Sunday, April 27, 2014

Nate & Kelly's Visit

I've been pretty swamped lately with photoshoots, so I'm even more behind than normal on this family blog of ours. But my mom is flying in on Easter so before that visit happens, I better post about our last visitors.

{WHAT? it's already a week past Easter?! Yeah, I started this post over a week ago, and never finished it. I sure hope it actually gets posted this time!!}

Nate and Kelly came out for a whole week last month! It was so much fun having them here! Jordan had a week off between quarters so it was perfect timing for us. I love having visitors, especially family! It's so wonderful!!

They got her Monday March 10th, in the afternoon and we hung out, did some grocery shopping, and rounded up some car seats so all the kids could travel safely for the week :)

Tuesday Jordan and Nate picked up Steve and headed to a Spring training game (not sure who was playing) with Calin, Tanner, Dallin, and Ashlyn. They had a blast! Calin still talks about it!

While they were at the baseball game Kelly and I went out shopping with Capri and the babies. I think we were out for 5 hours. I couldn't believe how well Capri did (all the kids really well, but the babies are usually easier that a 2.5 yr old shopping during nap time). She did try to shoplift quite a few times, but other than that I think she had fun shopping with me and her Aunt Kelly!
The babies tried so hard to sleep when they could that day :)

Wednesday we went to the Phoenix Zoo. It was spring break here, so it was PACKED. And we actually lost Capri for about 20 minutes. Poor girl!! It was terrifying!! I went with Kelly and Ashlyn into the gift shop and Jordan and Nate were taking the other kids to see the giraffes, I guess Jordan thought Capri was going with me, and she just got left there. Then some workers picked her up and tried to find us. We finally found them over at one of the play grounds. She was so sad! And so were we! After that I'm pretty sure the worker followed us around for a good 30 minutes. Not sure if he was making sure she was really ours, or to see if we are negligent parents, or maybe it was just his route?? I don't know, but I'm glad they care, even if it was a bit awkward.

Thursday we headed up to Prescott to visit family. It's always so weird how different the temperature is up there. We always forget to bring warmer clothes, so this time Mitzi broke out a box of old clothes for the kids to wear while playing outside :)

Friday was picture day. My kids were in dire need of a nap after skipping naps all week, so Nate and Kelly headed out to Tumbleweed Park in Chandler with Steve while my kids took naps. 
When they got back we headed out to the Salt River for some family photos. It's hard fitting two {large} family sessions into one little time slot, but we make it work.

Saturday we all went to the movies and saw "Mr. Peabody and Sherman". Cute movie!

Sunday the 16th was Taylor's blessing day. He looked adorable in this little tux that his Aunt Mickie found for him! And we were so happy to have family with us to join in on the celebration!

That night we lit some sparklers (that I think Braden left us when he moved?) for the kids.

Nate and Kelly left EARLY Monday morning. We were all pretty sad to see them leave. We loved having them! Having family visit is always wonderful!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014 at 06:16PM

via Instagram Fun in the AZ sun #riverviewpark

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014 at 11:23AM

via Instagram Spence Family Rules #33: If you're grumpy, go see Taylor. He'll cheer you up within 3 seconds. Guaranteed. #babysmiles

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014 at 08:29PM

via Instagram Look-alikes are always fun to do. How alike do these two look to you?