Showing posts with label amazon kindle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amazon kindle. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2018

Book Review - My Gift To You by Tracie Delaney

I haven't read a romance novel in years, but after months of crime thrillers and psychological thrillers I needed a change. When Tracie offered this as an ARC I jumped at the chance to crawl out of the darkness and into the light.  I am so glad I did.

It's really difficult to review a great book without giving spoilers that to me would dampen a reader's enjoyment, and I want every reader to enjoy this book as I did.

For heartbroken Livvy Hayes, the world went dark two years ago when tragedy struck.

With her life in tatters, she flees to California where an unexpected meeting brings handsome businessman Gabe Mitchell into her life.

Gabe loves a challenge and Livvy is his newest endeavor. Her broken spirit calls to him, begging to be healed. And who knows, she might be the one to heal him too.

Can he persuade her to take a chance on him--and convince her that together they have a future?

Or will fate intervene and destroy them both?

This is a highly emotional read that will make you laugh, but will also pull at your heartstrings and have you crying, so I suggest a huge box of Kleenex be on hand and within easy reach.

I totally enjoyed following Livvy and Gabe's romance, as he introduced her to a life she'd never known before. The characters are well developed, witty at times, and the descriptions of the trips he takes her on fascinating. I loved seeing the world through Livvy's eyes.

If you're a romance fan and not into they have a fight, get back together, have sex and live happily every after--then this book is for you.  A compelling drama that will lift your spirits and break your heart at times.  I highly recommend it.


Tracie has a large selection of wonderful reads. For more visit her Amazon Author Page.

Amazon Author Page

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sneak Peek! #SundaySample

As promised, here's a sneak peek at the Prologue and Chapter 1 of Innocent Blood.  Enjoy your Sunday, and happy reading!

Amazon Pre-Order


Loki Redmond woke to the sound of a door softly closing. She tossed off the covers and made her way to the window, welcoming the reprieve from her dark, disturbing dreams. At least it wasn’t a vision.
Her brother Jules stood outlined in the moonlight, his fists clenched at his sides. A well of sadness opened up inside her at the sight of him standing there with his head bowed. If her dreams were dark and disturbing, his would be a thousand times worse.
Loki rummaged through her chest and donned shorts and a T-shirt. It was already warm, and the day ahead promised to be blistering. Since they were both awake, they might as well talk about what was bothering them. She tiptoed down the hall, through the kitchen, and out the back door. If he woke, Jake would demand to know what was bothering her, and she didn’t honestly know. Her dreams were most likely the product of her grandfather’s call for help with an issue on the reservation. He’d reminded her of her duty to her people.
Her people. Strange that Grandfather should put it that way. He’d constantly criticized her and her brothers and shouted more than once that they weren’t true Choctaw. He’d belittled their mother right up until the day of her death. Loki shook off the emotions churning in her gut. Grandfather was an old man now, and hating him would only hurt her.
“Hey.” She approached Jules slowly, aware that at times he walked in his sleep. “Bad dreams?”
Jules picked up a rock and threw it into the trees that surrounded the back of the property. “Horrible.”
“Want to talk about it?”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
Placing an arm around his waist, she stood with him, just watching the beauty of the early morning breeze gently swaying the trees. “You didn’t wake me, but even if you did, I’m glad. My dreams weren’t very pleasant, either.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t go to the reservation today. After the way they treated us, you don’t owe them anything.”
Loki sighed and dropped her arm. “Is that what’s bothering you?”
Frustration overwhelmed her. For years Jules hadn’t said a word, trapped in his own mind with a horror he didn’t know how to express. All that had changed last year when she’d brought Jake to Grandpa Zachery’s farm to heal after his wife’s murder. What was supposed to be a vacation turned into a fight for their life against a madman and his mother, but for Jules it had been a miracle of sorts. They’d managed to save Grace, a thirteen-year-old who had been kidnapped and abused by the serial killers, and her month-old baby, Hope. And Grace had helped Jules heal. The two of them shared a bond that few people would ever understand. “I can’t help you, Jules, if you won’t talk to me.”
“Talking won’t change it, Loki. You and I both know that.”
“No, but sometimes it helps to share things.”
“Why do we call this the Redmond Farm?”
Loki chuckled. “Because Grandpa loved our mother so much that when she married our father, he changed the name of the farm. Sometimes I think he did it just to piss off Grandfather Redmond.”
“There’s something evil about Grandfather Redmond, Loki. Don’t trust him.”
“I didn’t before, and I’m not going to now.” She studied Jules’s face, looking for clues about what was truly behind his pain. “If there’s something you know about what’s going on at the reservation, you should tell me.”
“Have you ever known something was wrong but you didn’t know what it was or how to stop it?”
Loki dropped to the ground, hugged her knees to her chest, and patted the spot beside her. “You know how my visions work. I get images or feelings, and it’s always after something horrible has happened. I can never stop it.”
Jules finally sat beside her. “Some of the spirits are angry. Some are very sad. They say innocent blood has been shed, and the blood of more innocents will be shed in the coming days.”
“Have you talked to Grace about this?”
“She feels the same thing. I think she knows more, but she’s not ready to share it yet.”
“Do you know when this is supposed to happen?”
Loki shuddered. She and Dadron were leaving for the reservation first thing this morning. The sun began to rise, but it did nothing to dispel the chill sinking into her bones and encompassing her. “Does this have anything to do with Grandfather?”
 Jules stood, brushed off his jeans, and walked toward the forest. His voice was sad and filled with pain. “No, but you should tell Jake you love him before you leave.”


