Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Heartwarming Socialized Medicine Success Story of the Day

The easiest way to stop something so ridiculous would be to stop taking organs from diseased patients.
Desperate transplant patients are being given the lungs of chain smokers because the NHS is so short of organ donations.

Surgeons are also being forced to use diseased body parts from cancer sufferers, drug addicts and the very elderly.

Experts say that the waiting list for transplants has now grown so long that hospitals are increasingly resorting to implanting so-called 'high risk' organs.

There are around 8,000 people needing an organ donation at any one time and every day three patients die because they do not get one in time.

As a result, doctors say that most patients would probably accept a 'high risk' or 'marginal' organ as without it they may not survive the year.

They are also using tissue from those more at risk of carrying HIV and Hepatitis C such as gay men and drug users.
I guess it would be homophobic or something to not use such tissue.
'We have certainly, and so have other units, transplanted organs from 70-year-olds.'

'But last year a young woman died just five months after being given the lungs of a 30-a-day smoker.'

Lyndsey Scott, 28, a cystic fibrosis sufferer, developed severe pneumonia shortly after the transplant.

She was never told the organs would be coming from a smoker and her family claimed that she would never had gone ahead with the operation if she had known.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stay Classy, Animal Rights Wackos

These people wonder why the sane among us consider them freakazoids. It's not so much caring about animlas, but taking it to extremes. A poor mother has twins mauled by a fox, which is bad enough, and now she's got to deal with nutcases threatening her?
The parents of the children mauled by a fox are receiving police protection amid concern over threats from animal rights activists.

Officers have been assigned to guard the family home and police liaison officers are in contact with Pauline and Nicolas Koupparis.

Their nine-month-old twins Lola and Isabella suffered ‘life-changing injuries’ when they were savaged in their cots in Hackney, East London, a week ago.

Scotland Yard said it was not aware of a specific threat against the family but admitted that there was ‘concern’ over inflammatory postings on social networking sites.

Yesterday a woman phoned the Radio 4 programme Any Answers to say she had heard from friends and relatives in Hackney that Mr and Mrs Koupparis were being ‘harangued and besieged’ by animal rights activists.

The caller also said there were messages on internet sites, allegedly accusing the family of seeking publicity after their ordeal.

One anti-foxhunting group set up a Facebook page called ‘Pauline Koupparis is a lying b****’.

The page has since been taken down.

Another group, calling itself ‘Urban Fox Defenders’, has attracted more than 500 members.

One, who gave her name as Alison Smith, wrote: ‘I really can’t see how a fox could be SO brazen as to go into a house, up the stairs, past adults, and go for two children.. .

'There is something here that simply does not add up!’
What is wrong with these people?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Joys of Socialized Medicine, Continued

Just can't wait until ObamaCare fully kicks in. We've got much to look forward to.
A YOUNG mum died after a series of blunders by doctors who failed to spot a six-inch long TOILET BRUSH HANDLE embedded in her buttock, an inquest was told today.

Cindy Corton, 35, was left with the bizarre injury after a drunken fall in a friend's bathroom in 2005 but "serious errors" by doctors then led to her death.

It was two years before Cindy, who was in constant pain, was able to convince doctors that the thin serrated plastic handle was stuck in the flesh of her bottom.

By then what should have been a routine procedure to remove it had become much more dangerous because the handle had become embedded in her pelvis.

After two unsuccessful operations in 2007 the mother-of-one was in such agony that she agreed to undergo further surgery in June last year despite being told it could prove fatal.

Cindy of Sleaford, Lincs, spent more than ten hours in surgery at Nottingham's Queens Medical Centre but died from massive blood loss.

Husband Peter, 61, said that when his wife first attended A&E at Lincoln County Hospital she was sent home with painkillers, despite showing them the wound on her bottom.

Four days later she was in such pain she went to Grantham Hospital and, although x-rays were taken, nothing was found.

He told the inquest in Grantham: "She wasn't properly examined by the doctor at Lincoln.

"At Grantham she wasn't examined properly again.

