Saturday, May 29, 2010

Preschool Graduation

That's right, Jax is now an official graduate of Alphabet Train Preschool in Riverdale. He graduated on May 21. Miss Michelle, his teacher, did a great job. They sung songs, then she had each child come up where she shared something about them. When it was Jaxon's turn, she shared how Jaxon is her little perfectionist. He had to make sure everything was just right in all of his assignments, often having to redo things to make sure they were perfect. She said he was definitely going to be a straight A student. Then she presented him with his "diploma", as well as a scrapbook that was specific to just him. It had pic's of him on the first day of school, then on each of the field trips. Jax has looked at it every day and takes time to tell me the same stories over and over:). After graduation was done, Miss Michelle held a carnival in her back yard. There were different stations with games where kids earned tickets. At the end they traded their tickets in for prizes. She finished it off with lunch. Jax told me it was his "lucky day" because he got to go to a carnival, then get graduation presents from his grandparents and parents. It was a special day for me too. I will blame it on the hormones left over from the pregnancy, but I was definitely teary-eyed watching my Baby Jax singing songs and looking so big. I was such a proud Mama! My mom also took Becks and Krew for me so that I could spend some much-needed one-on-one time with Jax.

Jax has grown up so much during this school year. The first two pics are from his first day of school, and the last three are from preschool graduation.

Jax and his buddy Jake. We couldn't end the school year without a pic of these two together. Jake's mom and I have plans to keep these two friends even though we've moved. Jax has been asking to have a "play-date" (his word, not mine:0)) with Jake constantly since school ended!
Some of Jaxon's accomplishments at the end of the year: he can count to five in Spanish, he writes his name very well, he can write any letter you tell him. He now asks how to spell random words, then shows me when he's done. They're always right! Besides his name, he can write Mom, Dad, and Beck without even asking how anymore! I know all parents think this, but I swear my kid is a genius! He can tell you anything about any animal or dinosaur. He is always coming out with random facts for me.
A while ago, Jax and my older brother Jarod argued about where the Dodo bird was found before it became extinct. Jax kept insisting it was from the Isle of Mauritius. We looked it up, and Jax was right! The Island of Mauritius. That was fun to rub in my brother's face;)!


Ash said...

Jame! Just saw your cutest little guy- congrats! Late, yes, sorry. sometimes that's now I roll :) He is absolutely ADORABLE and I love his hair too- how fun to have met your new little man! I'm anxiously awaiting meeting mine! THREE BOYS?!?! SERIOUSlY, what are we to do? You'll have to let me know how it's going, it looks like you're handling everything great! Keep it up!

Zack Family said...

He is smart boy! I love him.

Kara said...

Oh so fun, I'm sad that our kids won't be together next year. It was fun to be able to see you a couple of times a week! He is a handsome guy and what a smartie!

Brittni and Jared said...

Hi Jamie- Krew is adorable! I love all his hair. Hopefully we will see you guys soon! I hope you are feeling great and that everything is going well with you. Two hasn't been bad how are you handling 3?