The early morning sun blazed down on the small ravine as Jake Savior knelt beside Jules Redmond and studied the ground. In a few more hours the heat would be unbearable. “Anything at all?” Jake asked.
“Nothing.” Jules stood and wiped the sweat from his brow. “A child couldn’t have gone into that brush pile without leaving some trace.”
Jake removed his neckerchief and wiped his face. “So I guess it was a spirit or ghost or whatever it is you guys see that the rest of us don’t.”
“Loki doesn’t see spirits.”
“Well, she certainly saw something, and it’s happened three times now.” Jake started the slow climb to the road. It had been a long shot, bringing Jules here, but Jake felt helpless when it came to the things Loki experienced. This one had upset her more than usual.
“Maybe it was a vision.” Jules followed close on Jake’s heels.
 “Water or beer?” Jake lifted the hatch on the Highlander and pulled out the cooler. “Is it always this hot here in April? It’s not even eight o’clock yet.”
“Water. It’s too early for beer.” Jules took the bottle, splashed half of it on his face, and drank the rest. “The winter was strangely cold, and no, it isn’t normally this hot in April. Doesn’t bode well for the summer months.”
Jake popped the top on a can of beer and took a long drink, his eyes scanning the terrain. “There aren’t any houses anywhere near here in either direction. If this is a vision of something destined to happen in the future, where would a child come from?”
Jules shrugged and grabbed another bottle of water. “Loki’s visions usually come after something has already happened.” He pointed at the ravine. “But there are no spirits here. We could have Grace search the computer databases and see if there were any car wrecks where a family was injured or died and a young girl survived and ran away. ”
“Sounds like a plan.” Jake slammed the hatch. “It’s too hot to stay out here any longer, and I’m hungry. You want to drive?”
The young boy’s face lit up. “Really?”
Jake tossed him the keys. “You’ve got your permit, and you have to learn sometime.” He held up the beer and grinned. “And I’ve been drinking before breakfast.”
Jules adjusted the seat and mirrors, waited for Jake to buckle up, and started the car. “So what exactly did Loki see?”
“A young girl, maybe five or six years old, running across the road. Loki thinks she was Choctaw, but she can’t be sure.”
“And you didn’t see her?”
“Nope. The first time she screamed stop, I almost flipped the car in the ditch. Loki ran after her, but she disappeared into that cluster of brush we just searched.”
“And is it always the same time of day?” Jules’s eyes locked on the road in front of him.
“I never really thought about it, but yeah, it was close to the same time all three evenings. Dark enough to have the lights on but not totally dark,” Jake said.
Jake leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes. In the past year, he’d accepted Loki’s visions, as well as the fact that Jules and Grace saw things no one else could. For Loki, the visions were simply part of her Choctaw heritage. Grace’s ability was brought on by trauma and loneliness during the years she was held captive by a madman and his crazy mother. Jules’s abilities were probably a combination of his Choctaw heritage and trauma. Jake had learned firsthand what trauma and grief could do to the human psyche. His friends’ abilities might be preferable to the insanity that had seized him after his wife’s murder. His heart still ached for Cara at times, but with Loki’s love, he was healing a little more each day and building a new life in Mississippi.
“Have you heard from Loki and Dadron?”
“She called to say they had arrived. I don’t expect to hear anything else until later. Cell service out there isn’t the best in the world. She said she’d call if they were staying overnight.” Jake shot a glance at Loki’s younger brother. Worry lines wrinkled Jules’s forehead, replacing the earlier gleeful face, and he gripped the wheel tightly. “Something bothering you, Jules?”
“Grace says the spirits are restless, and something terrible is about to happen. She doesn’t know what, but it has something to do with innocent blood.”
“And you think that has something to do with what’s going on on the reservation, or the kid Loki keeps seeing?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so, but there are those in the tribe who love and respect Loki, and those who hate and fear her.” Jules’s voice faltered for a moment. “The hate is because of me.”
“She only promised to listen to what her grandfather had to say. Besides, Dadron is with her. He’s not going to let anything happen to her.”
“I still don’t think she should have gone there.” Jules turned in to the driveway leading to the farm. “This is not her fight, and she doesn’t owe Grandfather anything.” He parked in front of the house, turned off the motor, and handed the keys to Jake. “Thank you. Tell Grace not to set a place for me.”
“Where are you going?” Jake exited the vehicle quickly, but Jules was already disappearing into the forest behind the house.
The door to the farmhouse opened, and Grace came out on the landing. “Let him go, Jake.”
“Any idea where he’s headed?”
“He built a sweat lodge yesterday. He’s gone there to fast and pray for those who are about to die.”
~ ~ ~

