Showing posts with label douchebaggery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label douchebaggery. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2011

'This Is Like War. You Know, Soldiers Do It When They Occupy a Place. I'm Sure the Mountains of Afghanistan Get Pretty Cold'

For sheer preening douchebaggery, this one tops it all.
Anti-Wall Street protesters around the U.S. who are vowing to stand their ground against the police and politicians are also digging in against a different kind of adversary: cold weather.

With the temperature dropping, they are stockpiling donated coats, blankets and scarves, trying to secure cots and military-grade tents, and getting survival tips from the homeless people who have joined their encampments.

"Everyone's been calling it our Valley Forge moment," said Michael McCarthy, a former Navy medic in Providence. "Everybody thought that George Washington couldn't possibly survive in the Northeast." Valley Forge in Pennsylvania was the site of the Continental Army's winter camp during the Revolutionary War.
Everyone is calling it that? Really?

These tools are now comparing themselves to George Washington and his men? Good grief. But not only are there comparisons to the Continental Army, but to today's battlefield conditions.
"I welcome the challenge of this cold weather," said Dwayne Hudson, a landscaper who has been living at the Occupy Denver site for nearly two weeks. "This is like war. You know, soldiers do it when they occupy a place. I'm sure the mountains of Afghanistan get pretty cold."

But after the first snowfall, he admitted: "It's getting tough."
Funny, but I don't hear our soldiers whine like that.
Eric Martin, who is on Occupy Boston's winterization committee, said the group had raised about $35,000, which could help buy winter supplies. Various ideas are being discussed to keep tents warm without using combustion-based heaters, which are forbidden. Another proposal: igloos.

"We're looking at ideas from military vets to survivalists, to the homeless community to indigenous peoples," Martin said.
Indigenous peoples are laughing at them.

Scenes From Zuccotti Park: 'If We Fail, This Civilization That is Known as America Will Collapse'

Do these idiots have any idea how ridiculous they sound? He's some 35-year-old schmuck with obviously nothing better to do with his life who claims he's come from Australia via Minnesota to change the world. But if things don't change to his liking then he's just packing up and heading back down under. Good. Just leave now.
Why did he join the Occupy Wall Street protests? "I was inspired to join this because I have been waiting for something like this all of my life."

"I grew up in America, in Minnesota and always felt like I wanted to have political discussions with people but it was something that was almost taboo in this country."
Wait, what? Having political discussions was almost taboo in this country? Good Lord, is he for real? If only we could get these liberals to STFU for five minutes there's be much more harmony in the land.
"I've been waiting for people to actually wake up from their consumerist slumber that most westerners have been under for so long and actually have discussions about what is real."

"What's happening right now in our political system is very real. Our environmental system and our economic system are very real. They have humongous impacts on us and the world around us but we haven't been talking about it and this is getting people to talk about it."
It's like, so very real, man. It's humongous. Awesome, man.
What he thinks the outcome of the protests will be: "We succeed and we create a new system of governance that allows for true democracy where corporation voices are not seen as people and we have direct control over our government."

"If we fail, this civilization that is known as America will collapse. It will turn into a police state and I will flee back to Australia and live in my little community in Tasmania and hope that it doesn't reach over there."
So is he staying if this utopia of true democracy happens or is he still leaving? I doubt he even has a clue what he's wearing today, let alone what's happening tomorrow.
"As far as I can tell, there are a lot of people listening. There are over 2,000 occupations in this country and it's happening all over the world. I think people know intrinsically that there's something broken in this system and they want something to happen."
Two thousand? Really? I'll have some of what he's smoking, thankyouverymuch.
"As soon as all those grievances are heard we can kind of make some patterns out of that and we can start looking at solutions. I think we can start looking at solutions now and find out how to fix this."
Patterns leading to solutions. It's a start. Hope he's got this all down on paper before he forgets.
"This Occupation has grown so fast and we are having an influx of people that this system has failed. This system has chewed up and spat out. They're very broken in a lot of ways and they're coming in droves to our Occupation because we have free food, we have free medical, we have free clothing and free supplies."
Well, they had free food until the cut off the homeless this week. But hey, free clothes and medical? Where do I sign up? It's sounds almost as great as Cuba!

