Saturday, May 29, 2010

Preschool Graduation

That's right, Jax is now an official graduate of Alphabet Train Preschool in Riverdale. He graduated on May 21. Miss Michelle, his teacher, did a great job. They sung songs, then she had each child come up where she shared something about them. When it was Jaxon's turn, she shared how Jaxon is her little perfectionist. He had to make sure everything was just right in all of his assignments, often having to redo things to make sure they were perfect. She said he was definitely going to be a straight A student. Then she presented him with his "diploma", as well as a scrapbook that was specific to just him. It had pic's of him on the first day of school, then on each of the field trips. Jax has looked at it every day and takes time to tell me the same stories over and over:). After graduation was done, Miss Michelle held a carnival in her back yard. There were different stations with games where kids earned tickets. At the end they traded their tickets in for prizes. She finished it off with lunch. Jax told me it was his "lucky day" because he got to go to a carnival, then get graduation presents from his grandparents and parents. It was a special day for me too. I will blame it on the hormones left over from the pregnancy, but I was definitely teary-eyed watching my Baby Jax singing songs and looking so big. I was such a proud Mama! My mom also took Becks and Krew for me so that I could spend some much-needed one-on-one time with Jax.

Jax has grown up so much during this school year. The first two pics are from his first day of school, and the last three are from preschool graduation.

Jax and his buddy Jake. We couldn't end the school year without a pic of these two together. Jake's mom and I have plans to keep these two friends even though we've moved. Jax has been asking to have a "play-date" (his word, not mine:0)) with Jake constantly since school ended!
Some of Jaxon's accomplishments at the end of the year: he can count to five in Spanish, he writes his name very well, he can write any letter you tell him. He now asks how to spell random words, then shows me when he's done. They're always right! Besides his name, he can write Mom, Dad, and Beck without even asking how anymore! I know all parents think this, but I swear my kid is a genius! He can tell you anything about any animal or dinosaur. He is always coming out with random facts for me.
A while ago, Jax and my older brother Jarod argued about where the Dodo bird was found before it became extinct. Jax kept insisting it was from the Isle of Mauritius. We looked it up, and Jax was right! The Island of Mauritius. That was fun to rub in my brother's face;)!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


My extremely talented friend Sharstin took pictures of Krew this past week, the day he turned two weeks old. Here are a few. How great is she?!!!

Love this bowtie pic:

Friday, May 21, 2010

Love This FACE!

Just another random picture of my new little snuggly guy. Can I tell you how much I LOVE being his Mommy?!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet Baby Krew

FINALLY, on May 11, 2010, at 12:47 Krew Scott Hadlow made his appearance in the world. He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. We are so happy to have Krew in our family, and I already LOVE him more than words can say! He is the sweetest little baby ever (as long as you feed him RIGHT when he's ready;)).

Birth Story:
I went in at 5:30 to be induced, and I was already having contractions consistently about 10 min apart (which had gone on for 3 days so could have gone forever:)). Julia came in and broke my water at 7:45, and then I asked for my epidural. I'm not so much into pain if I can help it:0). The anesthesiologist was in a C-Section, but I was assured he would come when he came out. An hour and a half later, he came. By then I was doubled over in pain. Just before he got there, they gave me some pain meds through my IV to take the edge off, which just plain knocked me out. He came in and did the epidural, and I had a hard time even focusing through that. The next thing I knew, it was noon and I had been having feeling pressure below for a while. The nurse checked me and let me know I was ready and she was calling Julia. Julia didn't show up for 3o or 40 minutes, and the whole time I was telling Ryan I was holding Krew in. I could seriously feel him trying to slip out! Julia got there, and as she was gowning up she told me to go ahead and try to push and rock the baby. Receiving wasn't even there yet for Krew. Well, one push and his head popped out. Another half a push and there was his body. I heard Julia say, "Look at that hair!" I thought it was a joke because my kids are born bald. Not this time! Anyway, a nurse ran in the hall and yelled for receiving. It was pretty funny, and I loved that this part was fast. I don't love pushing. Julia told me that was shocking, and that it was one of the fastest deliveries she's ever seen:). Krew came out SCREAMING, and didn't stop for a while. Once he got a bath, he calmed down and has been pretty great ever since (as long as I don't eat sausage and cheesy things:).

