
Showing posts with label risalah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label risalah. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 October 2011

3E Best

                                                   Inilah rupa dia..

Assalamualaikum semua..

First time post yg baru ni xde orang komen..huhuhu..sebenarnya xde apa pun.Makcik P datang.kitaran 28 hari sekarang cd2.Tataula macamana nampak gaya macam heavy je period ni.Harini CD 2 dah 4 pad saya tuko..atau maybe sebab sibuk kemas rumah.

Ni nak kongsi pasal produk 3E Best.Pernah baca dalam majalah mingguan wanita mengenai produk ni pada kolum DR HM TUAH. Pernah dengar tak pakar motovasi ni? Tajuk dia menarik minat saya pada keluaran bulan lepas. Lebih kurang tajuk dia macam kesuburan la. Jarang dia buat tajuk2 macam ni dalam kolum dia.

Dia cerita pasal produk 3E best ni. Saya tak pernah dengar even tanya dekat TTC Corner pun xde siapa pernah dengar. Dalam kolum dia, dia ada tulis dia syorkan produk dia ni pada sahabat. Then ada sahabat dia minum sebanyak 4botol .Amalkan bersama isteri dia. lepas habis 4 botol lekat. Jadi baru sekarang saya ada masa nak cari produk dia ni. Browse dalam internet terjumpa link dia.. Ingat nak trylah nanti.
maklumat dari web dia:
FORMULA 3E (Extra MIND, Extra MILD, Extra MILE) yang diasaskan oleh DR. HM TUAH ISKANDAR al-Haj, kini telah dijelmakan sebagai produk 1001 kegunaan untuk penyempurna dan penguat motivasi diri, pengawal emosi, membetulkan psikologi serta penyembuhan begitu banyak penyakit - insyaALLAH. Ia diiformulasikan oleh Jershima Intergrated. 3E BEST ibarat special edition pada keseluruhan produk ini.

Antara penyakit yang setakat ini, dengan izin ALLAH sembuh ialah  gastrik, resdung, migrain, lelah, sakit buah pinggang, sembelit, buasir, kencing manis, darah tinggi, keputihan, sakit sendi, lutut bengkak, kekejangan otot, simpul biawak, mati pucuk, sengal tulang, ghout, sakit usus, kembung perut, batuk, tumor, kanser, ketumbuhan, stroke, mati anggota badan, tekanan darah tinggi, kerap buang air kecil pada waktu malam, selesema, alergik, susah dapat anak, monopouse, ketidakseimbangan hormon, senggugut, putaran haid tidak tepat, kolestrerol tinggi, kabur, sejuk kaki tangan, susah tidur, ganggunan makhluk halus dan lain2.

Tawaran istimewa kepada para pembeli melalui ini ialah kos penghantaran ditanggung oleh syarikat untuk botol ke-2 hingga botol ke-5. Bermakna jika membeli 1 botol sahaja (tidak kira saiz), kos penghantarannya ialah RM10, tetapi botol kedua dan seterusnya hingga 5 adalah percuma. Jika membeli 6 botol cajnya posnya ialah rm20 tetapi untuk botol ke-7 hingga 20, cajnya masih rm20. SATU PENJIMATAN BESAR bukan?Satu penjimatan yang AMAT BIJAK dan MENJIMATKAN.

50ml RM45.00
40ml RM35.00
20ml RM25.90
30ml RM25.90 - (pek ekonomi dengan botol biasa)

Ada macam2 khasiat rupanya.. maybe nak tryla..So bg yg berminat bolehlah try kan?

N one more thing, majalah PA & MA bulan ni ada cerita tentang rawatan kesuburan .Tapi sebenarnya kebanyakan maklumat yang diberi dah diketahui. Apa2pun kalau nak beli boleh.Tapi sebak jugak sebab duk tengok gambo baby, baju baby, barang2 baby,n bla bla2..huhuh


Thursday, 18 August 2011

Trying again after miscarriege?

Trying Again: Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage-- Amos Grunebaum, MD-- 03/08/04

By Amos Grunebaum
WebMD Live Events Transcript

Trying to get pregnant after miscarriage can be scary and confusing. When can you try again? What are your chances of success? What are the causes of miscarriage? We addressed these questions and more when Amos Grunebaum, MD, medical director of the WebMD Fertility Center, joined us in WebMD Live. 