Loki Redmond grabbed the door handle and held on tight as the vehicle hit a pothole. “With all the money pouring in from the casinos, can’t they do something about this section?”
Tim “Bearclaw” Whitefeather jerked the wheel to avoid another hole. “Politics.”
Loki glanced in the rearview mirror, meeting Dadron’s angry gaze. She understood his anger as they passed another section of clapboard houses, the yards littered with empty liquor bottles and piles of trash. They’d left the more prominent sections of the reservation over an hour ago and were now traveling through the parts hidden from tourists. She also understood Tim’s comment about politics. Even here, miles from what was referred to as civilization, the rich got richer and the poor continued to suffer. 
Tim pulled into a section of trees and parked. “The basin is about a half mile through the forest. We’ll walk from here.”
Loki motioned for Dadron to hang back as she rushed to catch up with Tim. “Why did Grandfather want to meet out here?”
“You’ll have to ask him.”
Grabbing Tim’s arm, she turned him to face her. “I’m asking you. You haven’t said ten words to us since we got here. We were friends once. And you know how Grandfather feels about us. Please, tell me what this is about.”
“Nalusa Falaya.”
“You can’t be serious.” Loki laughed and shook her head. “Nalusa Falaya is a myth. Like the boogeyman, something made up by parents to keep the children inside after dark.”
“We have two missing hunters, Loki.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. If they’re unfamiliar with the area, they probably just got lost out here.”
“We found the third hunter.”
Dadron joined them. “Dead or alive?”
Tim’s jaw set in a hard line, and his eyes darkened. “Mostly dead. We’re wasting time, and your Grandfather doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
Loki hung back to walk with Dadron. She really didn’t care what her grandfather liked or didn’t like. Tim had been her cousin Harry’s best friend all through childhood. They’d gone through the police academy together, and Tim had joined the tribal police when Harry had moved to Corpus Christi and joined the police department there. Living on the reservation kept some of the old myths and culture alive, but no one believed in Nalusa Falaya. “What do you think he means by ‘mostly dead’?”
“Grandfather asked you to bring Jules with you, didn’t he?” Dadron asked.

“Maybe.” Loki watched Tim’s back as he stalked away from them. Grandfather hadn’t asked her to bring Jules, he’d demanded she bring Jules. He’d wanted all three of them here. “Don’t worry, Dadron. It will be a cold day in hell before they get their hands on Jules again.”

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Forgotten - Meet the Characters - Robert

Working in the criminal justice system in the USA I've had the opportunity to see different types of scenarios of crime that made me cringe inside. A huge fan of shows like Criminal Minds I would often find myself looking at the evidence, studying the victims and the perpetrators looking for an explanation. I also do that with my characters. Delving into their dark minds, looking for that one glimmer of something good, or simply some explanation for their crimes. 
There were times as Robert’s character developed when I wondered if there was good somewhere deep inside him.  Perhaps a redeeming quality that made him worth saving.  As time went on, I realized that some minds are damaged beyond our understanding. Things have just become too twisted and warped.  Although I occasionally felt sympathy for Robert, I found no redeeming qualities to exploit.

Robert is a handsome young man, with a charming smile, dark eyes, and the heart of a crazed killer. He feels no sympathy for his mother’s victims, nor for his own perverted pleasures. He would most likely be diagnosed as criminally insane. There are moments of lucid thought when you’ll almost feel he’s about to change.  Don’t get taken in by his charm.  Raised by his insane mother, his crime spree started at the tender age of ten, but his madness started long before that—along with his hatred of dogs and animals. 

Some fascinating passages from Robert’s mind:

The Indian had looked at him long and hard, but it wasn’t as though she was looking at him. Instead she was looking through him, seeing inside him. Way down deep to the part of him no one knew and no one saw. I should have killed her and the dog.

Suffering doesn’t always mean dead. The dog had suffered too, but it was still breathing, still snarling and growling. What if the girl lived?

   He’d learned early to keep his urges in check by working with the old and feeble. There was something cathartic about watching them slowly waste away, their eyes constantly searching the hallways in hopes of a visit from a relative, or a friendly face. They were the real forgotten. Put out to pasture to rot from the inside out.

Love a twisted killer? Then you'll thoroughly enjoy Robert.

