Why we love old movie locations — especially the Iverson Movie Ranch

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Showing posts with label Canyon Ambush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canyon Ambush. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Whoops! Who left that fake tree lying around?

"Canyon Ambush" (1952) — climactic chase, filmed on the Upper Iverson

I couldn't help giggling when I spotted a big "X" near the right edge of the frame in this shot from the Monogram B-Western "Canyon Ambush." My mind raced back in time to those Christmases of yore and the old wooden stands that came on the Christmas tree.

I figured it had to be a fake tree — maybe it blew over in the wind, or somebody just forgot to pick it up after a previous shoot. Regardless, either nobody noticed it in the shot or, more likely, the budget-conscious Monogram production team just figured it wasn't "bad enough" to bother scrapping the footage.

But it gets even better. A shot moments later in the big chase sequence again shows the fallen tree, lying there plain as day — only this time it appears someone has turned it around. My guess is it went down this way: Someone did spot the big wooden "X," but rather than go to the trouble of removing the tree altogether, they just had a crew member turn it around, thinking it's not nearly as obvious from this angle.

Um, yeah ... not AS obvious, maybe, but still ... kinda obvious.