The opinions expressed herein are the guest's alone and have not been reviewed by a WebMD physician. If you have questions about your health, you should consult your personal physician. This event is meant for informational purposes only. 
- xpa nnt kita pi jumpa doc lepas raya.:)

Member question: Should I insist on tests after a first miscarriage to determine the cause?

Dr. Amos: After one miscarriage your risk of having another one is not increased. So most doctors do not suggest doing any testing after one miscarriage. Having said that, it also depends on your medical history. For example, some second trimester abortions may be associated with an incompetent cervix, but most first trimester abortions are due to chromosomal anomalies, and the next pregnancy will usually end in a healthy baby. 

-harap2 betul la doc ni cakap..

Member question: I've had a miscarriage before. I had FSG and day three blood testing and his semen analysis done and all results are normal. What else do I need to do to locate my problem for not being able to conceive?

Dr. Amos: If you ovulate regularly AND he has a normal sperm count then the next step is usually to check the fallopian tubes. This is usually done with a hysterosalpingogram or a laparoscopy. If all theses tests are normal and you cannot get pregnant then the diagnosis is 'unexplained infertility.' Many couples with unexplained infertility will eventually get pregnant. Many doctors, though, feel that with unexplained infertility the fastest way getting pregnant is with IVF.

Member question: Is miscarriage after seeing a healthy fetus and heart beat common?

Dr. Amos: No, that's uncommon. Once you see the fetal heart beat above 100 beats per minute your risk of having a miscarriage is well below 10%.

Member question: I had a miscarriage after seeing a healthy baby with 150 heart beats at seven weeks. Since development was apparently good but I ended up having a miscarriage four weeks later, what are some possible causes?

Dr. Amos: Most cases of early miscarriages, likely well over 60%-70%, are due to chromosomal anomalies. Doing a chromosome count on the fetus can help you better identify the cause. Unfortunately, many doctors do not do this test, so it's impossible to know exactly what happened. And if this was the only miscarriage, you chances having a healthy baby after the next pregnancy are excellent.

Member question: l had a stillborn at 27 weeks. I started contracting and after two hours went into labor with back pains. When I got to the hospital I was already dilated with the membrane bulging. The autopsy report of the placenta stated acute chorioamnioitis and accelerated maturity. We did not have the baby autopsied. How long does it take for infection to cause a stillborn and do you think there I may have an incompetent cervix, since one doctor thinks so but my own doctor said no? I am ready to try again and I am very worried.

Dr. Amos: I am so sorry to hear about your stillborn baby. Not knowing your complete history makes it difficult to assess what was going on. It could be an incompetent cervix, though babies born with incompetent cervix are usually not stillborn. It all depends on how long you were in labor and how long it took for the cervix to become fully dilated. But if that happened really quickly then an incompetent cervix is on top of the list.

An infection can happen quickly, within hours, especially if the cervix is already dilated. I hope you are seeing a high-risk obstetrician, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist who is best trained to help your next high-risk pregnancy. Good Luck!

Member question: I have a friend who had a miscarriage on Feb. 26, and about three days after her doctor put her on Wellbutrin SR to relieve her emotions, but I believe that they are just normal emotions like crying (not uncontrollably) and only put her on it for 30 days. But what I have read says it takes two weeks just for it to start working, so would that mean she will only have an effective amount for two weeks. Is this normal to be put on it after only two days after a miscarriage?

Dr. Amos: The only person to decide whether your friend needed this medication or not is her doctor. It's impossible for me to second-guess the doctor's indication. It's not unusual to provide patients with emotional issues with medications and to makes sure that they feel better.

Member question: Is it true that miscarriages that occur after a certain point are always a result of a defect in the fetus and not something that could have been prevented?

Dr. Amos: By far most if not all miscarriages are not due to something the mother did or didn't do, and the vast majority happens because there is a defect in the fetus, either chromosomal or otherwise. Early miscarriages are more often due to abnormal fetuses than late miscarriages; late miscarriages can sometimes be due to an incompetent cervix or an infection.

- abnormalities of the chromosom..?

Member question: I got severe preeclampsia and HELLP with my first pregnancy (delivered stillborn at 23 weeks) and was later diagnosed with blood clotting disorders. What are the chances that I will have preeclampsia again if taking heparin?