Available on all Amazon sites. Grab your copy now! The Forgotten


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Forgotten - Meet the Characters - Dr. Mary Ann Coomer

Dr. Coomer is named after one of my lovely fans.  My newsletter requested anyone wanting to be mentioned in a future book to email me with their name.   Like to see your name appear in a future novel?  Sign up for my newsletter at

Dr. Coomer is an old country doctor who has been the family doctor for the Redmonds for as long as Loki can remember, and who took care of Loki’s grandfather until he passed away. Originally a bit part, I was somewhat shocked when the serial killers had other plans for Dr. Coomer.

She’s dedicated to saving lives, feisty and her sense of humor had me laughing out loud as her part developed and grew.  A Christian woman, she often prays and talks to God, although at times she has to ask for forgiveness as some of her prayers and thoughts might be perceived as detrimental to the health of the killers.

A couple of my favorite quotes from Mary:

He’s nuttier than your grandma’s jam cake, Anna Claire.

She’d known the second she laid eyes on Harriett Tatum that the wheels might be spinning but the guinea pig had died a long time ago.

Available on all Amazon sites. Grab your copy now! The Forgotten

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Save $6.00 - Book 1 and 2, Catherine Mans Psychic Suspense Novels

A Father's Day Special Offer - Both the Catherine Mans Psychic Suspense Novels are now $.99 through Monday 6/16/14. If you love mysteries with plots and sub-plots, download a sample and check them out.



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two great mysteries


Please don’t leave me here.

Catherine Mans heard the whisper over the rustle of the leaves. He was here. She knew it, but her time to find him was running out. A heavy mist had begun to develop over the river, drifting up the ravine into the creek where she knelt beside the water. Her search for twenty-one-year-old Timothy Bond had led her to many ravines in the past two weeks. Her visions were confusing, pieces of jigsaw puzzles that seemed to fit—and not fit—every creek area surrounding the Kentucky River.
Letting the cool water flow over her hand, Catherine closed her eyes. She paid attention to the gentle force as it pressed against the barrier, allowing herself to connect with the emotions it contained. He’d been here. Walked this bank. Trudged through this water. And he’d never left.


She heard Cody’s unasked question and rose. “He’s here, Cody. I can feel it.”

“The fog is rising fast. I’m going to call off the search and bring everyone in.”
His voice held an edge of defeat bordering on disappointment. He’d followed her over snake-ridden banks, through shallow pools, and even into the river twice. She knew he ignored the ridicule of his fellow officers, but he couldn’t ignore the rising wind, misty rain, and fog swirling into ghostly clouds. Failure to call off the search would put everyone in danger.

Catherine turned back to the pool of water and stared into its murky depths. A vision of Mr. and Mrs. Bond appeared, arms wound around each other, eyes swollen and red, beseeching her. We know he’s dead, Ms. Mans, but we can’t sleep at night. Not until our boy comes home.

The not knowing was what aged you overnight, placing dark shadows beneath your eyes, deep-etched lines upon your face. The sorrow emanating from Mrs. Bond’s eyes had touched her in a way she hadn’t expected, opened the door to memories of things she’d worked hard to forget. Catherine touched the scar just above her right breast and wondered if her own mother had looked that way when Catherine had run away.
Catherine shook off the thoughts. Now wasn’t the time to think about her mother. Or the past. Nor was it the time to allow the frustration in Cody’s voice to discourage her. She knew he respected her abilities and believed in her. A smile played around her lips. A lot had changed in the six years since he’d knocked on her door and asked for her help in finding three-year-old Danny Wells. Cody had worked hard to become the head of the homicide division, and through his efforts, a special fund had been established to pay for Catherine’s consulting fees. She also knew his efforts were the reason that other departments had begun to call upon her for help. But the non-believers, the ridiculers, would always persist. Her ninety-eight percent success rate didn’t matter. The two percent failure was what everyone remembered.

A steady rain began to fall as the whisper reached her ears again. Please don’t leave me here.

“I won’t, Timmy,” she murmured, kneeling by the creek and closing her eyes again. Reaching out with her mind, she searched for the small thread of energy she knew was there somewhere.

“Catherine, we’ve got to go.”

“Go ahead and call off the search, Cody,” she answered in a matter-of-fact tone. “I’m staying.”

A strange throbbing started deep inside her head, drowning out the words she knew Cody was saying. The scar on her chest burned, as if someone had suddenly poured gasoline on it and set her on fire. She stood up slowly, catching her breath against the fiery pain as her feet moved involuntarily, trudging into the cool water that swirled around her ankles. The pool deepened, reaching her waist. The swift current pushed her downstream on unsteady feet that no longer seemed to belong to her. A thick layer of fog surrounded her, until she could no longer see the opposite bank.

“Catherine, where the hell are you going?”

Cody’s voice sounded distant. She heard his radio crackle as he called out to the search team and his muffled oath as he splashed through the water, following her across the creek.

