Friday, January 18, 2013

Sweet Sleepy Baby

My poor Kent boy has been sick. In fact, our Rachel girl was kind enough to share her cold with the whole family. (She is soooooo good at sharing!) Mostly it's just been a head cold with a cough, sore throats, and copious amounts of boogers. We have all weathered through fairly well, but my poor Kent boy has had the roughest time sleeping since he's been sick. Because of all the mucus and snot he has had a hard time breathing through his nose and it has been keeping him awake. He is happy when he is in my arms and he will stay asleep if I will hold him, but if I put him down he is awake within minutes. His longest nap today was probably 15 minutes long and now he is just sooooooo tired. I've put him to sleep tonight 3 different times already but he just can't stay asleep.

It would be nice if I didn't need to sleep or get other things done. There is something about holding a sleeping baby that is so sweet, and so peaceful that makes me never want to put them down. Kent is so sweet and cuddly. One time tonight I sent Jacob in to take a turn getting him back to sleep and Jacob ended up bringing him to me to take care of. As soon as I took him in my arms, he snuggled right in and was so happy to be snuggled by his mama that he started laughing and he would laugh every time I talked to him. I just love how much he loves to cuddle! Those are times when it's extra fun to be the mama, because babies usually like to cuddle with their mamas the most. 

Well here I go to try to put him down again. Hopefully it works and this tired baby and his tired mama can get some sleep. 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ah I just wanna kiss that face!!! i dont care if he got me sick!