Dr. Amos: Unfortunately, a history of this condition has an up to 50% risk of recurring in the next pregnancy. Seeing a high-risk obstetrician BEFORE you get pregnant may help you have a healthy pregnancy, and taking heparin may also help you decrease the risk of having early preeclampsia again. In addition, you need to be monitored very closely throughout the pregnancy.

Member question: Is it true that patients having PCOS will ovulate poor quality eggs and if the poor quality eggs get fertilized it will lead to miscarriage? Is there a treatment to improve the quality of eggs?

-highlighted for those having PCOS
Dr. Amos: You are correct. Patients with PCOS have an increased risk of miscarriages. Some of them are due to the quality of the eggs and others due to abnormal implantation and uterine lining. 

Unfortunately, you can't do much about the quality of the eggs, but seeing an infertility specialist, a reproductive endocrinologist, may help you find out what if anything can be done to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

Member question: I had a miscarriage in June 2003 at 8 weeks and have been TTC since. I have had blood checked and recently an HSG and everything looks good (blood results good and tubes are open). DH had a sperm analysis and that was all fine too. I am using the Clear Plan Fertility monitor to know when I ovulate so that we time intercourse at the right time. I am getting very frustrated that we are not getting pregnant. What is our next step?

Dr. Amos: You are on the right path. Having had his sperm count done was an important first step. The next step is to make sure that you are ovulating regularly; then the next step is to check the fallopian tubes.  ?
-nak kena check fallopian tube.tapi maybe lpas raya la.
You should know, though, that timing intercourse exclusively based on the fertility monitor has never been proven to increase your pregnancy chances. It may actually decrease your chances if you make love only when the fertility monitor says so. The best thing to do, if you know that you ovulate normally, is to make love every week 2-3 times. That ensures you are not missing your important fertile days. 
-yang ni pun kena highlight jugak.hehe

Member question: I had a tubal reversal Jan. 5, 2004, became pregnant and miscarried this weekend. My hCG level is supposed to be monitored to prevent a tubal pregnancy. Is there a guideline of average hCG level per week?

Dr. Amos: I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage. There is no real absolute hCG number. But they should decrease over time and disappear within four to six weeks.

Member question: My son was stillborn due to antiphospholipid syndrome. Is it possible to have recurrent stillbirths?

Dr. Amos: With antiphospholipid syndrome there is a risk of blood clots in the placenta. These clots can lead to several complications including a stillbirth. The treatment is usually heparin in the next pregnancy. Heparin can decrease the risk of blood clots and the risk of stillbirth. However, you are an extremely high-risk pregnancy and I hope you are seeing a maternal-fetal medicine specialist. These high-risk doctors are best trained to guide you through pregnancy and help you have a healthy baby.

Member question: It seems that ob-gyns often see a pregnant patient for the first time when she is six to eight weeks. If you have had a previous loss should you be seen earlier?

Dr. Amos: I always suggest seeing your ob-gyn BEFORE you get pregnant, as soon as you start TTC. This allows you to discuss all of your issues beforehand and make sure you know what to do and what not to do. That way you can ask when your doctor wants to first see you. Many patients could benefit from seeing the doctor as soon as the pregnancy test is positive, but it's even better to see your doctor as soon as possible.

And don't forget to take daily folic acid. Folic acid needs to be started one to two months prior to conception. Taking it decreases your risks of fetal malformations and miscarriages.

Member question: I had a miscarriage at eight weeks in January, waited through one normal cycle, and just started TTC again. Is this too soon?
-yes, this is related with me

Dr. Amos: No, it's not too soon. Waiting for one menstrual cycle after an early miscarriage is usually sufficient. Waiting longer to get pregnant will not improve your chances of having a healthier pregnancy.
- means I am in a right track.
Member question: I had a miscarriage at five weeks (in July '03) and have had three chemical pregnancies since then. My RE does not seem to be concerned. Celiac sprue runs in my family; do you think this is concerning and should I be tested for celiac or other problems?

Dr. Amos: I can't decide from here whether you should get tested or not, but you are in good hands seeing an RE. Most doctors will do some additional tests after two to three miscarriages in a row and make sure there is nothing else going on that needs treatment. Celiac sprue is usually not a major contributor to miscarriage causes.