He sounds even dumber when you hear him speak. American hasn't been this galvanized since -- wait for it -- World War II!

Donny Deutsch Still Aching for That Kent State Moment

Two weeks ago Donny Deutsch embarrassed himself when he said what was missing from the Occupy Wall Street freakshow was its very own Kent State moment. Well, he just can't let go of his dreams.

Such concern for his fellow 99%. Now if only some of them could just die, Donny could tell us all he warned us. Such compassion.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sniveling Obama to Fox's Ed Henry: 'I Didn't Know You Were a Spokesperson for Mitt Romney'

Is it possible to be any more think-skinned than the petulant manchild in the White House?
whoa - POTUS to : "I didn't know you were a spokesperson for Mitt Romney."
I guess having 99.8% of the White House press corps in your back pocket just isn't enough. But he did use spokesperson, not spokesman, so I'm sure the rest of his stenographers won't mind such churlishness.

What a douchebag.

It actually gets more pathetic.
after chiding for asking him to respond to Romney critique, POTUS didn't answer Romney critique
There's a reason he's known as the SCOAMF.

Video via Breitbart.

Note there's little laughter. Then he starts stuttering like the schmuck he is.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

'The 99%' for Dummies: Special Hand Gesture Edition

OK, Twinkles, time to wrap it up.


H/T Gregory of Yardale.

If that idiocy isn't enough, check out this moron.

H/T Ace, via NRO.

'Hello Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Or As I Call You, My Peeps'

Does this tool have the slightest idea how idiotic he sounds?
MC Nate Westheimer cut the demos short tonight to introduce NY Tech Meetup to a former Wall Street worker who had seen the light and invested his savings into a tech startup instead.

“Hello innovators, entrepreneurs, or as I call you, my peeps,” said Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who likes to break the ice with a little street slang. “Thirty years ago I would have been sitting out their with you. I was unemployed, I had a lot of passion, but no business.”

Friday, October 07, 2011

Self-Absorbed Assclown Does Dramatic Rendition of OWS Demands

Following his stoic intonations, this 99%-er hopped in his chauffer-driven Town Car, back over to his Trump Palace digs.

A regular man of the people.

Chances are strong more people may view this here than saw it on his obscure cable channel.

Also posted at AoSHQ.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

'Personally, I'd Like to Bring About a Total Revolution'

Insufferable douchebaggery. The pimple-faced kid around the minute mark adds a special touch. But the hero of this romanticized, sanitized version of the Wall Street protests is the grating hipster at the 1:30 mark calling for revolution and sounding ominously like Tim Robbins.

See if you can find a single person who's not a self-parody.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hiker Freed From Iran Whines About Club Gitmo

Tell me again why we wasted money getting this sniveling douchebag out of Iran?

Update: Why am I not surprised by this?
American hikers thanked Sean Penn, Noam Chomsky, Yusuf Islam and Cindy Sheehan for their release after returning to the US today.
Send them back.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bloomberg Warns of Riots Due to Obama's Horrendous Jobs Record

Well, he doesn't blame Obama, of course, because Mike Bloomberg is a No Labels kind of guy, so he can't blame anyone specifically. But I'll blame Obama since these potential rioters are out of work because of him. Bloomberg, of course, kisses Obama's ass.
Sounding alarm bells about the nation's high unemployment rate, Mayor Bloomberg warned this morning that there could be an uprising in the streets if Washington lawmakers don't start creating jobs for millions of Americans.

"We have a lot of kids graduating college, can't find jobs," Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show. "That's what happened in Cairo. That's what happened in Madrid. You don't want those kinds of riots here."