"This was unsatisfactory. The failures to investigate sufficiently in the first place at Lincoln and Grantham were a major factor in Cindy suffering.

"This could have been prevented by early location and removal of the foreign body which would have been a simple procedure at the time."
But fear not, out healthcare system will be better than ever!
Cindy's husband, a construction manager, is now taking legal action against United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust.

He said after the hearing: "Ok she was drunk but they didn't take her seriously. She showed them the wound but they didn't do a proper examination.

"I think it was probably down to the hospitals trying to save money and doing things as cheaply as possible."

He added: "Cindy got a very poor service from the NHS. I'm sure she would have got better treatment in foreign countries."
Don't bank on that much longer.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Classy: British Government Memo Goofs on the Pope

It's one thing to crack jokes amongst yourselves, it's entirely another to be so stupid as to put it in a government memo.

The Pope could cancel his planned visit to Britain because of a “hugely offensive” Foreign Office memo mocking his stance on abortion and birth control, sources in the Vatican said.

Senior Papal aides suggested the Foreign Office had not taken strong enough disciplinary action against those responsible for the document, which suggested the Pope should open an abortion clinic, bless a homosexual marriage and launch his own range of condoms while he is here.

No-one has lost their job over the memo, which was sent to Downing Street and at least three Whitehall departments, and the civil servant who authorised it has simply been moved to other duties.

One highly-placed source in the Vatican said: “This could have very severe repercussions and is embarrassing for the British government - one has to question whether the action taken is enough.

“It is disgusting. Britain’s ambassador to the Holy See has been in to see the Secretary of State and explain what happened and this will all be relayed to the Pope.

“It’s even possible the trip could be cancelled as this matter is hugely offensive.”

Cardinal Renato Martino, the former head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said: “The British government has invited the Pope as its guest and he should be treated with respect.

“To make a mockery of his beliefs and the beliefs of millions of Catholics not just in Britain but across the world is very offensive indeed.”

The memo, sent out in March following a “brainstorm” session by Foreign Office staff who are helping prepare for Pope Benedict XVI’s visit in September, warned recipients that the contents “should not be shared externally” because the offending document, titled “The Ideal Visit”, contained “even the most far-fetched of ideas”.

As well as suggesting the launch of “Benedict” condoms, the memo also proposed that the Pope should “announce sacking of dodgy bishops”, sponsor a network of AIDS clinics, conduct a training course for bishops on child abuse allegations and ordain a female priest.

Embarrassingly for the Queen it also suggested getting the Pope and Her Majesty to sing a duet for charity and changing the national anthem from God Save The Queen to God Save the World.

The Foreign Office responded by sending Francis Campbell, the British ambassador to the Vatican, to an urgent meeting with senior officials of the Holy See, and said the “foolish document” had not been cleared or shown to ministers or senior officials before it was circulated.

A spokesman added that “many of the ideas in the document are clearly ill-judged, naïve and disrespectful” and the department was “deeply sorry for the offence which it has caused”.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

British Wind Farms Failing Due to Lack of Wind

Maybe we can ship renowned blowhard export Al Gore over there to share some of his hot air and increase capacity.
Some of Britain's most beautiful landscapes have been blighted by wind farms for only small returns in energy, research shows.

The analysis of power output found that more than 20 wind farms are operating at less than one-fifth of their full capacity.

Experts say many turbines are going up on sites that are simply not breezy enough.

They also accuse developers of 'grossly exaggerating' the amount of energy they will generate in order to get their hands on subsidies designed to boost the production of green power.

Britain's most feeble wind farm is in Blyth Harbour in Northumberland, where the nine turbines lining the East Pier reach a meagre 7.9 per cent of their maximum capacity.

Another at Chelker reservoir in North Yorkshire operates at only 8.7 per cent of its potential.

Both are relatively small and old, but larger, more modern sites fared badly too, the analysis of figures provided by energy regulator Ofgem for 2008 found.

For instance, the two turbines at High Volts 2, Country Durham, the largest and most powerful wind farm in Britain when it was commissioned in 2004, achieves an efficiency of just 18.7 per cent.