The throbbing subsided to a dull ache in the center of her forehead, but the scar continued to burn with fiery insistence, and her feet still moved against her will. The water became shallower, and her feet sank into mushy sand as she climbed the bank of the creek into an open field that led to a cliff overlooking the river.
The fog had dissipated here, and Catherine could see the edge of the cliff. A single oak tree stood outlined against the black clouds rolling across the sky. The jigsaw puzzle came together. The pieces started to fit. The pain subsided, but her feet continued to move, carrying her closer to the edge. She wanted to stop, but an unseen force kept her going until strong arms closed around her, jerking her backwards just as her feet slipped over the edge.

“Jesus, Catherine. What the hell are you doing?” Cody gasped between labored breaths.

“I don’t know. I was… I didn’t…” Catherine tried to clear the fog from her mind, grasping to explain what she didn’t understand herself. “Cody, the tree. It’s the same tree in my vision. He’s here. I know he’s here.”

“Okay. Okay. Give me a second.” Some of her excitement registered in his voice. The tree had been the one clue missing from all the other ravines.

The two crept slowly toward the edge of the cliff. A blanket of fog covered the earth thirty feet below, but they didn’t need to see through the fog. Less than five feet down, on a jutted outcropping, lay the remains of Timothy Bond.

Catherine stood near the edge, listening as Cody gave directions to the search team. A feeling of peace settled over her. She’d found him. “It’s time to go home, Timmy,” she whispered.

“Don’t get too close to the edge, Catherine.”

She didn’t bother to answer, as the wind chose that moment to switch direction and force her back from the edge. Catherine shivered as icy fingers raced down her spine. The sound of laughter echoed on the wind, followed by a whispered challenge: Find me.


Moonlight glinted off the scalpel.

Lydia moistened her lips and swallowed, flinching at the pain. Her throat was dry, raw from her screams.

“Please. . .” she whispered.

Thud, clink, thud, clink, thud, clink. The shovel dug in rhythm to the voice. The singsong rhyme.

“Dig the hole, dig it deep, give the worms something to eat. I like the livers and the hearts, the worms can have the other parts.”

Thud, clink, thud.

Tossing the shovel he knelt beside her, gently brushing the long blonde hair from her face. “Shh. . .,” he whispered.

Insane giggles filled the night as the scalpel slashed through bone and sinew.
The sapphire-blue eyes dimmed, fading as her body jerked and her lips parted.

“Please. . .,” she whispered.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Featured Author - Barbara Silkstone - You'll love her fairy tales!

Barbara Silkstone is the best-selling author of The Secret Diary of Alice in Wonderland, Age 42 and Three-Quarters ~ Wendy and the Lost Boys ~ London Broil ~ The Adventures of a Love Investigator, 527 Naked Men and One Woman.

Silkstone's writing has been described as "perfectly paced and pitched - shades of Janet Evanovich and Carl Hiaasen without seeming remotely derivative. Fast moving action that shoots from the hip with bullet-proof characterization." She has attended writing workshops with Stephen King, Robert B. Parker, P.D.James, and James Michener.

Wendy and the Lost Boys topped the charts in comedy, climbing over Tina Fey, Sophie Kinsella and Ellen DeGeneres. The Secret Diary of Alice in Wonderland, Age 42 and Three-Quarters has been a consistent best seller in comedy. Both Wendy and Alice have been in the top 20 Amazon comedies at the same time.

"I enjoy doing playful things with language, blending two distinct words to create a new word. If I'm laughing out loud when I'm writing, then I know I've hit the mark. I laugh so loud while I'm writing that the neighbors think I'm having wild parties. I'm not. I live in South Florida where I survive on buttered popcorn and Kentucky Fried Chicken... extra crispy."

Friday, April 13, 2012

Featured Author - Nancy Lee Parish - Amulet - Free Today 4/13/12

Nancy Lee Parish, former matriarch of a tenting community, was appointed "Supreme Ruler" of all Canada Geese. Fiercely protected by her loyal followers, she was often heard asking the perplexing question, "Are we out of bread again?" Now her endeavors include granting life or death at whim to the likes of dragons, bossy dachshunds and the occasional annoying bad guy. Although the geese play a lesser role these days, they remain in the wings, so to speak, ready to protect their Supreme Ruler if need be.

When Tristan finds an amulet, he has no idea how much his life is about to change. When his amulet awakens the evil of another amulet, long thought lost, it is all of Ranaria that hangs on the brink. The black crystal has stirred.

There are those who seek its power and there are those who seek its destruction.

There are also those who know its secrets.

Even with dragons on his side, is there enough time for Tristan and his companions to stop that which has been unleashed?

With many twists and turns, a story unfolds that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Expect the unexpected.

