Need more proof that the Obama Administration thinks we're all suckers? Today, new White House Spokes-Tool Jay Carney basically tried to convince ABC's Jake Tapper that 2 + 2 = 3.
"If I borrow money from you to pay off the interest for the debt I owe to Geoff, am I not adding to my debt? ... The president seems to think that that borrowing money to pay the interest on the debt is not adding to the debt. I don't understand that math."
Unfortunately, Carney thought Tapper asked him to recite random White House budget talking points and explain what Bush's role is in all this.
Oh well, it was really more of a rhetorical question anyway.
Be sure to watch to the end. The expression on Tapper's face says it all.
Hey, maybe this guy can pinch-hit for Carney sometime.
It looks like our Teleprompter-in-CChief has found something he's very good at, since bowling is off the list and nobody will report his golf scores. With all the practice he's getting I would hope he is improving.
He now sits at the top of the list of this county's leaders when it comes to increasing the national debt. And his biggest socialist programs like ObamaCare haven't even kicked in yet.
Daily debt calculations jump and fall, and big shifts are common. But all three of the biggest one-day debt increases have occurred under the tenure of President Obama, and all of the top six have been in the past two years.
That is for the entire history of our country.
The one-day increase for June 30 totaled $165,931,038,264.30 - bigger than the entire annual deficit for fiscal year 2007,
Hang on to your change, folks, because hope is fading fast.
You just never know which story will peak your interest or where the story will lead. Such is the case when I saw this simple wedding announcement between Peter Orszag, the president's budget director, and ABC financial reporter, Bianna Golodryga. So of course I wanted to find out a little bit about the couple. What I was most interested in was the angle that we finally had some proof of the administration literally being in bed with the media.
What I found was a little more eye opening then that. Not many people pay attention to folks who crunch numbers for a living and speak on financial and economic matters. In fact most of us turn it to the business channel when we are suffering insomnia to help put us to sleep.
Well, I am awake now.
Mr Orszag worked for former President Clinton and is now Barry O's budget director, but he is also a socialist leaning economist.
Witness this exchange from 2001, when Orszag was working at the Hoover Institute. Peter Robinson is the host of the show this interview was on.
Peter Robinson: Why don't you just soak the rich? If you're concerned that these rich are getting richer too quickly…
Peter Orszag: There is a tradeoff that one has to find a balance between…
Peter Robinson: Ahh, okay, all right.
Peter Orszag: …in--in, uh, equality versus incentives. And at some point, one--one leans too hard and the disincentive effects are too large. The question is finding a balance between the--the incentives provided to produce, supply labor, take risks, and fairness.
Peter Robinson: So this would be difficult statistically, but the rule of thumb would be, we engage in redistribution, we cream off the top quintile and put it one the bottom qui--quintile, to the extent that we can without killing the economic engine--without smothering growth. Would that be about the rule of thumb that'd you go for?
Peter Orszag: I think that's about the rule of thumb, yes.
Peter Robinson: So…
Peter Orszag: It's all a matter of degree. How much reduction in--in economic activity are you willing to…
Peter Robinson: Right, and it could be difficult to find that balance…
She also is believer in redistributing the wealth, evidenced by the tone of the interviews she does with the wealthy people whose social circles she inhabits.
Well, Jim Cramer was certainly right on target with his analysis...not!
And Bianna, what do you think of the unemployment rate now that it is above 10%?
All of these wealth redistribution believers in our current administration are certainly getting very troubling.
I saw this this weekend between the power outages we were experiencing down here during the snow storm and kept hoping Fox would put the video out on the web. Well apparently they chickened out. They have put out the video showing all of the other stuff they deep fried but didn't show the portion where Clayton Morris batter dips and fries the budget. Instant classic. Here is a You Tube video captured from somebody's television. Enjoy!