Turbine efficiency is calculated by comparing the theoretical maximum output with what the farms actually generate.

While it is possible some of the results were skewed by breakdowns, the revelation that so many are under-performing will be of great interest to those who argue that wind farms are little more than expensive eyesores.

The analysis was carried out by Michael Jefferson, an environmental consultant and a professor of international business and sustainability.

He believes that financial incentives designed to help Britain meet is green energy targets are encouraging firms to site their wind farms badly.

Under the controversial 'Renewable Obligation' scheme, British consumers pay £1billion a year in their fuel bills to subsidise the drive towards renewable energy.

The professor told the Sunday Times: 'Too many developments are under-performing.

'It's because the developers grossly exaggerate potential.

'The subsidies make it viable for developers to put turbines on sites they would not touch if the money was not available.'

Professor Jefferson, of London Metropolitan Business School, has said previously: 'We should be putting our money where the wind is and that is quite often not where the development pressure is.'

Saturday, March 20, 2010

British Labour Party Plans 'Paperless Society'

More big government run amok.
Face-to-face public service centres like jobcentres and passport offices could be scrapped in favour of websites within four years, the Prime Minister has said.

New plans to be unveiled next week aim to move all public services online within four years.

The plans could make face-to-face transactions a thing of the past – and could mean the end of hundreds of call centres and benefit offices.

Tens of thousands of public sector jobs could be scrapped in Jobcentres, passport centres and town halls as a result of the plans, which the government says will save £4 billion over four years.

The government wants everybody in the country to have a personalised website within a year.

The sites will initially be used to apply for a school places, book doctor’s appointments, claim benefits, get a new passport, pay council tax or register cars.
And within three years it will be possible to interact with teachers or ask your doctor for medical advice using the site, which the plans describe as ‘a government version of facebook.’

Mr Brown will also argue that using text messages to remind people of GP appointments could reduce the £600 million annual cost of missed NHS appointments.
The government said the plans would have ‘huge economic benefits.’

But union leaders and privacy experts have criticised the plans.

They said elderly and disabled people would find it difficult to use the service and that the plans raised serious concerns over privacy, data protection and fraud.
What they fail to realize is not everyone is computer literate, nor does everyone even have one. But I suppose they'll be supplying every citizen with a laptop and broadband connection now?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Britain's Labour Party Infiltrated by Islamist Radicals

A real shocker, huh?
The Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) — which believes in jihad and sharia law, and wants to turn Britain and Europe into an Islamic state — has placed sympathisers in elected office and claims, correctly, to be able to achieve “mass mobilisation” of voters.

Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph, Jim Fitzpatrick, the Environment Minister, said the IFE had become, in effect, a secret party within Labour and other political parties.

“They are acting almost as an entryist organisation, placing people within the political parties, recruiting members to those political parties, trying to get individuals selected and elected so they can exercise political influence and power, whether it’s at local government level or national level,” he said.

“They are completely at odds with Labour’s programme, with our support for secularism.”

Mr Fitzpatrick, the MP for Poplar and Canning Town, said the IFE had infiltrated and “corrupted” his party in east London in the same way that the far-Left Militant Tendency did in the 1980s. Leaked Labour lists show a 110 per cent rise in party membership in one constituency in two years.

In a six-month investigation by this newspaper and Channel 4’s Dispatches, involving weeks of covert filming by the programme’s reporters:

IFE activists boasted to the undercover reporters that they had already “consolidated … a lot of influence and power” over Tower Hamlets, a London borough council with a £1 billion budget.

We have established that the group and its allies were awarded more than £10 million of taxpayers’ money, much of it from government funds designed to “prevent violent extremism”.

IFE leaders were recorded expressing opposition to democracy, support for sharia law or mocking black people. The IFE organised meetings with extremists, including Taliban allies, a man named by the US government as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and a man under investigation by the FBI for his links to the September 11 attacks.
Mocking black people? Why doesn't anyone care these lefties are in bed with racists terror supporters?
Moderate Muslims in London told how the IFE and its allies were enforcing their hardline views on the rest of the local community, curbing behaviour they deemed “un-Islamic”. The owner of a dating agency received a threatening email from an IFE activist, warning her to close it.