Bloomberg also said the damage may be done as the nation's unemployment rate hoovers around 9 percent.

"The damage to a generation that can't find jobs will go on for many, many years," Bloomberg said.

Despite that, the mayor gave Obama praise for coming up with a jobs bill.
It's not even Obama's fault, he weakly claims.
Obama didn't create this economic mess, it developed "over long periods of time," Bloomberg said.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Horrible: Paul Krugman Attacks Bush and Giuliani on 9/11

This douchebag apparently is so consumed with hatred he forgot to run spellcheck.
Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued?

Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd.

What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. Te atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.

A lot of other people behaved badly. How many of our professional pundits — people who should have understood very well what was happening — took the easy way out, turning a blind eye to the corruption and lending their support to the hijacking of the atrocity?

The memory of 9/11 has been irrevocably poisoned; it has become an occasion for shame. And in its heart, the nation knows it.

I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons.
What a coward.

Update: In case Krugman sends it down the memory hole, here it is. Thanks to John Hayward for grabbing the screen shot.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

'He’s Probably the Rudest Guy I’ve Ever Met'

Hard to believe a deranged guy who abuses his daughter and once declared he wanted to stone a Republican Congressman is considered rude.
Starbucks would need more than a mere Venti cup to contain Alec Baldwin’s ego, according to one employee at the java joint.

Although the “30 Rock” actor complained on Twitter about his barista’s “attitude” following a visit to one of its Upper West Side stores, a co-worker insists Baldwin’s the one who blew his top.

“I was here when it happened -- it was really just him being an [expletive],” a second barista told The Post. “He was very rude and disrespectful and arrogant. He’s probably the rudest guy I’ve ever met.”

Wednesday morning, Baldwin tweeted: “Starbucks on 93 and B’way. Uptight Queen barrista [sic] named JAY has an attitude problem.”

His name wasn’t Jay, but Giovan, the co-worker said.

“And he didn’t do anything wrong; it was all that dude just being psycho,” he said. “I saw a thing on ‘E’ a little while ago, and it was talking about how crazy he was. They were right.”

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Shared Responsibility: Axelrod Says This Was 'A Tea Party Downgrade'

Just pathetic. Let's see, tea partiers comprise a fraction of one third of our branches of government, but now apparently wield so much clout they're responsible for Obama's failures. Axelrod's boss apparently is in hiding since he hasn't said a word about the humiliating downgrade he's brought upon the nation.
Top Obama strategist David Axelrod criticized Republicans over their handling of the debt-ceiling negotiations which he argued led to Standard & Poor’s decision to downgrade the nation’s credit rating Friday.

This was a “tea party downgrade,” said Axelrod on CBS News’ Face the Nation.

Axelrod said S&P’s decision was “largely a political analysis.” “And that's what we should focus on because what they were saying is they want to see the political system work. They want to see a sense of compromise. They want to see the kind of solution that the president has been fighting for, a large solution that will deal with the problem, that will be balanced, that will include revenues.”

Instead, said Axelrod, conservative, Tea Party-influenced Republicans “played brinksmanship with the full faith and credit of the United States. And this was the result of that.”

“It was the wrong thing to do to push the country to that point” he said. “And it's something that should never have happened. And that clearly is on the backs of those who were willing to see the country default, those very strident voices in the tea party.”

Republicans’ handling of the debt debate “was atrocious and that contributed to [S&P’s] analysis,” he concluded.
Way to take responsibility.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Kerry: Media Should Ignore the Tea Party or Something

The dolt doesn't even realize that the only coverage the media gives the Tea Party is negative.
SEN. JOHN KERRY: "And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it's exercising today. The media has got to to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.

"It doesn't deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do. And the problem is everything is put into this tit-for-tat equal battle and America is losing any sense of what's real, of who's accountable, of who is not accountable, of who's real, who isn't, who's serious, who isn't?"
Video at the link.

