I am really loosing patience with Capri.
A couple weeks ago she started taking her diaper off and telling me she needs to go potty. Then she would go sit on the little potty for a few seconds, declare she's done (she's not), I tell her it's time to put her diaper back on and she throws a tantrum and screams "I need to go potty!!!". This repeats for at least 10 minutes each time. I wasn't (still not) ready to start potty training her, it has been all her decision. Which should make it easier, right? Not with this one. She has her own ideas of how it's supposed to work. Her's are very bad ideas people! And I need help!! It's been weeks of this! She hasn't once gone potty in the toilet, and the only time I can get her to keep her diaper on is if she's in a onesie. Otherwise, she tears it off and pees or poops on the FLOOR! Then she comes and brags to me about it, like I'm supposed to be proud of her?!
When I was 18 I got this cute little puppy for my birthday. She did the same thing. Just about only pooped inside on the floor. After a couple years of no change, I got tired of cleaning up her messes and unofficially gave her to my mom. My mom probably thought I would take Carly back someday, but I knew I never would. Not if she was still pooping on the floor. I feel like I have a new puppy right now, and it's not fun.
I have no idea what to do with Capri. We let her pick out her own underwear, hoping that would help, but she just takes those off too then goes on the floor. I've told her I'll give her a treat if she goes in the potty, but she'll just sit there for a second and tell me she went and then gets mad when I don't give her a treat since she didn't actually go. I don't think the whole naked method would work since I already have a hard time getting her to keep her pants on.
Any ideas out there?