George Galloway, a London MP, admitted in recordings obtained by this newspaper that his surprise victory in the 2005 election owed more to the IFE “than it would be wise – for them – for me to say, adding that they played a “decisive role” in his triumph at the polls.

Friday, February 26, 2010

'It Can Only Be Motivated by Moral Weakness in the White House'

In his quest to have "the world love us" again, Barack Obama has managed to now make our staunchest allies hate us.

Heckuva job, Baracky.
This week the White House has refused to endorse the UK's historic sovereignty over the islands and its right to explore for oil in its waters.

Last night, the Henry Jackson Society, a London-based foreign affairs think-tank, said Mr Obama's stance was linked to anger at the release of the secret files.

Executive director Alan Mendoza said: 'The Obama administration's decision to ignore the democratic rights of the Falkland islanders is disgraceful.

'It can only be motivated by moral weakness in the White House or a misplaced desire to punish Britain for the Binyam Mohamed case and the disclosure of U.S. intelligence documents.

'The decision, while feeble, is unsurprising. For the past year, Mr Obama has followed a foreign policy path that punishes allies and democracies while allowing rogue authoritarian nations like Iran and North Korea to pursue their objectives.'

The criticism was echoed by Tory MP Patrick Mercer, the chairman of the Commons' terrorism sub-committee. 'The U.S. position on the Falklands certainly seems to be a warning shot which says to Britain: "Don't mess us around too much or we could make life problematic",' he said.
It's called The Chicago Way, folks.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another Heartwarming Socialized Medicine Success Story

You ever notice the Democrats never quite get around to pointing out the joys of socialized medicine in other countries? Well, except for the braindead Michael Moores of the world just performing their clown act.

If you needed another reason to oppose the government overseeing your healthcare, read on.
A grandfather who beat cancer was wrongly told the disease had returned and left to die at a hospice which pioneered a controversial 'death pathway'.

Doctors said there was nothing more they could do for 76-year- old Jack Jones, and his family claim he was denied food, water and medication except painkillers.
He died within two weeks. But tests after his death found that his cancer had not come back and he was in fact suffering from pneumonia brought on by a chest infection.

To his family's horror, they were told he could have recovered if he'd been given the correct treatment.
Hmm, a death pathway? Might that be anything like a death panel, something we we told didn't exist in the healthcare bill only to see it quietly excised later?
Yesterday, after being given an £18,000 pay-out over her ordeal, his widow Pat branded his treatment 'barbaric' and accused the doctors of manslaughter.

Mr Jones was being cared for at a hospice which was central to the contentious Liverpool Care Pathway under which dying patients have their life support taken away, although the hospice claims it wasn't officially applied in his case.

The scheme is used by hundreds of hospitals and care homes, and is followed in as many as 20,000 deaths a year.
Read the rest. It's most depressing.

Friday, July 24, 2009

'I Received the News of Corazon Aquino's Death With Great Sadness'

Oops. Just one problem. Corazon Aquino isn't dead.
BRITAIN was forced to retract a statement of condolence for former Philippines president Corazon Aquino, following false reports that the ailing 76-year-old had died.

Ms Aquino, who is suffering from colon cancer, is in hospital in "serious condition", her spokeswoman Lourdes Siytangco said, refuting the rumours that had quickly spread through the Philippines.

The statement from the British embassy in Manila quoted outgoing junior Foreign Office minister Lord Mark Malloch Brown as saying: "I received the news of Corazon Aquino's death with great sadness."

Malloch Brown, who advised Ms Aquino during her campaign for office, said working with her was "one of my life's greatest lessons in courage, leadership, the art of politics and humanity".

British Ambassador Peter Beckingham also praised Ms Aquino's "grace, charisma and compassion. The Philippines has lost a wonderful leader who is widely admired in Britain for her courage and inspiration".

But less than an hour later, the embassy withdraw the statement, saying: "Our deepest apologies, it appears the information we received was premature. Thank you very much for your understanding."