Member question: I am 39 (40 in three weeks) and miscarried at eight weeks in June. I never got AF or ovulated on my own and have taken prometrium/clomid (150 milligrams) and a hCG trigger shot for the past three cycles and am still not pregnant. My FSH level last cycle was 7, which my doctor said was excellent. Can you tell me your opinion on FSH levels? Also, I'm considering IVF and want to know what the chances are.

Dr. Amos: FSH levels can vary a lot, but most doctors likely feel an FSH level of 7 on CD 3 is normal. If you did not get pregnant after three ovulatory cycles (you didn't mention if you did ovulate or not) then most doctors feel that your chances are better with IVF.

Member question: Yes, I ovulated and the SA was normal.

Dr. Amos: So after three ovulatory cycles you should consider IVF. Good luck to you!'

Moderator: Thanks again to Amos Grunebaum, MD, for talking TTC with us.

 Take notes:

1)After one miscarriage your risk of having another one is not increased. So most doctors do not suggest doing any testing after one miscarriage

2)Early miscarriages are more often due to abnormal fetuses than late miscarriages
-Haritu masa dekat GH diorang bawak baby tu pergi lab nak buat testing, kalau ada abnormality baru diorang call tapi sampai sekarang xde keputusan lagi.

3)is to make love every week 2-3 times. That ensures you are not missing your important fertile days.   

4)Waiting for one menstrual cycle after an early miscarriage is usually sufficient. Waiting longer to get pregnant will not improve your chances of having a healthier pregnancy 

My plan

-start again taking buah hawa and went to see my gynea after raya...gud luck to my self..:)


Monday, 8 August 2011

Water Birth

Salam ramadhan ke 8 semua..

Semua tahu ke pasal isteri dr sheikh muzaffar lahirkan baby dia dengan cara water bath? 2hari lepas masa duk boring sangat tatau nak tengok cerita apa.Saya pergi bukak youtube pasal waterbath.Macam2 teknikla pasal water bath ni. But, Dr SMS wife is the first ever in Malaysia which using this technic for her child delivery. Correct me if I am wrong with this statement. It is so exciting to see those mama deliver her child with this way ok. Once of the videos, give me such a remembrance until now. Sebabnya, perot mama tu bosar yang amat , igtkan kembar tp sorg je.hehe. Even in private practice drama series, they've the episode on this delivering technic.

Ok lets see what wikipedia said:

Water birth is a method of giving birth, which involves immersion in warm water. Proponents believe that this method is safe and provides many benefits for both mother and infant, including pain relief and a less traumatic birth experience for the baby. However, critics argue that the procedure introduces unnecessary risks to the infant such as infection and water inhalation.

- masa tengok baby keluar tu, ada mcm2 jenis... ada yang misi tarik teruk letak atas badan ibu. ada yang satu tu dia biar lama anak dia dalam air.seriau ok..huhu.takut je baby tu lemas.Tapi kalau kita fikir lojik, baby tu masa dalam perut ibukan dah berenang dalam amnion fluids. Jadi, dia dah biasa berenang la dalam tu..


During the 1960s, Soviet researcher Igor Charkovsky undertook considerable research into the safety and possible benefits of water birth in the Soviet Union. In the late 1960s, French obstetrician Frederick Leboyerinfants in warm water to help ease the transition from the womb to the outside world, and to mitigate the effects of any possible birth trauma. developed the practice of immersing newly born
Another French obstetrician, Michel Odent, took Leboyer's work further, using the warm-water birth pool for pain relief for the mother, and as a way to normalize the birth process. When some women refused to get out of the water to finish giving birth, Odent started researching the possible benefits for the baby of being born under water, as well as the potential problems in such births. By the late 1990s, thousands of women had given birth at Odent's birthing center at Pithiviers, and the notion of water birth had spread to many other Western countries.
Water birth first came to the United States through couples giving birth at home, but soon was introduced into the medical environment of hospitals and free-standing birth centers by midwives and obstetricians. In 1991, Monadnock Community Hospital[1] in Peterborough, New Hampshire started to create a protocol for giving birth in water. More than three-quarters of all National Health Service hospitals in the UK provide this option for laboring women.

- dah lama la sejarah beranak dalam air ni..kita je yang xbiasa di Malaysia.