When Krew's hair dries right after a bath, this is what it looks like. Automatically! It stands on end EVERYWHERE. It looks like a monkey, and I LOVE it! He also sports a rockin' mullet!
Kara had her baby Brynn the next day in the room right next door to me. It was fun having her so close, and being able to visit each other! It is also great having a friend who is going through the same thing you are at exactly the same time! Here is a picture of our little bundles in the hospital. Maybe it can go in their wedding video!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Tomorrow, my life is going to change. I am so excited to meet my little Krew. I'm excited to see the feet that have bruised the skin just under my ribs. I am excited to see the elbows that pop out my sides. I am excited to kiss the little face I haven't seen since 22 weeks, the mouth that has a bad case of the hiccups about 10 times a day:). Over the last few weeks, these little things have felt like such a burden, but I know after tomorrow I will miss every second of feeling Krew move inside of me. I'll miss the closeness of literally sharing the same skin.

Tomorrow, our little family of four is going to change to a family of five. Jax is so excited to meet his little brother. Beckham is still pretty sure Krew is in his belly, so it will be quite a surprise to him after he comes out of mine:). Ryan can't wait to meet his son and is so curious to see what he looks like. I just hope I have the energy to spread my time around three boys (four, if you count Ryan:)). I know Jax can't wait to once again be my helper, and will love every second of it. I just hope that I can show Beckham that just because there is another baby I'm holding, it doesn't mean that I love him any less. I hope he doesn't feel cheated, and knows how big a part of my heart he still holds. He gets jealous if I even hug Jax and not him, so I'm hoping he doesn't take my affections being split too hard.

Tomorrow, all of my questions will be answered. Is Krew fully healthy? How will the delivery go? What does Krew look like? Is his nose mine or Ryan's, does his head shape take after his mom or his dad's? What's his temperament going to be like? Will he have hair? Will he be fair or olive-skinned? So many things I have wondered about over the past nine months will no longer be a mystery.

Tomorrow, I will feel guilty for leaving my boys for a few days. I am excited to have the time with just my little Baby Krew, to be able to bond with him. I have only forty eight hours before we go home, and my attention has to be split into thirds. I just hope I'm up for the task of my three boys. Tomorrow, my naps end:). Tomorrow, eating what I want ends:). Tomorrow, I will be able to breathe again:).

I can't wait for tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Field Trip To the Zoo

Jax's preschool took the last and best field trip of the year on April 21. My little sis Jordyn was nice enough to come with us since there was no way I could be 9 months pregnant and chase two kids around. We divided and conquered, each of us taking one at a time. I haven't been to the zoo since four days before Beckham was born (why I go just before my kids arrive I really don't know:)). The zoo wasn't as cool as I remember it. The baby giraffe died, the zebras died, and they are doing some sort of renovation on the bears exhibits so they're in Oregon. Not a great season for animals at the zoo, though there is an adorable baby elephant. Jax and Beckham had the time of their lives even with the lack of animals. It was so fun to watch the joy on their faces!
Rarely did I see more than the side of Jax's face, since he was always looking at the animals:)

My little sis Jordyn and the boys by the giraffes (I know, obvious)

I'm pretty sure it's a requirement every time you go to the zoo to get a picture by the gorilla picture...

Jordyn was a sport and carried Jax on her shoulders a ton. Good thing he didn't want me to:)

This is the only picture I have with me and both boys...I couldn't get them both to pose in a picture with me.

Jaxon's cute Alphabet Train Preschool. This is four classes worth of four and five-year-olds:). Can you say CHAOS?!

Can I tell you how much I LOVE this face? I feel so blessed to see this smile every day...even if it is covering an extremely mischievous side;). He so doesn't look old enough to be a big brother!

Well... six more days until Krew arrives, if he's not here before. I am being induced May 11. So far I am having some contractions (nothing consistent or serious), but I just know I will be able to hold on for only six more days. I have too much to do before he can come! Famous last words, right? This kid is SERIOUSLY painful in my belly. He has given me bruised ribs on both sides, to the point where it hurts to even slouch, and he's not afraid to still kick those bruised ribs. My aches tell me it's time for my body to get with the program and start the evacuation plan, but my mind says NO WAY. Three kids still sounds a little intimidating.
Also, my little brother Jace came home from his mission last night. Pic's to follow as soon as I get them from my mom...