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

British Inquest Says Soldier "Unlawfully Killed"

Just when I think the Orwellian mindset that seems to have possessed the thinking of supposedly learned people in positions of public trust in regards to the global war on terrorism has reached the absolute depths of stupidity along comes another story to prove me wrong.

This time it is from the country formerly known as Great Britain. It is yet another example of what happens when lawyers get involved in what happens on the battlefield instead of sticking what they do best which is normally suing some large corporation to pad their bank account.
A Devon Territorial Army soldier who died when his vehicle hit a landmine in Afghanistan was unlawfully killed, an inquest has ruled.
I kid you not, that is what they said, unlawfully killed. Here is a clue for the good lawyers, the whole purpose of waging war is to kill the other guy. You purposely hit the weak points of your enemy. To try and blame the vehicle that this guy was riding in is ridiculous. Would he have been "lawfully killed" if he had been walking?

Reading the account of the fight, we have a term for that type of engagement. It is called an ambush. It is not the fault of the vehicle that this trooper was killed, it was the actions of the enemy who lured them into the minefield.

This is just so ridiculous and it points to the civilian mindset that somehow you can wage a bloodless war where only the bad guys get killed.

If this soldier was "unlawfully killed", does that same line of reasoning apply to all the Taliban that have been killed because they didn't possess the same equipment as we do?

I don't know how this type of thinking came into being, and certainly back when I was serving and the only thing between me and a bullet was a button on my BDU's, I don't recall a whole lot of concern about soldiers being invulnerable. There is no way to eliminate loss of life on the battlefield. The whole nature of warfare is such that when one side develops a weapon or tactic the other side immediately goes to work on a way to defeat such a weapon or tactic. Knowing your enemies weaknesses is part of the process also.

What you have no way of knowing from this story is how many hardened vehicles did these Taliban fighters allow to pass before attacking this one?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tea Time For Fascists

Genius move inviting this cretin to have tea with the Queen.
The Queen was last night facing a political storm after it emerged that BNP leader Nick Griffin could be a guest at one of her garden parties.

Mr Griffin, who has a conviction for inciting racial hatred, is set to enjoy tea and cucumber sandwiches at Buckingham Palace on July 21.

The revelation sent royal aides into a tail-spin and threatened to hand the far-right group an unrivalled propaganda coup.

It comes at a time when the party is hoping to make a decisive electoral breakthrough by winning its first-ever seat in the European Parliament on June 4.

Mainstream parties fear the BNP will tap into the mood of public anger over MPs' expenses and also pick up council seats, which are contested the same day.

Mr Griffin would be on the Palace lawn as the guest of Richard Barnbrook, BNP member of the London Assembly.

The assembly is given a quota of tickets each year and Mr Barnbrook plans to claim one.

MPs and anti- racism campaigners reacted with anger. Labour MP Jon Cruddas said: 'It is astonishing that somebody with a criminal conviction for race crimes could be allowed to attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

'Surely it is possible for someone to have a quiet word with Richard Barnbrook. There are plenty of other people he could bring.

'He should not be allowed to make political capital of our Royal Family during an election period.'

The anti-fascist group Searchlight said: 'Nick Griffin is a convicted criminal. We would have thought that on security grounds alone he would be denied access.'

Mr Griffin's conviction came in April 1998, 18 months before he was elected as BNP leader.

The 49-year- old Cambridge law graduate was given a nine-month suspended jail sentence for inciting racial hatred by distributing material denying the Holocaust.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

'She Has Painted a Target On My Back'

Radio talk show host Michael Savage was not pleased to find out some kook had banned him from entering Great Britain, especially since he didn't have any plans to visit.

My question is how did Rush Limbaugh not pop up on the no entry list?
'I have been banned from Great Britain. I had not planned on going there, I had not been there in over 25 years. When I woke up this morning I just thought I could not be true. The point is that today it is me, tomorrow it will be somebody else,' he said.

