Thursday, November 8, 2007


Kellee posted my bridals today! It was a really fun shoot!! My old roommate Aimee (who is also Kellee's sister-in-law) came with us. We went to almost 10 locations. We went all over Rexburg and St Anthony. Kellee loves the seriouse look, so there is lot of those! Jordan doesn't like the song that the slide-show is set to, so he made me mute it and put on a different song :) Well here's the link...
Michaela's Bridals

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Little bro and beautiful fiancee

I made a trip to Idaho a few weeks ago with my younger brother and his fiancee. I took my bridals and Alan and Steph took their engagements (they're getting married in June). They are sooo cute! There is a link to their slideshow below. Kellee Smith did them. She's such a great photographer, and makes it so much fun!! She also took our engagement pictures, most of you have already seen them, but in case you haven't, I've posted the link for that as well. She said my bridals should be up soon, so watch for those :)
Alan and Stephanie

Jordan and Michaela (engagements)

Thursday, November 1, 2007


For Halloween my work decided to have an All Staff Potluck. Our staff is pretty big!!! There are at least 100 in the building. I signed up to bring home-made-oreos. I have brought them before when we have potlucks in my department, and all the other departments eat them all. So this time I decided to make EXTRA oreos. Our whole counter was full of cookies! I told Jordan I thought it would be cute if we had a ghost cookie cutter and then the frosting would show through. So he spent at least 45 minutes making a cookie cutter out of tin foil for me :) Then he cut the ghost in each one of the cookies! How sweet huh! He's so helpful! I love it!! Here are some pictures to show how cute the ghost's turned out. (Some look like feet, but feet can still be scary...right???)


There was an earthquake the other night!! It was pretty great timing I think! We had our neighbor (Larry) over for dinner. Dinner was supposed to be at 6:30, but I didn't put the lasagna in till about 6, and it had to cook for an hour, so we didn't end up eating till about 7:30. We tried to entertain Larry for an hour before dinner was ready, but it was getting pretty tough. The conversations consisted of his time in jail, gambling, and him teaching us all kinds of card games, haha. We finally finished eating dinner and dessert a little after 8. I started doing some of the dishes and finding things to do in the kitchen while Jordan and Larry talked some more. I was making the cookie dough for the oreos I promised to bring to work the next day. Then out of nowhere Jordan shoved me so hard I almost fell over! I looked up in surprise, still really dizzy and confused, and saw him sitting at the table, as if he had never moved. Then I was even more confused! But once I noticed the chandelier shaking, I realized it was not Jordan, it was an earthquake. Larry immediately jumped up and said "That was an earthquake, I need to go turn on the news." Then bolted out the door. Dinner party over!!! :)

Jordan thought someone pushed the house, and couldn't figure out why someone was picking on him, and also who was so strong that they could do something like that :) haha.

Earthquakes are funny things (when they're not serious of course, hehe)! They always catch you off guard, and you never quite realize what is hapening at the moment.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


We didn't take to many pictures while we were on our honeymoon. Mainly because it got boring posing by ourselves while the other person took the picture (since it was just the two of us). But here are a few that we did take.
P.S. We went to Tahoe

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome to our home

Before Jordan started working, he would stay at home and play 'house-husband'. It was wonderful!! He is wonderful!! But one day while I was at work, and he was mowing the lawn, he stopped right in the middle and made a movie of our first house!! It's not really OUR house, but we live here! All by ourselves! So for those who haven't seen our home yet, here is a preview...