Reviewers say:

"Amulet," book one of the DragonBlade Series by Nancy Lee Parish sated both the little child and the adult in me with its intriguing characters and adventurous spirit. The author's pacing of this story is superb. She always leaves the reader wanting more, giving you just enough pieces of the puzzle to stimulate your curiosity and keep you reading until the very last page.

Fantasy books can be difficult for some readers because of the author's need to invent places, things, philosophies, and a way of life totally unfamiliar to the reader. In Amulet, Parish settles into a comfortable balance between the story and the fictional world.

There are many conflicts going on in Amulet. The most obvious and long-lasting is the one which pits the Ecli, the dark wizards who rule all of Ranaria and live in the city of Dardanos, against the Volanari insurgents. Beyond this is the conflict among the four wizards known as the Ecli. Each has their own agenda. Among the Ranarians there are those who are linked to the Ecli and to other wizards of old. Among this group, there is a desperate desire to survive the Ecli and regain their freedom, but it means taking risks unlike any they have ever considered in the past. It means believing in the reality of things thought only to be fairy tales. It means trusting those once thought to be their enemies to fight the creations and the pull of the dark crystal.

I don't know that there is one main character in this book. It is more like an ensemble, which is in harmony with the theme of the story. Thus, the reader gets a chance to know the characters more through their interactions with each other rather than through the author's unveiling of their internal psychology.

Parish keeps you on your toes trying to second guess where the story is taking you. One of her characters perhaps explains it best: "Sometimes things happen for a reason, and it ain't always apparent what that reason is when it's happenin'." [Thoral]

Amulet is part of the DragonBlade Series, and I look forward to seeing where the dark crystal leads us.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Kindle Authors - Let's hear it for the girls!

To some fantastic twitter friends and fellow authors--thank you for the mentions, RT's, and support! More to come soon--after all we can't forget the guys.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Book Review - Merry-Go-Round by Donna Fasano

It's been years since I read a romance book, but I don't think I could have chosen a better one for a wonderfully entertaining evening. Once started, I found I couldn't stop. I found myself laughing and my eyes misting. I emphatized with the main character, Lauren, as she dealt with the day to day pressures of her job, a cantankerous old man of a father, and attempted to get back into the dating game, all the while fighting an overwhelming attraction for the man she just divorced.

By the time I finished this book I felt I truly knew the characters, especially Norma and Lew, and that they had become a part of my life as old, dear friends. Another great book I didn't want to end.

Definitely a 5 Star read.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

7 Great Books $1.00 on Kindle - World Book Day

It's World Book Day, and we have some awesome Dollar Day Deals on some truly great books! Prices subject to change without notice. Widgets

Five Star Reviews

As a professional environmental analytical chemist I was already predisposed to have fun with this new story by Libby Fischer Hellmann, one of my favorite Chicago mystery writers. I was not disappointed; Libby did a wonderful job of interweaving some Georgia Davis backstory, several interesting interpersonal relationships, and tense environmental drama, into a believably frightening murder mystery! The story unfolds in a non-linear fashion, which can be a disaster for the reader (and author!) if not laid out well, and Ms. Hellmann succeeded admirably in letting us have the present and past story fragments coordinated beautifully in the push towards the denouement, imho. The resolution of both the mystery and the drama was quite satisfactory, and I greatly enjoyed the looks at the many facets which comprise Georgia Davis!

Five Star Reviews

I really liked this book. But although this is the first one written about Jacody Ives, there is a recently released a prequel titled "Sacred Secrets." That's the book to start with.

"The Gifts" is a supernatural mystery thriller. I'd like to say I couldn't put it down, but honestly, I don't read that fast and I do need sleep at night and still have to go to work each day. So it took me a few days to read it. But it was a fun ride, and the suspense kept me wanting to know what happened next.

I hope it's not too long before Prather's next book. I'm hooked. Unless something unexpected happens, I will read anything she writes.

I'm waiting Linda . . .


Five Star Reviews

Having read the first book of this series, The Gifts, I was so excited to have this prequel released! How did I spend a snowy day you ask? Doing the laundry that really needed attention, baking some goodies for my family, or reading this book for 6 hours straight? If you went with option 3, you win!! I could not put this book down from the moment I started reading it.
Sometimes I find that in a mystery book, you are left to your imagination about the characters, but with Sacred Secrets the characters are rounded out nicely. I was drawn into their experiences, laughed with them and felt everything they felt.

I can't wait for the next installment... keep 'em coming!!!


Five Star Reviews

Utterly impossible to put down. A full throttle read that will keep you guessing until the end. I love the characters and the way that they interacted together.

Catherine is a beautiful reclusive psychic who has assisted the police is several cases. Cody, the detective who is responsible for having Catherine hired has fallen in love with her although he knows nothing of her mysterious background. His love is put to the test when Catherine is considered a prime suspect in a serial murder case.