Miss Smith said the move was aimed at naming and shaming extremists and to demonstrate behaviour the Government will not tolerate. But the publication appears to have backfired spectacularly on the minister, whose job is already hanging by a thread due to a string of expense scandals.

Mr Savage, who is listened to on around 350 radio stations across the U.S., used his show The Savage Nation to attack the decision and the Home Secretary in particular.

At first he poked fun at British food and the state of people's teeth: 'My first thought was, damn, there goes the summer trip where I planned to have my dental work done.

'My second thought was, darn, there goes my visit to the restaurants of England for their great cuisine,' he said.

But then he turned on 'this lunatic' Jacqui Smith.

'For her to link me up with skinheads who are killing people in Russia, to put me in league with mass murderers who kill Jews on buses, is defamation,' he claimed.

'I thought this was a joke or a mistake. How could they put Michael Savage in the same league with mass murderers when I have never avowed violence? As a result of this, I am going to sue.'

He added: 'When has this witch heard my show, since it's not syndicated in England?'

Mr Savage, real name Michael Weiner, even argued that Miss Smith had put his life in danger.

‘She has painted a target on my back, linking me with people who are in prison for killing people,’ he said. ‘Does she not think people might hunt me down?’

More damagingly for Britain as a whole, he also called on his 'eight to 10 million listeners' to cancel their trips to England and stop buying English products.

'I don't know what they make there any more, but whatever they make, I suggest you don't buy it,' he said. 'If they want to play hardball, we'll play hardball.'
The problem the left has with conservative talk radio is in their minds any views differing from their own they consider them "fomenting hatred," as they just cannot fathom that everyone is not marching in lockstep with them.

I doubt Smith has even heard a minute of Savage's show.

The joke of it is the UK is overrun with Muslim extremists but they spend their time catering to them. And they consider a radio host to be a danger?

The irony is Smith will soon be out of a job and Savage will probably have a larger audience.

Linked at Instapundit. Thanks!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Brits Nab Five in G20 Bomb Plot

The story doesn't mention any names or identify the (ahem) political ideology of those involved, but take a wild guess. I'm assuming the next report will ID them as South Asian youths. If it's not them, you have to figure it's some anti-capitalist anarchy group.
Five people suspected of terrorist offences are being questioned by police today in connection with an alleged plot to target the G20 summit.

Three men and two women have been arrested under the Terrorism Act in Plymouth over the last three days after officers uncovered a cache of weapons and suspected extremist material during a house search.

They are being questioned over claims they planned to target the meeting of the world's most powerful political leaders in London later this week.

The five were held after officers found weapons, imitation weapons, suspicious devices and 'material relating to political ideology' during a house search, a police spokesman said.

The arrests will heighten tensions ahead of this week's summit in London.

A massive police operation is in place to protect the world leaders, including President Obama who is due to arrive in the capital tomorrow.

The alleged plot was uncovered after officers conducted a series of raids following the arrest of a 25-year-old man on suspicion of criminal damage on Friday evening.
As police searched his home they found the weapons and suspected extremist material.

Several suspicious devices were also seized and sent for detailed forensic examination.

Three people at the property were arrested for drugs offences. Further investigations led police to a 19-year-old man who was arrested yesterday

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Political Stripper: 'No One Respects Me'

Honestly, strippers rate much higher than politicians, although as far as strippers go, this one needs some work. Check that. A lot of work.
A councillor at the centre of a furore over her job as a stripper and kissogram has finally admitted defeat and stood down.

Myrna Bushell, a Liberal Democrat town councillor in Bideford, runs a phone sex line from her home and advertises herself on a website as 'Jessica - a very sexy auburn professional Devon lady, kissogram, strippergram and stripper entertainer'.
But she has decided to stand down from her council role because her colleagues no longer take her seriously, it emerged today.

The 35-year-old mother-of-one offers 'novelty party entertainment' including £85 for a kissogram, £95 for a strippergram or a £110 for a topless strippergram.

She offers to dress up as a French maid, waitress, schoolgirl, biker, nurse, headmistress, 'devil lady' or Catwoman.