In an appraisal of 17 randomized trials, two controlled studies, 12 cohort studies, and two case reports, it was concluded that there was a definite "benefit from hydrotherapy in pain, function, self-efficacy and affect, joint mobility, strength, and balance, particularly among older adults, subjects with rheumatic conditions and chronic low back pain

-tapi masa tengok video tu macam2 pesyen.ada duk mencangkung, ada duk macam posisi bersalin normal..macam2.tapi tengoklah kesan dia katanya lebih kurang kesakitan daripada bersalin normal.


Childbirth is believed to be a strenuous experience for the baby. Properly heated water[2] is claimed by proponents to help ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid is thought to resemble the intrauterine environment.

Slowed labor

Because of the documented relaxing effects of water[citation needed], laboring in water is sometimes associated with a decrease in the intensity of contractions, and is thus thought to slow labor. While home birth experts (e.g. Harper, RN) argue that this must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, some hospitals have adopted a "5 centimeter" rule, allowing women to enter the tub only once the cervix has already expanded to 5 centimeters (Harper 2000).

Maternal blood loss

For care providers who are inexperienced in delivery in water, it may be difficult to assess the amount of maternal blood loss. While well-developed methods of determining maternal blood loss in water do exist,[8]placenta "on land" for this reason (e.g. the University of Michigan hospital). many providers prefer to deliver the
On the other hand, some doctors and midwives see that waterbirths have actually been known to reduce the amount of blood loss. The water surrounding the mother actually lowers the mother's blood pressure and heart rate. Mothers still lose significant amounts of blood through the passing of the placenta.[15]

 -kurang darah keluar sebab tekanan dalam air


Water birth is accepted and practiced in many parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as many European countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, where many[specify] maternity clinics have birthing tubs.

-negara asia tak meluas lagi..

So inilah dia gambarnya:

p/s: kalau dekat oversea, mat salleh ni siap 'nude' lagi ..adei..pastu ada juga pakai bra saja.
ada sesiapa berminat? dekat Malaysia mahal ni.

Friday, 29 April 2011

Pesanan dari insan berjaya

Salam semua rakan2..

Harini dapat mesej daripada seorang kawan yang berjaya .So saja nak share cerita dia..:

Bulan pertama  amalkan surah maryam lps magrib tiap2 hari
Bulan kedua amalkan surah al-waqiah lps subuh n surah al mulk lps maghrib,
Buat tiap2 hari walau bz n pnt mcmn pon...
(tiap2 kali baca dengan yakin n niat dengan ikhlas n bersungguh2)

pastu tiap2 kali lps solat bc doa nabi zakaria (sungguh2 jugak)..

P/S: dia tunggu 8bulan.. harap dapat membantu.insyaallah

Friday, 22 April 2011

Risalah 1


Setiap minggu , dekat tempat tinggal saya akan ada edaran daripada surau.Tapi edaran kali ini meruntun jiwa, merentap sanubari, menyedihkan hati dan seangkatan dengannya sebab kita bukan di golongan ini. Semoga sinar itu akan datang menjelma kepada kita suatu hari nanti my TCC friends:


1.2 rakaat solat dari wanita yang hamil adalah lebih baik daripada 8 rakaat solat wanita yang tidak hamil

2. Wanita yang memberi susu kepada anaknya daripada badannya akan dapat satu pahala daripada setiap titik susu itu.

3. Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kepada anaknya yang menangis, ALLAH akan memberi pahala satu tahun solat dan puasa.

4. Wanita yg habiskan malamnya dengan tidur yg tidak selesa kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan  20 org hamba.

5. Wanita hamil mendapat pahala puasa pada siang hari.

6. Wanita hamil mendapat pahala beribadat pada malam hari

7. Wanita yang tidak cukup tidur kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit pada malam hari akan diampunkan ALLAH dosanya dan bila hiburkan anaknya itu akan diberi 12tahun pahala ibadat.

8. Wanita bersalin akan mendapat pahala 70 tahun solat dan puasa dan setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya akan dikurniakan satu pahala haji.

9. Apabila seorang wanita melahirkan anak dan dia mati,dikira mati syahid.

10. Sekiranya wanita mati dalam 40 hari selepas bersalin, dikira juga mati syahid.
