December 31, 2014


Sister Shahan turned 97 today. We had a fun little brunch with about 20 people in our ward. I am so grateful for her example in my life and love her dearly.

Papago Park Hike

While the kids were off for Christmas break we went on a little hike in Papago Park. We had a good time.


We began Christmas by reading the Christmas story out of the Bible. Then we let the kids go downstairs. Emmy got a new bike, TJ got Ninjago Legos, Addy got an IPOD shuffle, (she had asked for a violin but Jamie refinished one to give to her so Santa had to bring her something else.) Evie got an Elsa doll, Rook got a train table, Jamie got a new gun and I got a new sewing machine. We were all spoiled.

One of the funnest things for me this year was to watch the kids pick out presents for each other. When we went to visit Grammy and Papa a few weeks ago Addy had gone to the Dollar Store with Grammy and picked out a snow globe. She broke it as soon as she got home and she was devastated. So TJ came up to me one day and told me he wanted to get her another one for Christmas. She was really excited. 
Emmy made a book for TJ. She wrote the book and illustrated the pages and then I just scanned them in and had it printed. It was so cute. She also has been learning to sew and made Addy and Evie little blankets for their dolls. She spent hours on all of them and they turned out great.
After we opened our presents we cleaned house and got ready for brunch with the Espersons and then tried out our new toys.
We had a really good day. Some days I wonder why I am so incredibly blessed when there are so many people in this world who struggle. I don't know the answer to that question. But I am so grateful for the blessings that are mine and for a Savior who loved each of us enough to come to earth and die for us.

December 30, 2014

Christmas Eve

Since we went to Taylor the weekend before, we were able to just enjoy Christmas Eve at home this year without traveling. Although, I missed seeing my family on Christmas Eve and Christmas, it was so nice to not have to travel on Christmas Eve. We read the Polar Express and the Christmas Train and then let the kids unwrap their new pajamas. Then we told them they had to go to bed early. When they went up to bed they found their golden tickets to the minivan express. So Jamie punched their tickets and they got in the van where we had hot chocolate and drove around and looked at Christmas lights. It was a fun night.

Gingerbread Men and Choo-Choo Trains

We usually make our big gingerbread boy and girl together as a family but this year I made some gingerbread cookies for activity days and I had leftovers. So we let the kids decorate them instead.
The last couple of years we have set up a cheap train instead of the one Jamie got when he was little because we are afraid the kids are going to destroy his train. It was definitely a good choice this year. Rook could not keep his hands off of the train we set up. He LOVES anything that moves; trains, cars, or planes. He is so intrigued with them and is constantly trying to figure out what makes things go. He reminds me a lot of his dad.

December 28, 2014

Christmas in Taylor

We went to Taylor the weekend before Christmas to celebrate Christmas with my family. We had a fun party that included; a nativity with lots of beautiful music.
We also distributed some gifts - I made aprons for all of my nieces that were over 1 and each of my sister-in-laws.
Tommy made each of the girls bracelets. This picture doesn't do them justice. They are beautiful!
Then we broke a pinata.
Then we got our presents from Grammy and Papa.
T.J. got an erector set.
Evie got an Anna doll and new jammies.
Rook got a new jacket and a new truck.
Addy got an 18" doll and more than a dozen new outfits for it handmade by grandma.
Emmy and Jessi got matching clothes and they were excited to match.
And Jamie got a 50 pound bag of popcorn. And I honestly think he was as excited for this as any gift he got. He LOVES popcorn. It will be interesting to see how long it takes him to go through it.
We also went bowling while we were up there. The kids, especially Addy and Evie, loved it.
My parents family party has always been on Christmas Eve. They decided this year to move it to the Saturday before Christmas so that we could spend Christmas Eve with our individual families. It was bitter sweet for me. I was so glad to not be traveling on Christmas Eve, to already be home, and to get to spend the night with my own little family and to begin our own family traditions. However, I missed my family. I missed seeing them on Christmas and getting to spend Christmas Eve with them.