She appears on two websites runs by the Xanadu Entertainment Agency and boasts she has appeared in Escort magazine and a Sky TV shows about the 'secrets of suburbia'.

Mrs Bushell was elected onto Bideford town council in Devon in May last year but three colleagues quit the party in protest two months later after her business was exposed.

At the time she defended her decision to continue with her chatline operation, saying: 'I've got to earn a living somehow.

'The reason I do it is to pay my bills and be able to spend quality time with my family. It's not incompatible with being an elected councillor and it's not illegal.'

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lessons in Headchopping and Bombmaking Optional

Is there another nation so eagerly pursuing suicide? Sure seems like the UK is on the express train to dhimmitude.
State school pupils are set to be taught Islamic traditions and values in compulsory citizenship lessons.

The move - part of a package of initiatives announced by Communities Secretary Hazel Blears yesterday - is designed to curb extremism.

Education campaigners warned however against giving Islam a privileged position over other faiths.

Other plans announced by Miss Blears also drew criticism - including a state-funded panel of Islamic scholars and theologians to provide community leadership.

Prominent Muslims said this scheme was naive because Government endorsement would erode the credibility of those taking part, especially among the young and disaffected.

Another measure will see Muslim children being taught citizenship lessons by imams in mosque schools - in the hope that they will be better equipped to resist extremist messages.

Many Muslim youngsters in the UK attend evening classes at madrassah schools attached to mosques, where imams give instruction in the Koran and Islamic history.

Ministers want imams to stress that the Koran places a duty on all Muslims to be good neighbours, carry out voluntary work and play an active part in civic society.
Complete insanity.

Is there anyone left in Britain willing to stand up to this nonsense?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Brits Finally Resolve Biggest Crisis

No, they're still freeing dangerous al Qaeda members. That, apparently, isn't that big a deal.

It's those life-threatening salt shakers they're at war against.

Pot-holed roads, crumbling schools, litter-strewn streets – there’s no shortage of problem areas crying out for their attention.

But councils believe they have found a better use for their money: reducing the number of holes in chip shop salt shakers.

Research has suggested that slashing the holes from the traditional 17 to five could cut the amount people sprinkle on their food by more than half.
For some odd reason, it hasn't occurred to the geniuses that people can still get as much salt as they'd like, though this requires something many Brits aren't familiar with: a little hard work.
Cllr Chris Hobson, leader of the Conservatives, said: ‘This is just silly, a total waste of money in an area where council tax is very high. I’m all for good health but do they really think they are going to stop people using as much salt simply by putting fewer holes in thecellar? They’ll just shake it for longer.’

Beryl Scott, who owns the Chipchase Chippy in Linthorpe in the city, said a council worker had visited the previous week to explain the merits of less salty fish and chips. ‘He said he had a salt cellar with five holes to give me free.

I thought it was a joke. It doesn’t matter how many holes it has, people are going to put on as much salt as they want.’

Another local chip shop owner, Carol Ackerman, who runs Carol’s Plaice in the suburb of Acklam, said: ‘People will just put on more salt if they want more.
‘In fact, we have had some people unscrewing the lids to do so.’

Friday, June 27, 2008

Heartbreak: Queen Can't Afford to Redecorate

Living off the public has its limitations.
The man who controls the royal purse-strings has complained that the Queen cannot afford to redecorate or even maintain royal buildings such as Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle because of the cumulative effect of a government funding freeze.

The cost of keeping the Queen and the Royal Family rose £2 million last year to £40 million, driven largely by a packed itinerary of foreign trips. That equates to 66 pence per taxpayer for the year.

In publishing the Royal Household’s annual financial report today, the Queen’s accountant, Sir Alan Reid, Keeper of the Privy Purse, warned of a £32m black hole in funding, which has caused a backlog in maintenance and repair work. The Palace is also having to compete against the Olympics for more funding from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

The Goverment has rejected repeated requests from Buckingham Palace to bolster the property grant, which is frozen at £15 million for the next three years. That has left officials unable to order asbestos removal, rewiring and re-roofing work, which they say is badly needed.
Must really suck having to squeeze by on a mere £40 million a year, a figure some say is on the low side.
Republic, the anti-monarchy campaign group, said that the true bill to the taxpayer would be nearer £150 million a year if the cost of police and army security were included.

