Monday, October 31, 2011

8 months

Here are Katie's 8 month pictures.  I am loving this age.  She interacts with us so much and is usually very happy.  She loves exploring all over the house and getting into everything.  We had to get a gate for the stairs a few weeks ago after she learned how to crawl up them.  She definitely keeps me busy, but I love it!

She is also still sticking out her tongue all the time.  Friends and strangers always comment on how cute it is. 


Shaela said...

8 months+ is my favorite age. :) She's adorable!

jaustin620 said...

Always fun to see my little granddaughter and how much she is growing and changing! Yes, it is a fun age and will continue to be fun as she develops day by day.

Jana and Rob said...

Wow, that lamb is looking small. I love how she's always trying to bite it.