Cody is forced to work FBI agent, Bryan Wilkes, and the action really begins. Catherine is aided by her friend Rosetta, who is captivating and adds a little humor to a serious situation. Rosetta is a whiz with a computer and promptly gathered information that is vital to solving this bizarre case. Eventually all four are forced to work together and journey into a dark realm that what could hold Catherine's destiny.

There are so many facets to the story that as the reader you want to find out what other secrets are going to be uncovered. The ending was very satisfying as we learn who Catherine Mans really is and what her future will bring.

I would like to thank the author for gifting me a complimentary copy and the opportunity to review this first rate mystery.


Five Star Reviews

Alicia is a murder mystery writer. And someone is copying the murders in her books. She's completely freaked out and worried. Her publisher and son come to comfort her, but it doesn't stop the harassing phone calls or the break in. It also doesn't stop the guilt and worry.

I love a good murder mystery. And this one's a good one. This is a short story that packs a lot into only a few pages. And it's well worth the read. I had no clue until the very end who the murderer was. And I'm usually good at guessing these things. My only complaint was that it wasn't nearly long enough. I can't wait to get my hands on more from this author.

I received this book free of charge in exchange for my honest review.


Five Star Reviews

Second Chances had a common theme throughout and centered around two families. The lives of two families were forever changed overnight. We first meet Hanna while she is babysitting 7 year old Kadi. As Kadi sleeps, Hanna calls her hot tempered ex-boyfriend who broke up with her because he had already moved on. Hanna tells him she's pregnant and they agree to meet later that night. The next morning, Hanna is found dead. Kadi's father Ryan Crowe, is accused of and eventually convicted of murdering Hanna. Ryan is sentenced to 20 years in prison. Hanna's younger brother, Dain, vows to kill Ryan in 20 years when he is released from prison. The ripple effect of one incident caused many more families to suffer because one person chose to remain silent by not telling the truth.

Second Chances is told from each character's view, but mainly Dain and Kadi. As a reader, we were able to read how each character is feeling and thinking at the time. We were able to understand the purpose of their actions as they happen. As adults, Dain and Kadi end up in the same bar not knowing each other's past. It is now 20 years later and Kadi is on her way to reconnect with her dad. Dain is waiting to make his move to make his vow a reality. He's set to kill Ryan Crowe. Until he runs into Kadi. Dain is struck by Kadi's beauty and Kadi is intrigued by Dain.

I really didn't care for Dain's rage and abusive nature. If he didn't possess such anger and violent thoughts, he could be a really great guy. I personally don't associate with anyone with that type of personality, especially as a parent and wife. I wouldn't want that around my family. When Dain and Kadi were together, they both seemed to spark each other's rage and feed off of each other. At times, their relationship was tumultuous roller coaster.

Kadi plays detective to prove her father's innocence. Meanwhile, Dain is doing his own investigating. With the same passion and determination over finding out the truth, their friendship eventually turns into more. They are both investigating the same case but fail to share what they learn.

Kadi and Dain's love for one another is a strong bond. Through the maze of finding out the truth to who killed his sister Hanna, he is unable to fully give himself to Kadi. At least not until he knows the truth. He needs to know if Ryan Crowe is innocent.

Second Chances is about two families finding a second chance at life, love, family, and the future. Overall, this book was an exciting, romantic, and suspenseful read.

Five Star Reviews
This was a great read. I was rooting for Danielle from the first page. I love the fact that this story is based on real events too.

There are sad and funny moments throughout the book and you find yourself siding with Danielle throughout it.

The writing is superb credit to Mel for such an enthralling read.

A worthy five star read.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jump - One Year Anniversary - Jen Wylie

I love birthdays. And today I'm celebrating a good friend's One year Anniversary of her very first published work. You have to agree that's worth celebrating. Happy Birthday JUMP!

Wow, how times flies! A year ago today my very first published work came out!

Jump by Jen Wylie

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult, Short Story

Published Dec 15 2010 by Echelon Press

Word Count: 3 288

Jump became #1 on Omnilit’s Best Seller List right away, and stayed on the chart for over 6 months! My first published story certainly is a my baby. It was fun to write, fun to edit and fun to market! Considering any complaints about it have been ‘it’s too short!” I’m quite happy with how it was received. (It is a SHORT story after all- they’re supposed to be short- or they aren’t short stories!)

Thanks to all of my readers and fans for their support and trying out a new authors work! Hugs and rainbows!


If you were told to jump off of a bridge would you?

Perhaps it would depend on who was doing the asking. Our heroine has spunk and a sense of humor, however suffers from an extreme case of inappropriate clothing. When things take a turn from dangerous to worse what will she do when fantasy becomes reality? Warning: May include hot leather clad men, singing and demons.

Available for 0.99 at :




Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble



My mother’s voice popped into my head; “Would you jump off a bridge if so-and-so asked you too?”

