Showing posts with label District Attorneys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label District Attorneys. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2015

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt - Meet the Supporting Cast

Now available for Pre-Order. Like all my books, I like to give my fans a chance to pick up new novels as cheap as possible. I've set the pre-order introductory price at $.99. See links below. Release date is April 17th, so stay tuned for a huge release party involving New York Times and USA Today best selling author, M. A. Comley. We'll have some great prizes and lots of fun. If you missed the earlier posts of "meet the good guys" and "meet the bad guys" you might want to take a quick look. I've rated this book R for language, violence and rape. If you're offended by any of that, you may want to pass on this one as it's much stronger and more graphic than my usual novels. Join me tomorrow for Blunders or Bloopers and out-takes.


My fans who have read earlier novels realize it's unusual for me to limit myself to just the protagonist and antagonist, but normally include a supporting cast that weaves sub-plots into the novel. The supporting cast for Beyond became some of my favorite characters of all time. A few of them I'm sure will find their way into spin off novels of their own.

Clifford Beaumont ~~ No one works in Corpus Christi without feeling the political power of Clifford Beaumont. Rumors associate him with the mob, but no one has ever proven it. His hands have been clean for a long time, but they're about to get dirty. Real dirty.

Favorite Quote ~~ “They all say that, son. But everybody talks. All you’ve got to decide is how much blood you want to lose before you do it.”

Drago ~~ Former henchman for Marcus Dade. A dark and mysterious man.

Favorite Quote ~~ “You can call me Tom. It’s a good name.”

FBI Agent Carl Starks ~~ Another dark and mysterious man, playing both sides. A very dangerous game.

Favorite Quote ~~ "Take care, Miss James, and don’t trust anyone.” His jaw tightened, and his eyes darkened. “Even me.”

Gregory Artusa ~~ Henchman for Marcus Dade. A perfect example of the darkness of night, a natural born killer whose instincts were to kill first and ask questions later.

Favorite Quote ~~ “Doesn’t have to go down this way, David.”



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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt - Meet the Good Guys

There were so many things I loved about writing this book, but above everything else was the characters. So I thought I'd introduce them and share some of my favorite quotes from the book. I've rated this book R for language, violence and rape. If you're offended by any of that, you may want to pass on this one as it's much stronger and more graphic than my usual novels.


Jenna Patience James ~~ Jenna became a prosecutor because she believed crime should pay with the strongest penalty the law allows. A strong advocate for victims, and formidable presence in the courtroom. She'll do whatever it takes to find evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

Favorite Quote ~~ “Rape is nothing like sex. It’s a violent, angry, and terrifying robbery of your body, mind, and emotions.”

Jake Savior ~~ A sexy Corpus Christi police officer and sometimes hot head. He's waited 28 years to take down the judge that set free the man who killed his mother.

Favorite Quote ~~ “I’ve waited twenty-eight years to get you, so you know what I’m gonna do, Judge? I’m gonna spread the word around the jail that you’re a former judge. Prisoners don’t like judges. With that information making the rounds, even an old ass like yours is gonna see some real action. You’ve spent your whole life fucking people. Let’s see how you like it.”

Harry Redmond ~~ Jake's partner, who has had a secret crush on Assistant DA Jenna James for five years. A Choctaw Indian who still believes in the old ways.

Favorite Quote ~~ “You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will result in me beating the shit out you.”