Meanwhile, Kerry, who served in Vietnam for 14 weeks, is planning to run again in 2014 so we'll still have him to kick around for at least another nine years.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Obnoxious Loudmouth Lefty Alan Grayson Plans to Again Run for Office

He was driven from office for being a complete jerk, but has no regrets about being a complete jerk. It's just his nature. Democrats are so consumed with hatred and this tool is the poster boy. Bring it on.
WFTV learned on Monday that former U.S. Congressman Alan Grayson is running for office again.

On Monday, Grayson said he doesn't plan to do anything different. He said he's running again because of all the people who have reached out and asked him to. Grayson already raised nearly $100,000 in donations before filing his paperwork on Monday.

"We need somebody who's gonna stick up for what's right. Somebody with guts," Grayson said.

During Grayson's last campaign an ad referred to his opponent, Daniel Webster, as Taliban Dan. Grayson lost his District 8 Congressional seat to Webster after a highly controversial campaign. And Grayson's take on the Republican health care plan caught national attention.

"Republican plan: don't get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly," said Grayson on the floor of Congress..

Looking back, Grayson said he has no regrets about his campaign.

"What went wrong with my campaign, and Democratic campaigns all over the country, is that Democrats didn't vote," said Grayson.
Actually, Democrats did vote, many of them against this schmuck. Nice excuse making for a landslide defeat, chump.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Bloomberg Suddenly Not Into Perp Walks, Rushing to Judgment

That Mike Bloomberg, you can never accuse him of having knee-jerk judgment, right?
Now that the case against former IMF honcho Dominique Strauss-Kahn has fallen apart, Mayor Bloomberg objects to handcuffed "perp walks" of crime suspects.

"I've always thought that the perp walks were outrageous," Bloomberg said Tuesday. "They're not guilty until they're convicted, and yet we vilify them for the benefit of theater, for the circus. ... They did it in Roman times, too."
Actually, they also did it just last year.

“If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that,” Bloomberg said. “Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.”

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Good News: Media Now Identifying Weiner as a Republican

Some crack headline writers at Reuters.


Check it out on this Google search and any resulting hits there.

Obviously Democrats will now be demanding his resignation.

Meanwhile, he's on a media blitz after yesterday saying he wasn't going to talk about it.
"I made a decision that I was not going to talk about it anymore. I had had enough talking about it... it was getting far too much attention. I probably made a mistake then, not doing more interviews like this and letting some of the oxygen be released and let people hear what I had to say," said Weiner. "That was a mistake that I made, but now I am doing these interviews with anyone who wants and I'm going to desperately try to get back to work as a Congressman tomorrow, if not for my sake, for my wife's sake."
Really, with anyone who wants to talk to you?

The folks at Big Government have some questions.

It was so kind of him to open up to the press today. Those penis jokes to female reporters were a special touch. Always classy to the end.

Update: The reptilian Weiner with Bret Baier, who heroically keeps a straight face throughout.

Special added bonus: Ann Coulter finally checks in.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The New Patriotism: Arizona Moonbats Want Their Own State

I have a better idea: Why don't these loser liberals just pack up and leave?
A long-simmering movement by liberal stalwarts in southern Arizona to break away from the rest of the largely conservative state is at a boiling point as secession backers press to bring their longshot ambition to the forefront of Arizona politics.

A group of lawyers from the Democratic stronghold of Tucson and surrounding Pima County have launched a petition drive seeking support for a November 2012 ballot question on whether the 48th state should be divided in two.

The ultimate goal of the newly formed political action committee Start our State is to split Pima County off into what would become the nation's 51st state, tentatively dubbed Baja Arizona.

Backers have until July 5 next year to collect the 48,000 signatures required to qualify for a spot on the ballot. If they succeed, it would mark only the first hurdle in a long, circuitous process that even the most determined of supporters readily acknowledge has little chance of bearing fruit.

