Secretary does, but I imagine they take a lot of notes? lol. And Jordan is a very good note taker :)
I'm very excited for tomorrow! I finally get my new stroller!!! I've been waiting so long! The one we decided on was recalled, so I was having trouble ordering it. Finally we decided to just go with a different one - the one we both really wanted anyway. And the best part was I ended up getting it for almost 35% off! I'll post some pics once it arrives. We also are changing wireless providers from T-Mobile to AT&T and should get our new phones tomorrow. I love getting packages in the mail, and tomorrow we'll get some super fun ones!

This picture is a couple was taken a couple weeks ago, but I think it's so cute with the sunset in the background. They are just so cute together I love taking pictures of them both!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jordan & Calin

Jordan's been trying to catch up on all his school work, so this week he's been at school from 8am-10pm everyday. Calin and I have been bring him lunch and dinner so we can see him a little bit. He's pretty much all caught up so hopefully he will come home early tonight :)
When Jordan is home, he doesn't like to put Calin down. And I just love watching them together!
Now some of you might say it's gas, but I say it's s smile :) Jordan's mom Holly wrote that Jordan started smiling at 3 weeks. Calin's always smiled, but this week he's been smiling even more. Yesterday he was smiling at me for about 10 minutes. He could just have a lot of gas . . . or he could just have as great smile like his dad and enjoys showing it off :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

2 Week Stats

We took Calin to the doctor on Wednesday for his 2 wk check up. He's sure a tiny little guy! But the doctor said Calin is doing really well, and here are some of the stats:
3 days - weight 7.6lbs 36th percentile
height 20" 54th percentile
17 days - weight 8.8lbs 45th percentile
height 20.5" 37th percentile
So he's gaining weight well, but not much height. And his head circumference is 14" which is in the 18th percentile. I guess he has a pretty tiny head. Maybe thats why he can hold it up really well?
A few things about Calin at 3 weeks:
  • He loves going outside. For walks, or in the car to the grocery store, he's usually pretty happy when we're out and about.
  • If he's crying and we've done all we can think of to calm him, we turn on the kitchen fan, and he stops instantly. He loves the sound of fans, the shower, vacuum, etc.
  • Somedays he loves his paci, other days he wants nothing to do with it. But I think if he could figure out how to keep his fingers in his mouth, then he would be sucking them all day long every day.
  • He loves laying on his playmat with all the bright colors. He especially likes the mirror that the giraffe holds
  • He HATES having a wet diaper! He doesn't cry when it's poopy, just when it's wet.
  • He love it when Jordan gives him baths, but cries every time I do.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Visits from CA

My mom flew home on Sunday, and later that afternoon my dad and Brenda arrived. It has been so wonderful having family around! They sure have been a big help to Jordan and I! And they all just love their little grandson so much, it's wonderful and so fun to watch!
My dad wanted to get Calin a gift, and what did he end up getting him? A BBQ! :) We did really need one! Thanks Dad! We grilled some hamburgers tonight and had our friends Scott and Aimee over for dinner. Yum Yum!
So here are some pics of my dad and Brenda with little Calin . . .

He's smiling at Grandpa in this one . . .

He's smiling at Grandpa in this one

Each day he gets more and more alert. While he's sleeping I think "he looks so cute when he's sleeping" then when his eyes are open I think the same thing. He just looks good all the time :)

Friday night my good friend Amy came to visit us and see little Calin. He hardly took his eyes off her while she was here. It was so cute!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2 Years

Today is our 2 year anniversary! The night before Calin was born we went out to dinner in Idaho Falls to celebrate just in case we didn't get around to it after he was born (at the time we were debating whether we should go Friday or Saturday - good thing we choose Friday since I went into labor later that night).
My dad and Brenda are here visiting this week, so we all went out to dinner tonight to celebrate (Thanks Dad!)
I love being married to my best friend! Jordan is such a wonderful husband! I really am the luckiest! How great it is to know that these first two years have been just the beginning of eternity that we get to share together!!
And through all of our adventures these past two years, here is our favorite one! And it's only just beginning :) . . .
Happy Anniversary Love!