December 30, 2012

Snow Fun

Before we had Christmas dinner and came back to the valley on Christmas, the kids got to play in the snow. They absolutely loved it.

My Twinn Doll

I had never even heard of a My Twinn Doll when Emmy started saying she was going to ask Santa for one. When you order one, you pick the hair color and length and style, the eye color, the skin color, etc. She was so excited to get one. She has named her Elizabeth. After she had her bath on Christmas we did her hair like the doll and she got to wear her matching outfit. Pretty cute if I do say so myself.


Christmas Eve it snowed for an hour or so, pretty hard, so we got to wake up to a white Christmas morning. So that was such a fun surprise. We got up a little after 5 on Christmas. Addy and Evie weren't sure they were ready to get up yet.
Seeing the tree and presents from Santa for the first time.
The presents....
Jamie made TJ a set of pistols out of the same material he made the knives out of. They are really pretty.
My dad made Emmy a mirror, TJ a rifle and a stick horse and Addy a stick horse.
I think this was Addy's favorite present of the year. We got her this ballerina costume and she has hardly taken it off for a week.
We had such a fun Christmas and each of us is truly blessed and more spoiled than we deserve. But our greatest blessing comes from the life of our Savior and we are so grateful for this time of year to celebrate his birth.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was my family's Christmas party. We made big gingerbread cookies with the kids to eat there.
 The kids also got to open their gifts from their cousins.
Cody wasn't going to be there Christmas morning so we gave my dad and all my brothers their Christmas presents on Christmas eve. Homemade gifts are big in my family. When we were growing up my dad made us a lot of homemade gifts and continues with that today. This year I got Jamie involved in that tradition. He made knives for my dad and each of my brothers. Each knife was slightly different so we had them draw numbers and let them choose. Here is a picture of all the knives that Jamie made in preparation for Christmas. Some for his family, and some for mine. Tommy helped toole the sheaths for my family and Jamie tooled the sheaths for his.
 And here are my brothers and my dad with their knives.
I'm not sure what TJ is trying to convince Evie of here, probably that she needs help opening that present, but I think she is letting him know she's got it covered.
 All dressed in our new jammies ready for Christmas.
 After Santa has come, but before the kids are up.
Emmy wanted a My Twinn Doll.
TJ wanted a bow and arrow.
Addy wanted a new princess bike.
And Evie got a new doll. I'm not sure who has the crazier set of hair, Evie or her new doll.
Santa Clause was really good to me. I got a new flash for my camera and Jamie got a new gun and a GPS watch.

Pinata Party

We went up to Taylor Sunday, the 23rd, right after church and made it just in time for my Grandma Hancock's pinata party. None of the kids broke the pinata but they had a lot of fun trying.
When the pinata broke, Jamie got Evie a huge sucker. She was very appreciative and shared it with him.
My grandma always gets each of the great-grandkids a gift and she usually does really good in getting them something they will like.