I just wanted to take a few minutes and jot down a few funny stories about Rachel lately.
On Sunday morning Rachel woke up before I did. Jacob got up and took her potty and they both came into my room to see me. Jacob laid down by me and Rachel went about exploring my room. I could hear what she was saying but I wasn't watching what she was doing. She kept talking about how she wanted to wear my bra (which she talks about frequently). After a while she said she needed to go potty again so Jacob went to go help her and came back cracking up a few minutes later. Rachel had stripped naked so that she could put my bra on. She knows that it goes under your clothes. That girl is so cute and funny!
This next one needs a little back story. Every since Rachel was a baby she has liked to pinch skin. When she was really little she would pinch the soft skin on the underside of my arm while she nursed. When she got a little bigger and could reach farther she switched to pinching the skin on my neck. When I weaned her since my neck wasn't aavailable while she was drinking her milk, she started pinching her own neck for comfort and she still does that. The first time I have her hot chocolate this season, she was really funny. She told me, "Mom, hot chocolate is my favorite drink!" I said, "it is?" And she said, "Yeah, pinching my neck!" And indeed she was. I thought it was really funny that she thought hot chocolate was sooooooo good that she needed to pinch her neck while she drank it. It's "pinch your neck, good!"
According to Rachel, Nephi has been a regular visitor at our house lately. Rachel loves playing with him. She gives him rides on her bike and helps him go potty and puts bows in his hair for him. She is really funny because she "carries" his all around the house. Also she told me that she saw Gidianhi going for a walk outside. Al least I know she is getting something from our family scripture stories.
If you ever ask Raxhel what she is thinking about, she will always say "Baby Jesus!"
I had a few other stories in mind when I sat down to blog, but I can't remember them right now. I guess I'll have to write them down later when I remember them.