There was an earthquake the other night!! It was pretty great timing I think! We had our neighbor (Larry) over for dinner. Dinner was supposed to be at 6:30, but I didn't put the lasagna in till about 6, and it had to cook for an hour, so we didn't end up eating till about 7:30. We tried to entertain Larry for an hour before dinner was ready, but it was getting pretty tough. The conversations consisted of his time in jail,
gambling, and him teaching us all kinds of card games,
haha. We finally finished eating dinner and dessert a little after 8. I started doing some of the dishes and finding things to do in the kitchen while Jordan and Larry talked some more. I was making the cookie dough for the
oreos I promised to bring to work the next day. Then out of nowhere Jordan shoved me so hard I almost fell over! I looked up in
surprise, still really dizzy and confused, and saw him sitting at the table, as if he had never moved. Then I was even more confused! But once I noticed the chandelier shaking, I realized it was not Jordan, it was an earthquake. Larry immediately jumped up and said "That was an earthquake, I need to go turn on the news." Then bolted out the door. Dinner party over!!! :)
Jordan thought someone pushed the house, and couldn't figure out why someone was picking on him, and also who was so strong that they could do something like that :)
Earthquakes are funny things (when they're not serious of course,
hehe)! They always catch you off guard, and you never quite realize what is hapening at the moment.