I would of course reward her with my classic eye roll and a dragged out, “M-o-o-o-m!”

But there I stood on a bridge being asked to jump. Well, more like told to jump. The knife poking, none too gently, into my lower back clearly indicated the asking part wasn’t really applicable.

I pursed my lips together tightly, as a very childish, Don’t wanna, threatened to escape them.

Being a smart ass right now probably wouldn’t make my situation any better. My cheek still stung from the backhanded slap Mr. So-and-so had given me when we’d first met, as he tried to pick me up on my way home from Avery’s Bar. He hadn’t appreciated my witty negative comment then, and I doubt he’d like one now.

“I told you to jump.” His voice growled low in my ear as the knife pushed harder against the center of my back. He leaned into me from behind and I shivered at the his closeness to me.

His sanity level couldn’t be very high. What a piece of work, this slimeball. I decided Slimeball would be the perfect name for him. His dark greasy hair, smelly clothes and the filthy hands he had used to grab me off the street, and drag me up here with.

“Why?” I suddenly asked, staring down into the darkness below the bridge. It was an old abandoned railway bridge, not even overly high. The likelihood of me splattering to my death wasn’t very large. I’d probably just end up breaking a whole lot of bones.

I didn’t get why he wanted me to do this. Other than smacking me around a little, and some gentle prodding with the large nasty knife, he hadn’t tried anything with me. I’d expected to be dragged off and raped, or murdered, or at least robbed, but not told to jump of a little bridge.

Slimeball didn’t answer my question; he just poked me with the knife again. “Jump.”

“You are seriously demented,” I muttered and winced as pain suddenly erupted in my back. Guess he heard me.

He poked again, more like jabbed harder, and I spread my arms slightly as I wobbled, trying to maintain my balance. I stood a good foot away from the edge, but I had my favorite black bar boots on and the stupid things had three-inch spiked heels. They’re great for showing off my legs, but not so great for balance, or running. I’d tried running when I saw he wasn’t just some ass following me home. I knew he was serious trouble. I hadn’t gotten far when I pulled the classic “lady in distress” trip and fall bit. I’d been seriously surprised, and pissed, when I fell to the ground. I’d always scowled at the stupid chicks who always fell down in my favorite fantasy books. Scenes like that had always seemed extremely unrealistic to me, but apparently it does happen, especially when you’re wearing three inch heels. The black mini skirt didn’t help much either.


Jennifer Wylie was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. In a cosmic twist of fate she dislikes the snow and cold.

Before settling down to raise a family, she attained a BA from Queens University and worked in retail and sales.

Thanks to her mother she acquired a love of books at an early age and began writing in public school. She constantly has stories floating around in her head, and finds it amazing most people don’t. Jennifer writes various forms of fantasy, both novels and short stories. Sweet light is her debut novel to be published in 2011.

Jennifer resides in rural Ontario, Canada with her husband, two boys, Australian shepherd a flock of birds and a disagreeable amount of wildlife.

My website:

twitter: @jen_wylie


facebook fan page:

My blog:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not your "Cozy" Mysteries! $.99 for a limited time.

New covers, coming soon!

Excerpt - The Gifts, A Jacody Ives Mystery

“Mr. McAllister . . .” Marisa stopped just inside the door, her eyes wide, taking in the disarray of the room. “What are you doing?”

She wanted to say something else, scream, but the cloth pressed over her mouth and nose was making her feel funny. The smell was familiar. She tried to remember what it was. A hand slipped under her blouse, cupping the small breast. Marisa tried to pull away, but her arms were too tired. She felt herself being lifted, placed on the bed. The smell pulled her deeper. No, she had to fight to stay awake. She had to tell him she wouldn’t tell anyone. Had to make him stop. Everything seemed to be happening from a distance. Marisa fought her way through the fog, hearing his curse as the zipper on her pants stuck. Hearing the fabric rip, feeling the cool draft as her body was exposed. He lifted the cloth from her mouth, shaking her awake. “You’re going to scream for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He placed a pillow over her mouth and nose, just as a sharp pain between her legs brought her to full consciousness. Her eyes filled with tears as she stared into the black eyes above her and screamed.

"Scream for me, sweetheart. Scream for Daddy."

Marisa screamed with every painful thrust until lack of oxygen made her body go limp, her mind numb. He continued to grunt and thrust long after her body became limp and lifeless. His climax was exhilarating. He was renewed. Humming his favorite tune, he jotted the words on the small pink card. A gift from me. You’re next.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

#WW Indie Spotlight Thank You

My Wednesday Twitter #WW Indie Spotlight Thank You for retweeting and being my twitter friend.

And let's not forget those wonderful people out there that help us as Indie authors in promotion and launching our books. @Indie_Kindle @AuthorsLaunch @Kindle_Max @PixelofInk @Kindle3