"We at least need to get it on the ballot, as a nonbinding resolution, to ask the people of Pima County if they want to be a part of Arizona," Tucson attorney Paul Eckerstrom, a former Pima County Democratic chairman who launched the campaign, told Reuters. "All the stars would have to align for this to happen, but it could conceivably happen by the fall of 2013."

U.S. history is replete with efforts to carve one state from another -- from the creation of Kentucky and Tennessee in the 1790s to more modern misfires like proposals to partition Long Island from New York or to split California in half.

The last successful intrastate secession movement was the formation of West Virginia during the Civil War.

Although Baja Arizona would be created from just a single county, it would hardly rank as the smallest territory to be granted statehood. Pima County exceeds Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut and New Jersey in land mass and surpasses several other states in population, including Alaska, Montana, Wyoming or the Dakotas, according to the U.S. Census.

Partisan tensions have long been a fact of life between left-leaning Pima County and a Phoenix-based political establishment that has produced such conservative giants as Barry Goldwater and John McCain.

But the rift was heightened during the past two years as Republican Governor Jan Brewer and her allies in control of the statehouse pursued a political agenda Democrats saw as extreme, including a crackdown on illegal immigration and proposals, ultimately unsuccessful, to nullify some federal laws.
In what world is John McCain considered a conservative giant? Oh, this is Reuters. Silly me. So milquetoast John McCain is a conservative giant and these crybaby, far-left liberals are left-leaning.

We presume in order not to be seen as intolerant they'll be leaving the border with Mexico wide open so they can celebrate diversity with their southern neighbors. Oh, and good luck running your state government without all the tax revenue from those "rich Republicans" elsewhere in Arizona.

Have a nice life, dummies!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Sean Penn Shows His Patriotic Side

Did I say patriotic? Sorry. It's Sean Penn we're talking about, after all.
They say Washington, DC, is "Hollywood for ugly people," but the Beltway got a major infusion of good looks Saturday night at the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner. Staid Washingtonians also got a dose of Hollywood-style drama.

Sean Penn caused a stir right off the bat when he wouldn't follow everyone else in putting his hand over his heart as the room stood and sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the Hilton International Ballroom. The surly star then spent dinner all over new flame Scarlett Johansson. "She plopped down in his lap, and they were kissing," described a shocked witness. The two left the room for "an hour," sources said, and Penn came back to the table with his tie askew.
I'll chalk up Johansson's stupidity to being young and naive. Let's just hope she's got the common sense to flee the first time he punches her in the face.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wonkette Creep Suddenly Concerned About Journalistic Ethics

A week after becoming an Internet pariah for his disgusting treatment of Trig Palin, lowlife Jack Stuef takes ABC News to task for their coverage of Gabrielle Giffords.

HAHA, NICE TRY, STAFF MEMBERS WHO GOT SHOT AND WORK FOR A PERSON WHO GOT SHOT! You thought news organizations would be respectful enough of this tragedy to not try to stick their cameras under the things you used to cover her face? WRONG! ABC News has no such scruples! Journalism!

Ugh, but isn’t it annoying ABC News’ photog spies had to shoot this photo from so far away? We want to see what clothes this recovering shooting victim is wearing! Tell us, ABC News, is Giffords’ outfit a hit, or is it a fashion faux pas?! What do you think an elected official recovering from the hole shot into her brain should wear when she’s watching her husband’s shuttle launch, fashion experts? And more importantly, where are the upskirt photos?! We want to see what her vagina looks like!


The commenters there have apparently learned little.
In a way this is at least consistent, on the part of the press. Ever since the invention of Sarah Palin, the media has begun to cover random mental patients, frauds, and imbeciles as if they were real policy experts who have political relevance. Now here we have an example of the media covering a real politician as if she was some random coked-up celebutards, or the chubby charity-grifting daughter of a snowbilly grifter. Its an homage, really, that Gabby is now getting the same treatment the press used to reserve for people like Princess Dianna, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and festering pile of shit Donald Trump.