Its spokesman, Graham Smith, said that the Queen should receive a fixed salary managed by the Government and that Parliament should set an annual budget for the monarchy.

“There is a clear need to reform the royal finances, so we can all be sure they are entirely transparent and accountable,” he said. “It is high time the monarchy abided by the same standards of accountability as the rest of Government."
Good luck with that.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Twelve-Year-Old Shows Beheading Videos to Classmates

Just lovely. The next generation of extremist recruits at work in the UK.
A 12-year-old white schoolboy is among 120 people being dealt with by police in a new project combating Islamic-inspired violent extremism, it was revealed today.

The child, who has only been identified by the initials BC, was reported by his school in West Yorkshire after he was found circulating video clips of terrorists beheading Westerners.

Sick films were distributed to classmates on their mobile phones, prompting a teacher to march the boy to the local police station.

Police revealed the child arrived in Britain as an asylum seeker in July 2005, and at the age of eight allegedly assisted a nine-year-old and a 12-year-old boy in the forced rape of his sister, although he was never prosecuted.

West Yorkshire Chief Constable Sir Norman Bettison revealed: 'The white child that we are working with has been downloading Jihadist beheading videos and circulating them around school.

'That was bad enough, but he also has an unnatural interest in guns and weapons. He spoke openly of his wish to be a sniper and spoke of his curiosity of what it would be like to kill someone.'

Sir Norman described BC as an 'angelic looking boy' and a police mugshot shown to delegates depicted a fair-haired child so short that his face was barely in the frame of the camera.

'He is at risk of being a violent young man and a threat to society,' the chief constable said.

'He is not a Muslim. He is not driven by ideology - he is too young to spell the word. But he is being influenced and intoxicated by the imagery and appeal of Jihadist and other internet violence.'
Now while him watching the videos in and of itself does not mean he'll become a terrorist, it should be alarming enough for his parents to intervene. The story notes he he has only a single parent (doesn't identify a mother or father), and I'm thinking whoever it is may really be out of touch if this kid help in the rape of a sibling.

Whatever the case, it's time to intervene and try and get through to this kid before it's too late, and that time will soon arrive.

Time to stop mollycoddling these kids and start getting tough with them.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

BNP Maniac Convicted on Terror Charges

Question for those who still support the British People's Party and National Front: Is this what you represent?
A Nazi fanatic convicted of being a terrorist today was caught by chance while preparing to wage a race war against Jews and ethnic minorities.

Martyn Gilleard, 31, was a white supremacist who idolised Adolf Hitler and urged sympathisers to 'stop talking and act' or the 'purity of the white race will be lost forever'.

When police raided his flat they found a terrifying arsenal of weapons, including four nail bombs hidden under a bed used by his five-year-old son, bullets and an assortment of bladed weapons including swords, knives and a machete, Leeds Crown Court heard.

They also discovered DIY bomb manuals, a guide to how to make your own sub-machine gun and internet instructions on 'how to assassinate people and get away with it by using poison'.

A speech he had written by hand in a personal notebook mentioned 'killing Muslims, blowing up mosques and fighting back.'

Ironically police first went to his flat in Goole, East Yorkshire, to search for child porn and discovered 39,000 indecent images on his computers. It was during that search that the terrorist hoard was uncovered.

Gilleard, a member of the extremist British People's Party and National Front, will be sentenced tomorrow and faces a possible life jail term.

Outside court Detective Chief Superintendent John Parkinson, head of the Counter Terrorism Unit in Leeds, said Gilleard was an 'extremely dangerous' man who may have been planning terrorist outrages.

He said: 'Gilleard considers himself to be a British nationalist. He is in fact a terrorist, a man prepared to use violence to divide, or perhaps even attack, our communities.

'Not only has he openly expressed extreme far-Right views and a desire to act on them, he also had the capability to do so.
Sounds like such a charming fellow.