Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Birthday Boy

Lincoln turned 3 at the end of May. He is our sweet wild and crazy bundle of excitement and energy. He has  2 speeds. Fast and faster. He only slows down when he is drawing in he many notebooks, or reading books.  He knows exactly what to do to push all his parents buttons. And we love everything about him! 

Here is our big 3 year old! 

He got a remote control jeep for his birthday and loves it. 

  I let Lincoln pick out his own cake this year, and decorate it. He thought it was awesome.

Here is the boy opening a few presents. He loved everything he got his year! 

Trip to Coeur D'Alene

After Tyler's Graduation we went up to visit Grandma Shar and Grandpa Duane and our friends the Poteets up in CDA. It rained way to much while we were there, so we were mostly stuck in the house, but it was still nice to see everyone.  And as per usual I got a ridiculously few number of pictures. But here are a few on the ones that have actual people in them.

 Tessa and sweet Grayam on a tractor.

While we were there we helped Duane and Shar put pavers in their backyard. 
After we left they finished the project and here it is. It looks so great!!! 

A group shot of us and the Poteets, with almost everyone smiling! 

Tyler's Graduation

My cousin Tyler graduated from Law School in May. We went up to Missoula to attend. We only got a few pictures, and here they are. We're so proud of him! 

Disney World 2015

It may have been two years ago, but it was still awesome and worth posting about! ...